Sunday, August 4, 2024

DEMOCRATS NEED A LANDSLIDE LIKE JOHNSON vs Goldwater “Donald Trump's plot to undermine the 2024 election should he lose in November is being exposed through his ties to multiple far-right organizations. Anthony Davis reacts.”

 The Republican side of the 2024 election is a real shit-show.

Trump isn’t running for president. He’s running to stay out of prison. Trump’s Republican Party has no money for campaigning because Trump is stealing campaign cash to pay his legal expenses. AND the people filling in for the Republican Party's inability to run elections are likely to pocket part of the cash they're getting. 


Washington Post

 Trump team gambles on new ground game capitalizing on loosened rules

Josh Dawsey

August 3, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT




Trump is already a convict. His prison sentence begins after the Democrats win in 2024. Some of his trials might begin in September:

Judge Chutkan is BACK and not a moment too soon, and she has ALREADY DENIED A TRUMP MOTION TO DISMISS AND set a new conference to discuss immunity, in a new Order. Michael Popok looks back and forward and explains how the Judge will put Trump’s feet to the fire starting next week.  




“WHEN ELECTION NIGHT comes in November, it will be up to thousands of local election officials to certify election results in their counties. Among those election officials are scores of Donald Trump supporters who believe his lies and conspiracies about stolen elections — and will be in prime position to act on those beliefs to try to aid his campaign in November.

In the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, Rolling Stone and American Doom identified nearly 70 pro-Trump election conspiracists currently working as county election officials who have questioned the validity of elections or delayed or refused to certify results. At least 20 of these county election officials have refused or delayed certification in recent years.

Certification of election results is what legal experts consider a “ministerial task,” and one required by state and local law. But as Trump’s lies about the 2020 election have taken hold, Republicans nationwide have decided that certification provides them an opportunity to hear fraud allegations — and refuse to officially count their local votes. Republicans have refused to certify election results at least 25 times since Trump lost the 2020 election to President Joe Biden

“I think we are going to see mass refusals to certify the election” in November, says Democratic election lawyer Marc Elias. “Everything we are seeing about this election is that the other side is more organized, more ruthless, and more prepared.”

While refusals and delays of certification have not held up in court, in Georgia and Arizona, pro-Trump local election officials are seeking to make certification discretionary — lawsuits that are currently being decided by state judges — in order to give his campaign another method to challenge election results in November.

Polls indicate that the race between Trump and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris will be close. If employed on a large scale, the certification refusal movement would have disastrous consequences, fueling the fire of election conspiracies and delaying the tallying of votes crucial to determining the next president.

David Hancock, an election official in Gwinnett County, just outside Atlanta, is at the center of the certification refusal movement in his state.

“At this moment there are NO guidelines on what is required to certify an election in Georgia,” Hancock wrote on his Facebook page in late May. “But some of us are working to change that. Stand by.”

Rolling Stone and American Doom compiled its list of election-denying election officials by culling media reports about refusals to certify results and other denialist behavior — and by searching the social media profiles of hundreds of election officials in the six swing states. 

The investigation revealed hundreds of posts from officials expressing belief in lies about the 2020 election and skepticism about November, as well as myriad posts about every right-wing culture war issue and conspiracy theory imaginable — a veritable stew simmering with the toxicity of the online American right. 

“Wow!! I can’t wait till after the Next big election… We’ll get to find out more Binden corruption (sic),” Ann Weiler, an election canvasser in Bay County, Michigan, wrote in January 2023. Another Michigan election canvasser, Bonnie Kellogg in Muskegon County, shared a false right-wing news story in November 2020 headlined “Breaking Down the Greatest Electoral Heist in American History,” among other election denier content.

“I don’t trust the runoff,” Larry Brown, an election official in Pickens County, Georgia, who has posted prolifically about his belief in Trump’s election lies, said two weeks after the 2020 election, as Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock faced Republican Kelly Loeffler in a runoff. “The general election has turned in to a mess (sic).”

In Pennsylvania, Erie County commissioner Charlie Bayle — whose role includes overseeing elections with fellow commission members — is one of 19 election deniers throughout the state with power over elections. “Anyone in this country with an ounce of common sense knows the left cheated to some extent,” Bayle wrote in November 2021. “Their philosophy isn’t about making it easier to vote, just easier to manipulate the vote.” 



These Swing State Election Officials Are Pro-Trump Election Deniers

Nearly 70 pro-Trump conspiracists are election officials in key battleground counties — and they are poised to make a giant mess on Election Day

By Justin Glawe

July 29, 2024


Trump SO SCARED of NY Judge’s FINAL Ruling

Judge Cannon GETS CRUSHED as Appeals Court SWOOPS IN

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