Saturday, February 9, 2013

What once was local extremism in Coatesville is now in Congress

I knew the City of Coatesville would fail when they tried to reason with extremists.  What once was local extremism in Coatesville and Chester County is now mainstream in the Republican Tea Party Congress in Washington. Ordinary people in the federal government who don't really know what hit them are trying to reason with them. I believe the extremists aren't being taken seriously in Washington just like they were not taken seriously in Coatesville in 2004. 

As you read the link below keep in mind that Pat Sellers, the policical organizer of the "Bloc of Four" campaign, is a decades long Charter Member of the John Birch Society:  
"Just as it did with communism, the John Birch Society has done as much or more than any other group on the radical right to drum up panic and outrage..."  
"Under Agenda 21, these activists argue, the expansive American way of life, in which everyone can aspire to the dream of owning a house with a big yard and two cars in the driveway, will be replaced by one in which increasing numbers are crammed into urbanized “pack ’em and stack ’em” apartment complexes, and forced to use mass transportation and live according to a collectivist ethos. Once the UN’s radical utopia is achieved, gun ownership will be forbidden and the UN will raise an army intent on terrorizing the populace in the name of social order and equality, sustainability and smart growth — all words that anti-Agenda 21 activists believe signal the true intent of the UN’s plan." 
More at:

Antigovernment Conspiracy Theorists Rail Against UN’s Agenda 21 Program

Our plans for in Coatesville for public transportation, high rise condos and redevelopment of existing urban centers to leave the countryside more open must have had our local Chester County extremists convinced that the UN New World Order was being imposed in Chester County. 

 What happened in Coatesville, PA has gone national and is front and center in Republican Party in Congress. And most of the Federal Government and "beltway press" have no idea what is happening to them.  

Republican National Committee Calls Agenda 21 a Plan for Global Control

Below is a recent video concerning local government in Texas and how local government is being used by the United Nations. I believe the property rights people in Coatesville believed all of our workshops concerning redevelopment in Coatesville and the people who bought into redevelopment, public transit, bikeways and open space were tools of the United Nations evil plot to take our guns away and use United Nations mind control. This nonsense is now standard fare in the Republican side of the U.S. Congress.

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