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Public Corruption in Chester County, PA

I believe an unlikely mix of alleged drug trafficking related politicos and alleged white nationalist related politicos united to elect the infamous “Bloc of Four” in the abysmal voter turnout election of 2005. During their four year term the drug business was good again and white nationalists used Coatesville as an example on white supremacist websites like “Stormfront”. Strong community organization and support from law enforcement, in particular Chester County District Attorney Joseph W. Carroll has begun to turn our community around. The Chester County drug trafficking that I believe centers on Coatesville continues and I believe we still have public officials in place that profit from the drug sales. But the people here are amazing and continue to work against the odds to make Coatesville a good place to live.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Joe Biden is a throwback Dixiecrat put in as Obama’s VP to let white men know he had their back. Trump has locked up the white men vote. Picking Biden makes no sense if winning the election is the goal.

Bernie Sanders was winning. Democrats put Biden in to stop Bernie. The DNC did not have to put a racist like Biden in, there's a ton of corporate Democrats that the DNC could have picked. 

In 2016 Hillary’s campaign assumed the “black voters” were a given, and her local paid campaign workers treated black voters in Coatesville like 2nd class voters. 

Police tape was across the street from Clinton Campaign Headquarters in 2016 at Coatesville, PA. I came in early, told them be careful there was a double murder across the street & might be retaliation. They looked up, giggled & went back to their laptops. 


Thursday, July 4, 2019


I know CCDC members think black voters in Coatesville are in the bag.  But they stayed home for Hillary. 

Remember that in 2008 Biden was Obama’s signal to former Dixiecrats & white men that he had their back. 

Biden is an outright Southern racist directly responsible for putting millions of black men in prison. 

"As Joseph R. Biden Jr. makes his third run for the White House, he is being pressed  to answer for his role in legislation that criminal justice experts  say helped lay the groundwork for the mass incarceration that has devastated America’s black communities.
The context 
During the 1980s and 1990s, when Mr. Biden was a senator from Delaware, he and other leaders of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee helped fashion a string of bills that overhauled the country’s crime laws.
Among the most significant were: the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, which established mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses; the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which imposed harsher sentences for possession of crack than for possession of powder cocaine; and the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which was essentially a catchall tough-on-crime bill."
Joe Biden on Crime and Mass Incarceration
During the ’80s and ’90s, Mr. Biden helped shepherd a string of bills that transformed the criminal justice system — and, experts say, hurt America’s black communities. 

In 2016 Democrats had a possible landslide but they picked the most disliked Democrat in America. It sure looks like they’re blowing a landslide again. 

In the 2020 primaries Bernie Sanders was winning. Democrats put Biden in to stop Bernie. The DNC did not have to put a racist like Biden in, there's a ton of corporate Democrats that the DNC could have picked. 

You might think the DNC wants to lose to Trump again theorizing that Democrats can win big in 2024. But it's clear now that Trump is an autocrat who could make himself dictator. 

Donald Trump Is an Autocrat. It’s Up to All of Us to Stop Him.
Each incremental step toward dictatorship can be explained away. While it is happening, no one can quite believe that they are on the road to serfdom.
James Risen 
June 4 2020, 9:32 a.m.

There’s a way around Biden. 

He’s a one term president. If Democrats pick a VP that can win voters but not their usual VP pick for the donor cash we can still put down Trump. 

Just beating Trump won’t work. Democrats need a landslide voter turnout to take the Senate back. 

And Trump can still win.

"If the 2020 election was left up to white Americans, Donald Trump would be given a second term. According to the recent Hill-HarrisX poll, 50% of white voters would vote for Trump if the election were held today. So once again, it is up to Black voters to save America from itself.
But when one considers how drastically the Democratic party needs the Black vote to perform for their candidate to win – according to some estimates, they need turnout rate of 65% of all Black Americans and, of that group, nearly 90% of Black voters must vote for Democrats for them to secure the White House – one must question why Joe Biden is allowed to continue speaking when every other statement he makes about Black people is “problematic” if you’re trying to spin it and out-right racist if you’re being honest.
Black Americans who are not dutiful members of the political establishment – whose job it is to explain away every bumbling and insulting thing the Democratic party’s forced pick spits up – are rightly upset at the fact that Joe’s own words are making Trump’s re-election more likely."

The Guardian
Joe Biden needs Black voters. So why does he keep insulting us?
Benjamin Dixon



I try to put politics, corruption, white supremacy, anti-government groups, violent terrorists & local politics, underground economies and drug trafficking and see it all at one time. Sometimes when I just drive or walk in Coatesville, PA. It's really the only way to not be blindsided. And you need an extremely good memory.

I learned "street smarts" while walking day & night in Philly from 1966 into 1980s with a Nikon F, one of the most sought after & expensive cameras of the time always hanging at my side. You have to see everything just to stay alive. Journalists need to see everything too. 

You can’t see one view and come up with what’s really happening.

The ignorance of the right wing extremism in America by the mainstream press is staggering. 


Friday, April 17, 2020

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