Monday, May 20, 2024

In a unicorn costume with a hammer yelling “Where’s Nancy,” David DePape broke into Nancy & Paul Pelosi’s residence nearly killing Paul. How do we protect election officers & public officials from lone wolf terrorists following Republican Party orders?

My wife Betty spoke with front line officers in Vietnam by way of ham radio when she worked for the Red Cross. Betsy knows the importance of voting. 

When the judge of election in our precinct 110 Coatesville Ward 4-2 resigned because she was tired of violence at the polls. Betsy stepped up trained to be judge of election and was Precinct 110 Judge of Elections for 10 years. The intimidation of voters by John Birch Society thug Bob Saucier continued. 

We must prepare how to protect public officials including election officers and voters from thousands more people following Trump, Republican Party, Fox News, Judge Alito and Judge Thomas’s orders. Lots of them with assault rifles and no criminal record. 

The Republican Party is engaged in a violent war against democracy and for kleptocracy.

Who wants to volunteer to be a judge of elections at a polling place? 

Dressed as a unicorn carrying a hammer yelling “Where’s Nancy,” 30 years plus the 20 or more in state sentences for breaking in & nearly killing Paul Pelosi. He was only following Trump & Fox News orders. He’ll be 90 or 100 before eligible for parole. 

  “For months, sleeping alone in my home was very difficult because I kept remembering the defendant breaking into my house,” Paul Pelosi said in the statement to the court. “The defendant severely damaged the nerves in my left hand. My forehand was ‘de-gloved’ exposing raw nerves and blood vessels. Surgeries and treatments mostly healed the skin, but underneath I still feel pinched nerves in my left hand. This makes basic tasks like using buttons, cutlery and simple tools more difficult.”

DePape, who was 43 at the time of the trial, admitted that he broke into the home intending to hold Nancy Pelosi hostage and “break her kneecaps.” He also said he bludgeoned Paul Pelosi with a hammer after police arrived because his plan to end what he viewed as government corruption was unraveling. During the trial, other potential targets of DePape’s were disclosed, including California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Hunter Biden, the president’s son.

Angela Chuang, one of DePape’s attorneys, told the jury her client was motivated by a mix of his political beliefs and was caught up in conspiracy theories. But, Chuang said, her client was not motivated to attack Pelosi because of her position in Congress, but rather because of her leadership within the Democratic Party.

She argued that this made him innocent of the specific charges against him, of attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault on the immediate family member of a federal official. Chuang said DePape believed the party was part of a corrupt-ruling class cabal that promoted assault on children.

DePape was given 20 years for one count and 30 years for another count. The sentences will run concurrently. Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley also gave DePape credit for the 18 months that he’s been in custody.

In a sentencing memo earlier this month, prosecutors said that the court bears a responsibility to use DePape’s sentence to deter others from committing political violence. The attack at the Pelosi home comes after a dramatic increase in threats against lawmakers and government officials in recent years.

“At a time when extremism has led to attacks on public and elected officials, this case presents a moment to speak to others harboring ideologically motivated violent dreams and plans,” the prosecutors wrote.

DePape will face another trial on state charges of attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, residential burglary, false imprisonment and threatening serious bodily harm to a public official. He has pleaded not guilty in that case.


The Washington Post

Paul Pelosi’s attacker sentenced to 30 years in prison

A jury convicted David DePape in November 2023 on federal charges of trying to kidnap then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and assaulting Paul Pelosi because of his wife’s work in Congress.

By Azi Paybarah

Updated May 17, 2024 at 3:52 p.m. EDT|Published May 17, 2024 at 2:29 p.m. EDT


Friday, May 13, 2016

Face-to-face talks with right wing extremists molded my political views.

I have a slightly different view of politics than almost any other Chester County Democrat.  

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