Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Coatesville arsons confront 'no-snitch' ethos"

“Don’t Snitch” videos in Coatesville and Philadelphia were produced by Harvey “Bitsy” Legree of “Harvey Legree Productions”.

Look through the news articles from the 1960’s to now and see how many times you can find these family names associated with crime in Coatesville:

Legree, Trowery, Suber, Johnson, Pittman, Peoples, Flamer and Cannon

I think people here understand the “system” may be stacked against them if they inform against someone with one of those last names.

Coatesville arsons confront 'no-snitch' ethos
Posted on Sat, Feb. 14, 2009
By Kathleen Brady Shea
Inquirer Staff Writer
"The 'stop snitching' mentality expressed on shirts and videos produced right here in Coatesville hurts this city," Carroll said at the time.
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