So Republican Harry Lewis is campaigning for Democratic Candidate Tom Houghton and Democratic Candidate Tom Wolf.

The flyer on my front porch is also most likely a handout to voters on election day. So look for it or a version of it on election day.

Everything about Republican elections is paid.
There is no "Paid for by." disclaimer on the flyer. I think the Republican Party is paying for it out of "walk around money" they hand out to candidates.
It's rumored that former Republican Party Area 14 Chairman Richard Legree paid voters $20.00 each to vote in low turnout elections. Some of it was right out on the sidewalk but most of it was allegedly passed in the car on the way to the polls. Richard had a lot of experience at handoffs if you know what I mean.
I think the that was put on my porch is illegal. Not because it misleads the voter. It doesn't say anywhere that Harry Lewis is a Republican. It's illegal because there is no disclaimer. I think it's designed for election day when illegal or not it's too late to do anything about. I think somebody screwed up and put it out early.
ReplyDelete"When is a Disclaimer Required?
Basic Rule
Political Committees
Political committees must include a disclaimer on (1) all "public communications" (defined below), (2) bulk electronic email (defined as electronic mail with more than 500 substantially similar communications) and (3) web sites available to the general public, regardless of whether the communication expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate, or solicits funds in connection with a federal election (i.e., contributions for a federal candidate or federal political committee). 2
Individuals and Other Persons
A disclaimer must appear on any "electioneering communication" (defined below) and on any public communication by any person that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate or solicits funds in connection with a federal election."