Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Trump could easily win PA in November’s Election

When Obama ran in 2008 Gov. Rendell supported Clinton.  Mostly, I think, because he thought Obama would win in Philly but not much of the rest of Pennsylvania.

Governor Rendell’s line of thought dates back to President Andrew Jackson:

“SINCE Donald J. Trump shot to the top of Republican polls last fall, pundits have tried to make sense of his popularity. He has been described as a modern-day product of reality-TV narcissism, or the second coming of European fascism. But as he cruises into the South Carolina primary after beating his rivals by double digits in New Hampshire, it’s clear that neither idea quite explains his strength. 
Mr. Trump’s rhetoric resonates with a particular American political tradition. Voters may not know the details of that tradition, but they feel it viscerally when a politician taps into it. Mr. Trump has done just that by emulating a classic model of American democratic leadership. 
A clue as to just which leadership model can be found on a map. While Trump fans are spread across the country, they are heavily concentrated in and near the Appalachian states — from Mississippi and Alabama all the way to western Pennsylvania and New York. The northwest corner of South Carolina is one of the most pro-Trump parts of the country…

Consciously or not, Mr. Trump’s campaign echoes the style of Andrew Jackson, and the states where Mr. Trump is strongest are the ones that most consistently favored Jackson during his three runs for the White House.”

New York Times 
Donald Trump’s Secret? Channeling Andrew Jackson 
By STEVE INSTEP  FEB. 17, 2016

When you look at the 1824 electoral map of Pennsylvania county by county things haven’t changed much. 

See the map at:

Jackson carried Pennsylvania with 76.1% of the vote. 

I don’t believe Trump will get numbers that Jackson did. 

In a Trump vs. Clinton general election, I think Trump would win Pennsylvania. 

Governor Rendell's reasoning that Obama could not win Pennsylvania but Clinton would win has been turned around. 

It’s not a poll, but Republicans that I see when I'm out and about like Donald Trump as president over the other Republicans. They are mostly college educated professionals, not John Birch Society Crackers. 

Chester, Lancaster and Delaware Counties have, by the way, a considerable number of JBS type Cracker White Supremacists. For instance, Colin Hanna, 

And this guy:


No matter what the DC Beltway says, I think Trump is a shoe in for the GOP Presidential Nominee. 

Republicans have no “super delegates” like the Democratic Party. Primary elections are final on the GOP side.

That thing about Governor Rendell thinking Obama would not win Pennsylvania has been turned around in this election.

Donald Trump may have his strongest support nationally and in Pennsylvania from the very same kind of Democrats that, back in 2008, Governor Rendell envisioned voting for Hillary Clinton and not Barack Obama. 

Donald Trump holds a dominant position in national polls in the Republican race in no small part because he is extremely strong among people on the periphery of the G.O.P. coalition. 
He is strongest among Republicans who are less affluent, less educated and less likely to turn out to vote. His very best voters are self-identified Republicans who nonetheless are registered as Democrats. It’s a coalition that’s concentrated in the South, Appalachia and the industrial North, according to data provided to The Upshot by Civis Analytics, a Democratic data firm.”

New York Times

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