Welcome to the Coatesville Dems Blog

Public Corruption in Chester County, PA

I believe an unlikely mix of alleged drug trafficking related politicos and alleged white nationalist related politicos united to elect the infamous “Bloc of Four” in the abysmal voter turnout election of 2005. During their four year term the drug business was good again and white nationalists used Coatesville as an example on white supremacist websites like “Stormfront”. Strong community organization and support from law enforcement, in particular Chester County District Attorney Joseph W. Carroll has begun to turn our community around. The Chester County drug trafficking that I believe centers on Coatesville continues and I believe we still have public officials in place that profit from the drug sales. But the people here are amazing and continue to work against the odds to make Coatesville a good place to live.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Comments of psychopath who chose a political career on another psychopath who chose a political career: Desantis: Trump is in Cognitive Decline & "Hates Netanyahu" - MeidasTouch Network - And Hitler was a psychopath who chose a political career.

 I was enthralled by the realism of “Downfall” one of the best films about World War II. “Traudl” reminds me of Cassidy Hutchinson in Trump’s administration.

In their personality traits, their ability to capture and distill hatred, and lead millions of people using hatred, Hitler & Trump are nearly identical:

Since Trump is a near clone of Adolf Hitler Trump appears to be the most dangerous politician on earth. But because of his impending imprisonment or neurodegenerative disease Trump appears to be in cognitive decline. He may be completely unstable by November 2024.

Whoever becomes the leader of the Republican Party will lead a violently fanatic political party base that is racist, misogynistic & antisemitic. They are overwhelmingly QAnon believers. 

“QAnon believers mistrust mainstream sources of information, spend a lot of time on the internet and social media looking for alternative answers, and are devotees of President Trump.

QAnon also includes other facets that are appealing to some that can serve as "hooks" that lure people into the world of QAnon. There's obviously a central pro-Trump/anti-liberal component, but there's also considerable overlap with evangelical Christianity and its looming apocalyptic battle between good and evil. And now there's overlap with people who are concerned about child sex trafficking, with QAnon highjacking #SaveTheChildren. Curiously, however, those who are "hooked" from this angle are able to turn a blind eye to President Trump's own friendship with Jeffrey Epstein or the several charges made against him about sexual assault of minors, which amounts to a classic case of cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias."


Psychology Today

What Kind of Person Believes in QAnon?

And how should we talk to those who do?

Posted September 23, 2020 Reviewed by Gary Drevitch



“Ron Desantis was asked today about Trump suddenly walking back his criticism of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu with a flurry of statements and posts on Truth Social.

Trump criticized Netanyahu repeatedly after the terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel in a speech and in interviews. A firestorm of criticism erupted, and Team Trump immediately went into damage control this afternoon with a post on social media from Trump saying, "I Stand With Bibi.”

Desantis said, "I think we have the Donald Trump on the Teleprompter reading what's on there, and we have the Donald Trump when he gets off that Teleprompter - that's the real Donald Trump. He attacked Bibi after his country suffered its worst attack in its history ... He did that because Bibi congratulated Biden in November. That's why he did that. He hates Netanyahu because of that."

Desantis then said Trump relates everything back to himself whether that is the best thing for the country or not."


Desantis: Trump is in Cognitive Decline & "Hates Netanyahu" - MeidasTouch Network

Ron Filipkowski Oct 13, 2023

Desantis pointed out Trump’s primary characteristic, narcissistic personality disorder:

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.

 “Then Desantis took a shot at Trump possible cognitive decline: "This is a different Donald Trump. In 2016, he was freewheeling. He was out there barnstorming the country. Now it's just a different guy, and that's just sad to see.”

Trump cognitive decline, maybe. 

Trump acts out fearlessness but knows he will lose every indictment that goes to trial. Trump is terrified of going to prison. 

More accurately Trump a psychopath in cognitive decline due in part to the horror he feels for his impending imprisonment. 

Trump’s Lawyer Faces MASSIVE PROBLEMS 

"On the most recent midweek edition of Legal AF defense lawyer Michael Popok and ex-prosecutor Karen Friedman Agnifilo debate whether indicted Trump lawyer Ken Cheseboro who starts his Trump conspiracy trial in 2 weeks, will be able to suppress from the jury all of his “legal memos” he wrote advocating the use of “fake” electors to keep trump in power.Before Criminal Trial STARTS"

Visibly Disturbed Trump ATTACKS America and Allies

"You can count on 3 traitorous things for Trump to do at any given time: 1. Undermine American foreign policy at a time of war; 2. Attack an ally; and 3. Disclose US classified information concerning Iran. Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on all 3 deadly sins being committed by Trump as he pandered to Florida voters, and attacked Israel, US foreign policy; and disclosed top secret US war plans  about Iran all in the same speech."

Trump’s hatred of Jews is partly built in to his psyche by his Jew hating father. His political hatred of Jews is a reflection of his Jew hating Republican Party base.

“This resurgent antisemitism — a blend of old-fashioned anti-Jewish sentiment, extreme versions of Christian/evangelical nationalism and a deep investment in conspiracism — is not, of course, new. But it is arguably more widespread, more virulent and closer to the political mainstream than at any time in recent history. The last few years have been a master class in the extent to which millions of Americans are willing to believe myths, lies and dark theories about cosmopolitan cabals who threaten the fabric of American life. Attacks on George Soros and “globalists” are now standard attack lines on the American right. Inevitably, though, a worldview obsessed with malign global elites will settle on the Jews as a target of choice.

The result has been an ominous upsurge in violence and hate.

In 2021, antisemitic incidents surged by 34 percent, to the highest number since the Anti-Defamation League began tracking anti-Jewish violence. Meanwhile, social media platforms have opened the gates to an alarming explosion of attacks on Jews and Judaism. In the two weeks after Elon Musk took control of Twitter, antisemitic posts spiked by more than 61 percent.

“Elon Musk sent up the Bat Signal to every kind of racist, misogynist and homophobe that Twitter was open for business,” Imran Ahmed, the chief executive of the Center for Countering Digital Hate told The New York Times. “They have reacted accordingly.”

Amidst all of this, Trump had dinner with a prominent neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier, and a billionaire celebrity rapper who sees “good things in Hitler.”

While Republicans eventually denounced the bigotry — even when they couldn’t bring themselves to name Trump himself — the former president refused to disavow it. This too, has been a consistent pattern, dating back long before his embrace of the “very fine people” who chanted “Jews will not replace us,” in Charlottesville.

As usual, it is not clear whether Trump, a man of few ideas and little or no introspection, actually holds antisemitic views. But that is beside the point: He thinks these are his people and he’s not going to abandon them. As the Washington Post’s Philip Bump notes, “Trump has always been desperate to send signals to his base of support that he agrees with and loves them.”



Opinion | The Warped Electoral Logic Behind Trump’s Antisemitism

Why would he entertain avowed Jew-haters? Because he thinks his most loyal supporters — white evangelical Christians — agree with his guests.


“The GOP—under Donald Trump and perhaps soon under his would-be successor, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis—is rapidly becoming a party centered upon tormenting and humiliating the vulnerable.

In the sway of sadists, the Republicans are testing whether the celebration of cruelty can be the motivating force for a U.S. political party. But this experiment in grounding the GOP’s identity on the veneration of deliberate harm, while obviously immoral, may also be a political error.”



The Performative Sadism of Ron DeSantis

David R. Lurie  Published Sep. 21, 2022 4;45 AM EDT

I think the sadism of Ron DeSantis isn’t only performative. It think DeSantis is a sadist who likes to watch.



Ron DeSantis in Guantánamo: how questions about his past haunt the Florida governor

Julian Borger and Oliver Laughland

Fri 28 Apr 2023 10.19 EDT

Last modified on Tue 9 May 2023 10.42 EDT

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