Monday, July 22, 2024

George Conway’s new website “PSYCOPAC” Examining Trump’s psychopathology.
 “Democrats will be nominating the vigorous, 59-year-old vice president to run against the erratic, 78-year-old Trump, the oldest major-party nominee in history.”

“Donald Trump’s severe psychopathology. And when I say that I mean his severe personality disorder, resulting in pathological lying, immoral behavior, lack of empathy, and a need to belittle and diminish anyone who doesn’t worship him."

“In this MeidasTouch Exclusive, Really American Media’s 'Shrinking Trump' co-hosts and renowned psychologists, Harry Segal and John Gartner, discuss Donald Trump's clinical signs of severe psychopathology, and a new effort by conservative attorney George Conway to alert the American people called the 'Anti-Psychopath PAC.’

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