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Public Corruption in Chester County, PA

I believe an unlikely mix of alleged drug trafficking related politicos and alleged white nationalist related politicos united to elect the infamous “Bloc of Four” in the abysmal voter turnout election of 2005. During their four year term the drug business was good again and white nationalists used Coatesville as an example on white supremacist websites like “Stormfront”. Strong community organization and support from law enforcement, in particular Chester County District Attorney Joseph W. Carroll has begun to turn our community around. The Chester County drug trafficking that I believe centers on Coatesville continues and I believe we still have public officials in place that profit from the drug sales. But the people here are amazing and continue to work against the odds to make Coatesville a good place to live.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Here in Coatesville we got an early dose of the Republican Party’s manipulation of the mentally ill for political control.

We got an early start with Republican Party corruption and destruction here in Coatesville. We learned how to survive it. 

I believe that Patsy Ray, Bob Saucier and Ernie Campos all suffered from some form of mental illness. And that John Birch Society Chapter Leader Pat Sellers manipulated them for his own extremist right wing political outcomes. 

The Republican Party is now manipulating the mentally ill for the 2020 Elections.

The Republican Party targeted racists, those who took pride in ignorance, those terrified of brown people, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, gays & conspiracy believers terrified of change. Republicans corralled the insane & called them their base. A political Party of the insane.

Saucier & Campos passed away. 

Bob Saucier's apparent suicide attempt was stopped by Downtown Police when they "bean bagged" him and detained him with 302 involuntary commitment. In spite of our political differences I got along well with Bog. 

Ernie was a kind of early Alt-Right political activist. As an example: 

This is a link to the barely disguised voice of Ernie Campos as "Moses Coates" on the "Patsy Ray Show:"


I believe Patsy Ray is in recovery from her problems. Ms. Patsy Ray is doing an excellent job in her very challenging position as Judge of Elections in Coatesville's 2 Ward Precinct 080.

When Patsy Ray ran for Coatesville City Council went to Thomas Cloud Detective Agency for background information. We could have taken her off the ballot.

Dave said Patsy couldn't win because everyone knows she's crazy. 

Dave barely campaigned. I tried and failed to convince Dave that Patsy could win. 

Previous to the 2006 elections $1,000 would be a lot to spend on a Coatesville City Council election. Pat Sellers and the John Birch Society changed that. 

JBS Chapter Leader Pat Sellers is the man who asked Patsy to run. Along with several others I believe Pat  funneled cash through the John Birch Society from Coatesville’s billionaire Mary Alice Dorrance Malone. 

4 color printed 4 page political fliers I estimated costing more than $60,000 were distributed in Coatesville to elect the “Bloc of Four.” 

I believe about 1/2 were printed at Rep. Tim Hennessey’s office after hours possibly at taxpayer expense. Dave DiSimone and I drove by Hennessey’s Coatesville Office frequently because we lived nearby.

Ricky Saha's car was unmistakable. It was plastered with "Save our Farm" posters. We saw it parked at Hennessey's office at times from 9:00 pm until early in the morning. We saw Patsy Ray bringing reams of paper out of Hennessey's Office. Two days later an issue of, John Birch Society member and White Supremacist, Pat Seller's "Coatesville Recorder" would be on every doorstep in Coatesville. Did Sellers print his campaign broadsides on  the PA taxpayers dime?

The "articles" in the Coatesville are mostly a few facts embellished with lies. Many are outright fabrications. I asked then District Attorney Joe Carroll about this. Joe said this is a political broadside, that none of it needs to be accurate. 

Some undeniable facts did come out of that despicable period in Coatesville's history: 

Hennessey’s business manager Lisa Johnson was convicted of manufacturing & distribution of crack cocaine. 

Friday, October 1, 2010

Everything swirls around Hennessy's Coatesville Office

State Representative Tim Hennessey was allegedly censured by the PA House Republican Caucus for his long time Coatesville Office Business Manager Lisa Johnson having a crack cocaine manufacturing business operating under Hennessey's nose for about decade. 

When she was a city council member Coatesville City Council President Patsy Ray was a regular guest in Hennessy's Office every weekday afternoon. 

Ricky Saha's car was unmistakable. It was plastered with "Save our Farm" posters. We saw it parked at Hennessey's office at times from 9:00 pm until early in the morning. We saw Patsy Ray bringing reams of paper out of Hennessey's Office. Two days later an issue of, John Birch Society member and White Supremacist, Pat Seller's "Coatesville Recorder" would be on every doorstep in Coatesville. Did Sellers print his campaign broadsides on  the PA taxpayers dime?

Below is one page of the Pat Seller's "Coatesville Recorder". There were six issues of the "Coatesville Recorder" Some issues had six pages. All issues were four color, printed on a laser printer. There were enough printed each issue for every household in Coatesville plus extra  issues. I estimated the cost of printing, not including the cost of distribution, to be somewhere between $30,000 and $60,000. Who paid for this? Did taxpayers pay to have them printed at Hennessey's Office?

Hennessey's staff was deeply involved in "Mosaic Partners LLP" scam to put a fake company onto Coatesville's "Flats" brownfield. I believe it was designed to go  bankrupt and then sell to Andrew Lehr's, Harry Walker's and Al Baxter's Florida Power and Light to build a gas fired electric power generation station in the center of Coatesville.


Now in 2020 the Republican Party expanded the manipulation of the insane to a national level.

My Twitter post regarding: 

Washington Post
Militias flocked to Gettysburg to foil a supposed antifa flag burning, an apparent hoax created on social media

The Republican Party targeted racists, those who took pride in ignorance, those terrified of brown people, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, gays & conspiracy believers terrified of change. Republicans corralled the insane & called them their base. A political Party of the insane.

It wasn’t because of our culture, it was because of our leadership.

By Paul KrugmanJuly 6, 2020

We got an early start with Republican Party corruption and destruction here in Coatesville. We learned how to survive it. 

Maybe we can get an early recovery from GOP corruption & destruction in Coatesville:

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