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Public Corruption in Chester County, PA

I believe an unlikely mix of alleged drug trafficking related politicos and alleged white nationalist related politicos united to elect the infamous “Bloc of Four” in the abysmal voter turnout election of 2005. During their four year term the drug business was good again and white nationalists used Coatesville as an example on white supremacist websites like “Stormfront”. Strong community organization and support from law enforcement, in particular Chester County District Attorney Joseph W. Carroll has begun to turn our community around. The Chester County drug trafficking that I believe centers on Coatesville continues and I believe we still have public officials in place that profit from the drug sales. But the people here are amazing and continue to work against the odds to make Coatesville a good place to live.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

You won’t see something like this in United States media. London Times Radio: “I think the… Republican Party has terminal cancer… And I don’t see a way back for them.”


“I think the… Republican Party has terminal cancer… It started off at stage one when the Tea Party came in power through to Sarah Palin & all of that. But I believe that it went untreated. And I believe that right now it has metastasized in a way that it cannot be just cut out. 

Trump is not the cancer. Trump is a symptom of the cancer. I mean you also see people like Matt Gaetz & Margery Taylor Greene & Ted Cruze. 

I mean there’s a whole MAGA and that movement is the cancer. And unfortunately the Party consists of mostly of MAGA now. 

What Trump did that was very, very unfortunate but a very smart choice for what he wanted to do in this country. He made people question what is real and what is not. 

People don’t know whether or not they can believe the news anymore. They don’t know what they can trust. And with that what he’s done is he has completely destabilized this party.

They have piled into conspiracy theories. They have piled into cruelty. Things that did not represent things that Americans want to represent. The City on the Hill. The embrace for the rest of the world. 

And so what he’s done to the Republican Party means there’s no coming back for the Republican Party.

This country is always more stable when we have two stable parties. Right now the Republicans are completely off the rails. And I don’t see a way back for them. - The Lincoln Project’s Ryan Wiggins

Ryan Wiggins is Chief of Staff for the Lincoln Project. 

“CHAOS AT TRUMP HQ Trump campaign goes broke as Republican funds used to pay off legal bills/ Ryan Wiggins” 

London Times is owned by Murdoch.  It can’t be long before U.S. media begins to be critical of the what is erroneously labeled the Republican Party.


James Risen on why we don't get journalism in U.S. corporate press:

Over the last few years, as it grew increasingly likely that Donald Trump would mount a third campaign for the White House, leading press critics and others in the media vowed that this time had to be different. The press couldn’t fail in its coverage of Trump once again.

This time, it must aggressively investigate Trump while focusing coverage on the threat that he poses to democracy. The stakes for the nation in the election, not just the odds of who was likely to win the campaign, should be front and center in the press coverage, New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen argued.

But the change in coverage hasn’t happened. Instead, the press has doubled down on horse-race coverage, proving unable to alter its traditional formula for campaign coverage. Distracted by the campaign’s dramatic moments, highlighted by the attempted assassination of Trump and President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the race, day-to-day, process-driven coverage of the campaign remains paramount. Horse-race coverage is back in full force, and the threat Trump poses to democracy is now an afterthought….

But the press seems to have amnesia. It is as if journalists have forgotten that Trump was impeached twice, criminally indicted four times, and already convicted once. He should be facing three more criminal trials this year in the midst of the campaign, but he’s so far been saved from that fate by a series of shockingly partisan rulings by judges that he appointed. 


Yet the insurrection, the indictments, the criminal conviction, the impeachments tend to receive little more than brief mentions in the Trump campaign coverage today. Poll-driven horse-race stories now dominate, overwhelming the scattered attempts by the press to hold Trump accountable...

Television also came of age as a political force in 1960, and the nationally televised Kennedy–Nixon debates changed the relationship between candidates and the press. The television networks became more powerful at the expense of newspapers and weekly news magazines. Presidential campaigns were now dominated by televised visuals, and reporters in turn focused their coverage on the imagery and symbolism of campaigns, rather than the substance. Which candidate was best on television became the story. 

Most Read

That transformation was captured in “The Selling of the President 1968,” another seminal campaign book that documented the way in which Madison Avenue advertising and marketing executives were able to remake and polish Nixon’s image, propelling him to victory after he was beaten by the more telegenic Kennedy in 1960. The book, by Joe McGinniss, was the first cynical examination of how television and advertising were changing campaigns, and it convinced political reporters that they should focus much of their coverage on the marketing gurus behind the candidates. That led their reporting even deeper into the weeds of the campaign process — and the horse race…

In the 1980s, broadcast television was revolutionized with the shift from film to video, which made it possible for network reporters to file more often and more quickly from the field. At the same time, the founding of CNN in 1980 ushered in the era of cable news, taking full advantage of new commercial satellite technology and the shift from film to video to fill endless hours of daily campaign coverage. The gaping maw of the 24-hour news cycle led to a constant hunger for new content, which meant that minor campaign process stories were treated like big news on an endless loop. 

Cable news was followed by the rise of the internet and social media, which led to even greater demands for quick hits from the campaign trail. After Twitter was founded in 2006, many of its earliest and most avid users were political journalists, who used it to track campaigns on a minute-by-minute basis. No tactical decision by a campaign was too trivial for reporters to catalog on their Twitter feeds.

These trends all converged with the 2007 founding of Politico; its business model was built around the idea that it would cover politics faster and in shorter bites than the New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media. Politico was unabashedly focused on horse-race coverage, and it soon was setting the tone in Washington for daily campaign reporting. Before long, Politico alumni were being hired by every major media outlet, and the Politico style of horse-race coverage came to dominate the entire political journalism landscape.

The brutal financial pressures facing news organizations today have also had a big impact on political coverage. 

Demands for more web traffic have forced news organizations to put a priority on quickly written breaking news stories that help generate hourly attention. Few news organizations now can afford to have reporters take the time required to dig deeply. Horse-race coverage — quick and easy to write or broadcast — is perfect for today’s attention-deficit news landscape. And, at a time of intense political polarization, horse-race coverage has the added benefit of helping news organizations insulate themselves from criticism that they are too partisan.  

But there are costs for news organizations caused by their horse-race obsession — costs that many in the business still don’t comprehend. Horse-race coverage is substance-free journalism that simply recounts which candidate is up and which one is down. That means that in addition to a lack of investigative and accountability journalism, there is also a dearth of in-depth stories on policies and issues…

Trump was one of the first candidates to fully embrace the new ways available to campaigns to skirt the press. In 2016, political reporters were not prepared for Trump’s prolific use of social media, which enabled him to speak directly to his supporters and influence the campaign narrative on an hourly basis. Reporters found themselves writing daily stories about each Trump tweet, which had the effect of allowing Trump to hijack the horse-race coverage.  

The trend among campaigns to ignore the press and its fixation on horse-race coverage reached new levels at last week’s Democratic National Convention, where more than 200 online influencers were credentialed by the Democratic Party to post content for their followers on TikTok, Instagram, and other platforms. That move deeply angered some in the traditional political press, but the Democrats saw it as a way to communicate more directly with young people and others turned off by conventional campaign coverage. 

Yet the political press still doesn’t understand that campaigns are going around them in part because of their obsession with the horse race. They don’t get the connection.

And so horse-race coverage is likely to keep its iron grip on political journalism — an arrangement that leaves candidates unchallenged, important questions unasked, and voters uninformed. It’s an arrangement that Trump is eager to exploit.




Why the Media Won’t Report the Truth About Trump

The political press has doubled down on horse-race coverage of the election, overlooking the threat Trump poses to democracy.

James Risen

August 28 2024, 9:09 a.m.

Friday, August 30, 2024

TRUMP DEMANDS the GEORGA STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS ENSURE HIS VICTORY. WILL BRIAN KEMP ENDORSE HARRIS-WALZ ? “The board’s pro-Trump majority has attracted attention in recent weeks for taking up new rules,” IT SHOULD SAY MAKING UP NEW UNLAWFUL RULES.

“Complicating Kemp’s involvement in the controversy is the fact that Trump has been cheering on the state board’s work, naming each of the three conservatives at his Aug. 3 rally in Atlanta and calling them “pit bulls fighting for honesty, transparency and victory.”

“Kemp plans to attend a fundraiser in Atlanta for the Republican presidential nominee, who is locked in a virtual tie with Vice President Kamala Harris in polling of the critical swing state.

But the détente might not last. Kemp is now weighing whether state law requires him to get involved in a simmering controversy around the Georgia State Election Board, whose conservative majority is under fire for approving new rules this month that Trump supports but that state and local officials say will sow confusion, compromise ballot security and potentially enable rogue county boards to block certification of election results in November.

This week, Kemp asked Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr (R) for an advisory opinion on what authority he has to address ethics complaints against the state board. Those who filed the complaints have said that state law requires the governor to remove the members if he finds their actions were inappropriate.

The board’s pro-Trump majority has attracted attention in recent weeks for taking up new rules, including one that allows county election boards to make “reasonable inquiries” before certifying an election if they have questions about the outcome. The rule does not specify what a reasonable inquiry is, and it places no limits on the time frame of such a probe or what documents a board can

demand before certifying results. Election experts say delays could open the door to efforts to subvert the outcome along the lines of what Trump and his allies attempted in 2020.

Even more concerning to state and local election officials is a rule the board plans to take up on Sept. 20 that would require all counties to conduct hand counts of ballots at the precinct level on election night. If approved, these officials say, the measure could lead to less accurate results and compromise ballot security by requiring more people to handle them.

“We have had so much security training. We have done so many tabletop exercises. We have been told that the number one priority is security,” said Christina Redden, the assistant election director in Glynn County, who along with hundreds of other election officials was gathered this week at an election-security training in Forsyth, about an hour south of Atlanta. “Ballots are going to be vulnerable while being handled by multiple people at the precinct level.”

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), who also attended the training, called the state board “a mess.” “Legal precedent is pretty clear. You shouldn’t change rules in the middle of an election,” he added, citing a U.S. Supreme Court ruling….

Kemp had not been invited to the rally, and his team was taken aback by the criticism. The governor was particularly upset by Trump’s criticism of his wife, Marty, a person with knowledge of Kemp’s thinking said. In April, Marty Kemp had told a local TV station that if the election were held then, she would write in her husband’s name for president.

Kemp responded to Trump on X, telling the former president to “leave my family out of it” and calling on him to stop “engaging in petty personal insults, attacking fellow Republicans, or dwelling on the past.” In addition, some of Kemp’s allies in the state backed out of plans to praise Trump publicly after the event, and Trump campaign aides began receiving a flood of concerned calls.”


The Washington Post

Decision on Georgia election board threatens Kemp’s détente with Trump

The governor must decide whether to seek the removal of board members who have been praised by the former president for changing election rules with months to go before the vote.

Josh Dawsey

August 29, 2024 at 2:10 p.m. EDT

On the Washington Post page next to the article above was this:

Harris says she will put a Republican in her Cabinet if elected

Cleve R. Wootson Jr.

Updated August 29, 2024 at 10:52 p.m. EDT

Published August 29, 2024 at 5:27 p.m. EDT

Thursday, August 29, 2024

When Republicans controlled Chester County PA it was a haven for drug dealers. Lawyers took drug dealers money & were slumlords in Coatesville PA. READ MY BLOG FOR MORE. The “Sunshine State?” Florida is the cocaine state. Florida needs to flip to D.


“It was the first time DeSantis has spoken publicly about the issue. The “Great Outdoors Initiative” was announced last week by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and called for building three golf courses at Jonathan Dickinson State Park, a stretch of undeveloped land north of Palm Beach popular for its trails and birding.

The plan also proposed building new lodges with space for hundreds of guests at Anastasia State Park near St. Augustine and Topsail Hill Preserve in the Panhandle. The latter has sand dunes that the state park service describes as “especially remarkable because they are untouched by development.”

DeSantis said Wednesday that “a lot of that stuff was just half baked,” and he accused a “left wing group” of leaking the proposal. The Department of Environmental Protection touted the initiative on social media, so it’s unclear what DeSantis was referring to as a leak. His office did not return a request for comment.

After several days of public outcry, the organization that had proposed the golf courses to the environmental protection division withdrew its plans.

Many of the state’s highest-ranking Republicans, including U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott and two members of DeSantis’s cabinet, condemned the plans and also the rush by the DEP to get them approved.

Public meetings were scheduled to take place this week in cities across the state and last only one hour. Members of the state panel that approves such plans would not have been present at the meetings, according to the letter signed by Scott and others.

“None of them were going to be present to actually hear the community’s comment and hear how the community doesn’t want this,” Republican Congressman Brian Mast, whose district includes Jonathan Dickinson State Park in Martin County, told ABC News. “You have to have transparent government that’s paying attention to the people, not a government that doesn’t.”

Mast said a golf course at the park would happen “over my dead body.”

Democrats seized on the unpopular plan — more than 100,000 people signed a petition protesting the proposal for Jonathan Dickinson State Park — to say DeSantis is out of touch with regular Floridians.

“Floridians of all political opinions can agree on one thing: we have to protect our state’s natural beauty from overdevelopment,” Florida Democratic Party chair Nikki Fried said in a statement.”


The Washington Post

DeSantis pulls plug on controversial plan to pave over state parks

Lori Rozsa

August 28, 2024 at 5:12 p.m. EDT

The drug business in Chester County changed when Democrats took Chester County. 

It wasn't just Chester County flipping to Democrat. The Mafia that controlled the CCRC no longer controls the drug business. 

Now motorcycle gangs run drugs. SEE:

Friday, October 19, 2012

Democrats need to take over Florida as a first step to cleaning up Florida. 


Chester County’s wealthy wanted to preserve our rolling hills.  So,  we got a very good for land wild land preservation Chester County Planning Commission:


New Agricultural Landscapes Design Guide Released

Posted July 19, 2024

We are excited to share that the Chester County Planning Commission has completed its sixth and final Landscapes Design Guide: The Agricultural Landscapes Design Guide!New Agricultural Landscapes Design Guide Released

Posted July 19, 2024

On drugs Chester County was different. When the Mafia controlled drugs Chester County Government was an actor in Mafia business. Drug money paid the Lawyers who represented drug dealers at the Chester County Courthouse.

I think Rubino had to know SE Pennsylvania-South New Jersey mob boss Anglo Bruno. 

S.A. Rubino, Long A Power In Chesco

March 12, 1989| By Rich Henson, Inquirer Staff Writer Staff writer Mark Fazlollah

Theodore S. A. Rubino, 77, a self-made millionaire and the predominant power broker in Chester County Republican politics for two decades until he was convicted of extortion in 1977, died yesterday at Bryn Mawr Hospital. He had lived in Malvern.
Mr. Rubino, who entered politics as a Malvern Borough councilman in 1955, was chairman of the Chester County Republican Party for 12 years and chairman of the county commissioners for seven.
He rose to prominence at a time when county bosses could wield considerable power, said William Lamb, the current head of the county’s GOP…..
Although Mr. Rubino had held no official position in the county GOP since 1977, his tight reins on the county’s political patronage system can still be felt.
“You need only look around the courthouse today to see how many people’s careers Ted helped,” Lamb said, adding that for the last decade Mr. Rubino ”had been a friend and an adviser.” The county GOP considered him to be the party’s chairman emeritus, Lamb said.
Senior U.S. District Judge John B. Hannum, whom Mr. Rubino succeeded as county GOP chairman in 1964, said: “He was an exceptional man and a great friend. He had been sick a long time, though, and maybe this is a blessing.”….
The son of an Italian immigrant quarry worker, origins that helped him maintain an easy rapport with the county’s rank-and-file voters, Mr. Rubino considered himself an anomaly among the fox-hunting gentry who controlled the county before him.
“This is real WASP country,” he once said. “Somehow, I just never belonged.”
Despite never being fully accepted by the county’s Republican traditionalists, he did acquire power and wealth.
And controversy frequently followed him.
Through real estate speculation, his ownership of the Knickerbocker Landfill near Malvern and his association with a Paoli insurance firm, Mr. Rubino, a lifelong bachelor, was a millionaire by the early 1970s…..Mr. Rubino’s first public troubles began in 1970, when state officials reported that hazardous wastes had been dumped, apparently illegally, at the landfill he owned with his brother. Knickerbocker was closed for a week in 1971 but was not shut down permanently until 1979, despite efforts by local environmental groups to have it closed sooner…..
Public controversy also swirled over the state’s $1 million purchase of part of his landfill for a stretch of the Route 202 bypass.
Though the legal division of the state Department of Transportation cleared Mr. Rubino of any wrongdoing in the case, public outcry caused enough pressure that he decided not to seek re-election to his county commission post in 1975.
Still, he was re-elected that same year as party chairman without opposition.
Then, in 1977, Mr. Rubino pleaded guilty to having extorted $6,400 from architects who were awarded a $130,000 contract to convert a former West Chester hospital into a county government annex….
As part of Mr. Rubino’s plea agreement, prosecutors read into the record statements that the FBI had taken from businessmen and politicians who had dealt with Mr. Rubino. They indicated that he had established set prices for those doing business with the county, ranging from milk supplies to the leases on court offices. Some of the money went to the county GOP.
As vice president of the Huggler Insurance Agency of Paoli, Mr. Rubino also received commissions from county contracts that he personally directed to the agency.


in the shadow of paoli hospital

Harvey Legree was related to the Chair of Chester County Republican Committee Area 14 Richard Legree which included the City of Coatesville. 

Harvey did what Omar in the series "The Wire" did.





“Legree was arrested for drugs twice in 2002 and got out of jail in 2004. He produced the stop-snitching DVD, "The Sequel" in January 2005. The movie, which started circulating a few years ago, shows men with guns, drugs and cash in Coatesville. 

The stop-snitching campaign has hit cities nationwide and is intended to discourage witnesses from giving police information related to crimes. The intimidating efforts to get people not to cooperate makes it harder for investigators to solve crimes, according to police. 

Council members Ed Simpson, Kurt Schenk, Robin Scott and Stephanie Smith Dowridge said they were unaware of Legree's involvement with the stop-snitching DVD. Smith-Dowridge said that if she had been aware of it, it would not have affected her vote. 

"We have to encourage people to change from the negative to the positive." she said. 

Councilman Martin Eggleston said he was aware of it but believed that Legree was moving in a positive direction. 

"Legree is turning into a different direction and I commend him for that," Eggleston said. 

After the council meeting, Legree spoke about the new movie. 

The negative publicity from the DVD made him want to focus his attention on positive projects, he said. He acknowledged the snitching movie encouraged illegal behavior. 

"Everyone makes mistakes," he said. "Everyone should be given a second chance." 

Legree said the new movie will be about a guy who went to jail like he did. He said he went to jail because someone snitched on him. In the new movie, Legree said, people who get arrested cooperate with the police and and tell them about people doing illegal things. 

The new movie will be distributed by Mondre Boggs, who owns a recording studio in Downingtown. 

"He's trying to go into a whole other direction, and I'm trying to enforce that," Boggs said. 

Boggs said he would not be helping to promote the stop-snitching video. 

One person featured in the stop-snitching movie has since been arrested for attempted murder. 

"I've never murdered. I never will. But (snitch on) me and I'll get you killed," said a man in the DVD, who authorities identified as Duron Peoples on the DVD. 

Peoples faces three counts of criminal attempted homicide and related offenses for allegedly shooting Jonas "Sonny" Suber on April 1, 2006. Peoples is awaiting trial. Suber's hand and chest were grazed during the shooting, according to reports. After several months of investigating, the U.S. Marshal Fugitive Task Force arrested Peoples on Dec. 18, 2006, in Phoenix, Ariz. 

Between the first shooting and Peoples' arrest, Suber was shot and killed at the front door of his Coatesville home on Oct. 21, 2006. The investigation continues. No arrests have been made.”

Daily Local News

 As a small boy I looked forward to visiting Sante and Concetta Giunta Piscogliat Christmas. There was a large Lionel Train layout in the basement.

Sante Piscoglio once lived in a 1920s style stone home overlooking Coatesville at the top of 13th Avenue. Sante ran Scotch Whisky from Canada to Chester County Common Pleas judges. 

He got 2 pops in the back of the head at 8th Avenue & Harmony Street. 

When the Mafia switched to much easier to run heroin law enforcement & political connections were already in place. 

 It’s universal. The war on people to profit on drugs. 

CIA in Vietnam ran H using U.S. Air Force. 



ChesCo DA Bill Lamb’s witness Daniel Joseph’s murdered while in witness security for fingering 2 PA State Police & ChesCo FBI selling heroin.


Thursday, October 28, 2021

I sincerely hope Harvey Legree can find his way in film production. 

One of Harvey Legree's productions: