Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How the Community Information Meeting at the 2nd Baptist Church was conceived

“Just so that all of you will be aware;

On Friday we shared a meeting at City Hall and we shared a meeting at City Hall, whether you say some people we shared a meeting at City Hall and we felt because of this incident we could not and would not allow certain things to continue without at least addressing the Coatesville community.

Because there are so many and were so many questions and statements running rampant throughout the City. The least that we could do is give some information as to where the investigation was, some things about the accident and hopefully to answer some of the questions that you might have.

Now, the way the information was disseminated to the public most of it was by word of mouth and some flyers had gone out.  And unfortunately we don’t have everybody’s phone number.  We don’t have everybody’s address. But because we did not want to delay getting information to you, this was the best way that we thought we could get some information to you, that you could come, listen and even express yourselves concerning the tragedy that happened in our City.

So if some persons were not informed, I’m sorry. I don’t know however else we can do without as least getting some of us involved. However I’m grateful for those of you that did come and as it was stated earlier by Mr. Joe Carroll, hopefully this is not the last time we are going to have a meeting of such. So that you will know that in days to come that we should and shall have another situation, another meeting of such to give you updates, hello somebody, to give you updates on what has taken place already.

And for the most part some of you that want some kind of remedy to what’s happening I don’t have your address,  I don’t have your phone numbers and so the best way to do some things is to try to put some flyers out in the community, to call persons that you do know who will spread the word.

And to Olive Street, I was on Olive Street, yesterday, I was on Olive Street Thursday and I was on Olive Street to give all the information out that we were having a meeting on today. So that, so that, so that persons who have questions and persons who had information would come and disseminate this information to all of us as some of us are not.

As Lieutenant Brown has said, there is a whole lot of misinformation being given. When you sit in a beauty shop and somebody comes in and tells you all of what’s going on, then they’re misinformed. That’s why we want to have you here so that we can bring this to closure. And again my brothers and sisters we’re not here to argue with you, I know that there’s a lot of feelings involved. We only can give you what we have, thus far without… compromising information about the investigation. We can only give you what we have thus far and hopefully some of this can be satisfactory to you until all of it is brought to where it needs to be.”

 At the Community Information Meeting, Saturday May 8, 2010, Second Baptist Church, 856 Merchant Street, Coatesville, PA.

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