"This is not illegal but it’s tricky...
Now I understand why that was done that way because this is a political tactic as I understand it.
Because they figure if you can’t really decide who this person is what we’ll do is we’ll vote color. We’ll see the word Democrat. We'll see an African American and we'll vote for them... Nobody’s going to pour a whole lot of money in you so you can get in office and do what you think you want to do. Republicans don’t put a lot of money into a person for them to get in there and vote Democrat. And to further Democratic ideologies and platforms. - Fonz Newsuan
Listen to Fonz Newsuan from Coatesville:
"Good afternoon everybody. My name is Fonz Newsuan and this is the second part of our Backyard Interview.
Today we’re coming to you once again just to say hi to everybody and hoping everybody’s doing good out there.
Ok, we’re in the middle of this election season and I’m getting a lot of posts on my Facebook page about all the things that’s going on in the community.
“There seems to be a little discrepancy here as to who is who in this election. There’s a little discrepancy about the signage, things of this nature. So hopefully this afternoon I can make it a little more clear.
Ok, we have seen some signs that say Democrats for Harry Lewis.
This is not illegal but it’s tricky. Because see, we as members of the community, when we see that we just automatically assume that he’s a Democrat.
And I know it’s not just me because as I’ve gone up and down the highway everybody I talk to says:
“Fonz, Isn’t Mr. Lewis a Democrat?” And I of course tell them no. He’s running as a Republican.
Mr. Josh Maxwell is the Democratic nominee for the position of State Representative of the 74th District.
Now I understand why that was done that way because this is a political tactic as I understand it.
Because they figure if you can’t really decide who this person is what we’ll do is we’ll vote color. We’ll see the word Democrat. We’ll see an African American and we’ll vote for them.
But that to me is insulting because it’s not giving us, It’s not giving us the true honest opportunity to vote our conscience.
It is my belief that if you are a Republican and you are proud to be a Republican then you should say it somewhere on your signage.
Because if you’re embarrassed about the political party you represent, then how can you represent us?
I’m not feeling that. It’s nothing personal. But then again you have to admit it because my vote counts to the extent that it affects my children, my grandchildren, and everybody else.
So yes I think we all should know. We should have an honest assessment of who is who and who is not.
I remember and old adage that says, “O what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” How can we trust a politician in office when to get in that office there’s trickery involved.
I don’t know how to defend this but as far as me and my household we’re Democrats.
Is it possible for me to vote for a party whose main ideas have always been to oppress the less fortunate. To try and take away our voters rights. To try and take away those safety net issues that we need.
So no, I can’t vote Republican. I like Republicans, but as a political party I can’t vote for them. They’re constantly trying to take away our civil rights.
And no, I don’t care what color you are. If you’re representing that party, I can’t vote for you.
Now a lot of people said well you don’t vote for the party you vote for the person. That’s kind of right.
But check this out:
Nobody’s going to pour a whole lot of money in you so you can get in office and do what you think you want to do. Republicans don’t put a lot of money into a person for them to get in there and vote Democrat. And to further Democratic ideologies and platforms.
We're just going to keep that real. Because if you believe that, like Dr. Dan K. Williams will tell us in church, “You go to bed with your boots on.” We don’t go to bed with our boots on.
I think everybody in this election are fine people in a sense. Although once you start delving into trickery, it kind of like shows on your character. I don’t want nobody to blow their legacy or anything so I think we should keep this election as clean as possible. Because we all want to look at each other after it’s over and still can have respect for each other.
Let’s see what else can I give you.
November 4th is one of the biggest things we can ever have, It’s the biggest election since President Obama. And you’ll look on my (Facebook) page, you'll see that President Obama was shaking hands and was in the company with Mr. Josh Maxwell. If Josh Maxwell is good enough for President Barack Obama then he’s more than good enough for me.
I don't know who the Republicans are going to bring to this town to try and campaign for the Republican candidates. I know Mr. Tom Wolf the future Governor of Pennsylvania came to Caln School and promised to increase the funding for the school. I haven’t seen no Republicans come out and do that.
To say you’re in this for the kids. Then vote like it. Or now if you're into it because y'all buddies and you’re friends then do that. But when you see the kids come home with no supplies. When you see overcrowded classes, just look in the mirror and realize you were the problem.
So look, I want to thank you guys for tuning in today. I will maybe in the near future before the election day I’ll will have my backyard interview once again. Where I will try to express myself, some more viewpoints. Hopefully you guys will hit me up on Facebook and I can address your concerns
Now look, This is my backyard. This isn't nothing that was made up. I’m not in no studio. You will hear noises. You will hear birds chirping. And that’s all a part of keeping it real. This is real stuff, real rap from a real person. I love you guys.
Don't forget November the fourth to vote. Do not be fooled. Do not be deceived. And look, if nobody told you today that they love you. I love you.. God bless you and have a great day. "
It bothers me that i ride in Thorndale where the color of residents are different and the same signs dont have democratic on them but only in the city of Coatesville hmmmmm makes you think.....