Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Max Boot "The Republican Party is on the authoritarian side of a democratic vs. authoritarian divide" “To prevent a successful coup in 2024, it is imperative to elect Democrats at every level of government in 2021 and 2022 "


Washington Post Columnist Max Boot was once a conservative Republican who worked for Marco Rubio.

“To prevent a successful coup in 2024, it is imperative to elect Democrats at every level of government in 2021 and 2022 — to state legislatures and governorships, as well as the House and Senate. Democrats should break a Senate filibuster to pass voting rights legislation that would help ensure free elections. But even if that doesn’t happen and Republicans rig the rules, small-D democrats can still prevail by turning out en masse to vote for Big-D Democrats.”


Washington Post

Opinion: I’m no Democrat — but I’m voting exclusively for Democrats to save our democracy

Max Boot


Amanpour & Co

 "The Republican Party is on the authoritarian side of a democratic vs. authoritarian divide. Max Boot says he is a “single issue voter.” That single issue is protecting democracy. “In practice that means voting for Democrats."

“Can you imagine what would happen in 2024 if Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress and they control many of the state legislatures. And once again you see a result where Donald Trump loses the popular vote by a large margin but he’s close in the electoral college vote. Under those circumstances can you have any degree of confidence that Republicans would actually recognize a Democratic victory? I’m very, very concerned that under those circumstances Republicans would actually carry out the kind of coup attempt that failed in January of this year. And so, to avoid that horrible scenario which would be the death knell for our democracy I think it’s imperative to vote for Democrats right now. And I don’t care if you disagree with the Democrats on  some issues… In my view the size of the “Build Back Better Bill” is less important than whether you continue to be a democracy.”

“Going back even decades Republicans have shown increasing contempt for the truth… I think there’s just been a general and growing contempt for democratic norms within the Republican Party and a growing receptivity to extremism conspiracy theories to racism nativism xenophobia. Donald Trump came along and turbocharged all of those trends. 

I think it’s accurate to say prior to Trump the Republican Party had a substantial extremist minority. Right now however the extremists are the ones who are in control of the entire party and there’s been a shameful abrogation of responsibility on the part of elites people like Senator McConnell who know better but refuse to stand up for what they believe is right. 

“Tucker Carlson is the number one cable show reaching millions of viewers every night and when he’s not propagating the “great replacement” conspiracy theory beloved of white supremacists he is undermining vaccines and so he is really doing great damage to the American body politic and to American health. I mean he is endangering people… He has become a demagogue and truly a menace to America.


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