Saturday, June 27, 2015

Will Chester County resident Pat Sellers to try another run for the PA 6th Congressional District? Maybe with CCC $?

Pat Sellers led the battle against Coatesville for the Sahas and managed the campaign of the "Bloc of Four". He also ran for the Pennsylvania 6th Congressional District 2 times. 

The New York Times

Council of Conservative Citizens Promotes White Primacy, and G.O.P. Ties 

"The website — its home page is a collection of links, often to accounts of crimes against whites by blacks — stands in contrast to the group’s depiction of itself as a more genteel guardian of the true right, 'a standard conservatism that dates back to the Taft era,' said the group’s spokesman, Jared Taylor 
White rule and opposition to an increase in minority populations are the headline tenets of the council’s statement of principles. “Just go to South Central L.A., Brownsville, Texas, or Detroit,” Mr. Taylor, 63, said in an interview Monday. “The whole fabric of life changes if whites are displaced by, say, blacks or Asians or Hispanics.”  
But the group also endorses causes dear to the far right for decades, including abandoning membership in the United Nations, maintaining the United States as a 'Christian country,” denouncing homosexuality and opposing sex education, multiculturalism and property taxes." 
Council of Conservative Citizens Promotes White Primacy, and G.O.P. Ties  

Pat Sellers letter to American Renaissance Magazine:

Sir — Jared Taylor missed the mark completely in his article on Elian Gonzalez in the June issue. One would think that since the liberal Washington Establishment was going against one of its usual constituencies (the Cuban community), Mr. Taylor would realize that racial consciousness had little if anything to do with what is happening. By narrowly focusing on what is at most a side issue, he fails to see the big picture. 
The globalists in Washington don't give a hoot about Elian, and are probably delighted that conservatives like Mr. Taylor focus on the race issue. They are playing this out to further their globalist ambitions. In order to keep moving incrementally towards a global government, they must continue to appease comrade Fidel. To allow Elian Gonzalez to stay here would be a slap in the face to the old bearded one. Their globalist ambitions are so strong they are willing to risk alienating one of their strongest voting blocks. 
Mr. Taylor also fails to realize the dangers in letting Reno and company get away with the enormous abuse of federal power their early-morning raid represents. Just because it was a Cuban household the feds smashed their way into does not make it any more acceptable to true constitutionalists. 
Pat Sellers, Coatesville, Pa."
American Renaissance 
Vol 11, No. 7 July 2000
Extremist Files
Jared Taylor
Date of Birth:  1951
Ideology:  White Nationalist

"In his personal bearing and tone, Jared Taylor projects himself as a courtly presenter of ideas that most would describe as crudely white supremacist — a kind of modern-day version of the refined but racist colonialist of old. He is the founder of the New Century Foundation and edits its American Renaissance magazine, which, despite its pseudo-academic polish, regularly publishes proponents of eugenics and blatant anti-black and anti-Latino racists. Taylor also hosts a conference every other year where racist intellectuals rub shoulders with Klansmen, neo-Nazis and other white supremacists.

In His Own Words
'Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears."

American Renaissance, 2005

More At Southern Poverty Law Center - Extremist Files - Jared Taylor



  1. Jim - you realize the article you refer to are close to 10 years old right? How about discussing something more relevant?

  2. If Pat stayed here he could run again for 6th District in 2016. But it appears that he moved:

  3. Did Pat not run against Ryan Costello because he was moving?


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