Welcome to the Coatesville Dems Blog

Public Corruption in Chester County, PA

I believe an unlikely mix of alleged drug trafficking related politicos and alleged white nationalist related politicos united to elect the infamous “Bloc of Four” in the abysmal voter turnout election of 2005. During their four year term the drug business was good again and white nationalists used Coatesville as an example on white supremacist websites like “Stormfront”. Strong community organization and support from law enforcement, in particular Chester County District Attorney Joseph W. Carroll has begun to turn our community around. The Chester County drug trafficking that I believe centers on Coatesville continues and I believe we still have public officials in place that profit from the drug sales. But the people here are amazing and continue to work against the odds to make Coatesville a good place to live.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

WTF IS PROJECT 2025? AND Why isn’t Trump participating in the Presidential Transition Act & the General Services Administration?

I put a link to Project2025.wtf in the sidebar to Coatesville Dems Blog - James Pitcherella

 Legal AF

“Looks like we are going to know more about the Presidential Transition Act and the General Services Administration than we ever cared to, as Trump and his transition team refuses to comply with federal law to turn over donor lists, vet future employees through an approved process, and sign an ethics code and obtain security clearances.  Michael Popok calls out Trump's team for insulting the American people, using dark money and outsourcing their ethics and vetting to the Federalist Society and Leonard Leo, as the Trump-dominated federal judiciary and Supremes sit idly by:”

Legal AF

“The soul of America is on the ballot in less than 30 days, as Trump will implement all the dystopian Anti-American policies of the Heritage Foundation's guidebook "Project 2025" on day 1. 

Say goodbye to reproductive health care; worker protections, programs to solve childhood poverty; and porn for adults; and say hello to national "abortion" and a woman's "health" database and Big Oil/Coal/Gas setting environmental policy, and the DOJ and FBI investigating and potentially jailing those that stand in MAGA's way. Michael Popok lays out the blueprint for how to crush Project 2025 once and for all starting today:”

Trump is a fatal virus infecting the Republican Party. Trump doesn’t pay for political ads. Trump gets advertising dollars for media & media gives him free air time. Convict Trump sucks up almost all resources normally used by Republican candidates for himself to pay his lawyers. Because Trump is running from prison, not for president. 

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