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Public Corruption in Chester County, PA

I believe an unlikely mix of alleged drug trafficking related politicos and alleged white nationalist related politicos united to elect the infamous “Bloc of Four” in the abysmal voter turnout election of 2005. During their four year term the drug business was good again and white nationalists used Coatesville as an example on white supremacist websites like “Stormfront”. Strong community organization and support from law enforcement, in particular Chester County District Attorney Joseph W. Carroll has begun to turn our community around. The Chester County drug trafficking that I believe centers on Coatesville continues and I believe we still have public officials in place that profit from the drug sales. But the people here are amazing and continue to work against the odds to make Coatesville a good place to live.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Republicans are destroying the Postal Service so Trump can win his election. Democratic lawmakers stop calling Republicans “our colleagues on the other side” Republicans aren’t colleagues. Republicans are the enemies of democracy.

From about 1947 when on of my chores fitting for a four year old was going down the many steps of 539 Black Horse Hill Road in Coatesville PA to get the mail. I looked forward to getting mail.

Now the President of the United States is actively destroying the United States Postal Service. The Postal Service Benjamin Franklin made. 

Franklin's postal career began in 1737 when the British Crown Post appointed him postmaster of Philadelphia. In Franklin's day, newspaper printers often served as postmasters, which helped them to gather and distribute news.

BENJAMIN FRANKLINPostmaster General July 26, 1775, to November 1776

The United States Postal Service that played a huge part in making the United States of America a functioning democracy is being destroyed by Donald Trump to stop mail in voting. 

Since Republicans would ‘never’ be elected again if it was easier to vote
Republicans that need mail in votes aren't sure whether to back destroying the USPS. 

Democrats are debating if it's possible to stop Trump. How about grilling Louis DeJoy in a public hearing for starters. 

"Was it Louis DeJoy or Ben Franklin, who once said...
He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money…
Who ya got?
The continued assault on old Ben’s brainchild, the United States Postal Service—which, for all the cheap stand-up humor directed at it over the decades, has a 91 percent approval rating—would be a dastardly business even if there were not a pandemic, and even if there were not an incumbent president* running for re-election who is a compulsive grifter and ratfcker. But Louis DeJoy, the fatcat donor whom the president installed in order to destroy as much of the USPS as he can, is in there now, and there is a pandemic in the country and a compulsive ratfcker in the White House, and he’s doing everything he can to live down to the president*’s expectations. And folks are noticing."

Destroying the Postal Service Is the Most Republican Thing Trump Has Ever Done
Louis DeJoy, the fatcat donor whom the president installed in order to destroy as much of the USPS as he can, is hard at work.

By Charles P. Pierce Aug 10, 2020

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