Saturday, August 8, 2009

No “Great Depression II”, We dodged the bullet.

No “Great Depression II”, We dodged the bullet.

They say history repeats itself; well it looks like the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party did it again.

What is really important is what happens in your own neighborhood. And with the economy coming around in Coatesville, that means a hotel, office buildings, several high rise condominiums, dozens of town houses, a riverwalk, a vital downtown not dependent on trickle down money from drug trafficking. It means upscale restaurants, fast food restaurants and everything in between. It means a new supermarket and two new full service drug stores. It means a revitalized train station with Amtrak and Septa service. It means the business people landing at Chester County Airport will have a hotel and office buildings in Coatesville to go to. They might even rename it Coatesville Airport someday.

Most importantly it ultimately means the population of Coatesville will go from 11,000 to 20,000. That is 9,000 new residents that will not want a corner boy selling crack on their block and who will not be terrified of the very long established traffickers. That means 9,000 new eyes on the street that will pay no attention to Harvey (Bitsy) Legree’s "Don't Snitch" video starring Duron (Gotti) Peoples saying what happens to people who snitch.

9,000 new residents will finally break the "Little Sicily" syndrome that has plagued Coatesville for almost a Century. We could actually be a normal city instead of a city dominated financially, culturally and politically by the Chester County drug trafficking industry.

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