Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Mary Trump “The goal for people like Mitch McConnell and five Supreme Court justices is to turn America into a theocratic apartheid state.”

 “Mary Trump exposes SECRETS of the Trump Household that created a MONSTER | Burn the Boats”

I transcribed part of the interview. I make mistakes. James Pitcherella

“Republicans are taking advantage of weaknesses in the system because they have no morality, they have no ethics and they care for nothing beyond their own personal power and the power of the party. They will do everything they can to make sure that the Republicans have permanent minority rule. 

The goal for people like Mitch McConnell and five Supreme Court justices is to turn America into a theocratic apartheid state. 

So if you look at it as that. Yes everything else is still going on at once but it’s still in the service of that one thing. Then we are fighting against that one thing (theocratic apartheid state). And if we prevail, we’ll prevail in everything else.”

Pretending that we’re playing by the same old rules is going to be fatal to the American experiment. Pretending that the other side is operating in good faith. That really does demoralize this side. 

When you have President Biden whom I try not to, I don’t go out of my way to criticize the Biden Administration because we need them to win again in 2024. And right now we are literally looking at a choice between democracy & fascism. So if i disagree with him on policy issues once in a while then I’m going to keep my mouth shut because that’s not the point. 

It he’s running in the general election against any of these Republicans President Biden will be the only pro-democracy candidate on the ballot. 

So I’m pulling my punches about other things.

But when President Biden calls Mitch McConnell a good friend or says that Kevin McCarthy is an honest man. Who is the audience for those statements. In my view it completely misreads the reality we are dealing with. 

The Republicans burned the playbook to ashes. They are not operating in good faith in any way shape or form. So when Democratic leaders seem to fail to understand that it makes it a little harder to stay in the fight the way we need to. 

I’m not really sure what else needs to happen in order for Democrats to get that message and understand that you can fight really hard without becoming like your enemy. I know this has been argued to death. 

I never interpreted “We go high” as we become doormats. I thought it meant we’re going to do everything in our power to win without lying cheating & stealing like they do. 

We need to put on our brass knuckles figuratively speaking and get in the mud with them figuratively speaking. We’ll do that because we are on the right side of this. And that should empower us. 

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