Friday, September 20, 2024

Matt Gaetz, disgraced MAAG congressperson, has been accused again in a new bombshell federal court filing of participating in sex crimes against teenage girls in 2017 NOTUS & Michael Popok

 Michael Popok drills down on the new filing made by Matt Gaetz’s former wingman Joel Greenberg (serving 11 years in prison for sex crimes) supported by sworn statements of the victims against Gaetz and explains what should happen now with a new  DOJ  investigation and the ongoing House Ethics Committee investigation that could lead to Gaetz’s removal from Congress.

Rep. Matt Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed to a Florida federal court shortly before midnight Thursday, which cite sealed affidavits from three eye-witness testimonies.

The minor, who was a junior in high school at the time, arrived in her mother’s car for a July 15, 2017 party at the Florida home of Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist and friend of Gaetz’s, according to a court filing written by defense attorneys who interviewed witnesses as part of an ongoing civil lawsuit Dorworth brought in 2023.

The lobbyist claimed he had been unfairly dragged into the alleged sex trafficking scandal that has dogged Gaetz and his allies for years. Dorworth ultimately dropped the case, but lawyers filed these documents in an attempt to recoup attorneys fees for a lawsuit they say should never have been brought.

One eye witness cited in the court filings, a young woman referred to as K.M., provided a sworn affidavit that claimed the teenage girl was naked, partygoers were there to “engage in sexual activities,” and “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy… and marijuana” were present. The teenage girl was identified in the filings only as A.B.

“The discovery taken in this case to date reflects that on Saturday, July 15, 2017… Dorworth, hosted a party at his residence… with the following guests present: (1) A.B.; (2) K.M.; (3) B.G.; (4) Matt Gaetz,” lawyers wrote in the filing, also listing several others. The defense lawyers filed testimonies from those three women — who the attorneys say placed Gaetz at Dorworth’s house that night — under seal pending a judge’s approval to make the records public.

Additionally, Gaetz’s own ex-girlfriend — who was present at the party — provided testimony that lawyers say rebuts Dorworth’s claims that he was not there. NOTUS independently verified that Gaetz and one of the women who testified were previously involved in a relationship; she is only identified in the court filing by her initials, B.G.

The congressman’s ex-girlfriend’s 11th-hour testimony on Sept. 3 came just two days before Dorworth dropped his lawsuit, defense attorneys said in the filing. The defense lawyers also relied on Dorworth’s geolocated cell phone records, which showed that he communicated constantly with the congressman that day. The defense’s court filings show a hired digital forensic examiner identified Gaetz’s number, which has a Florida panhandle 850 area code and texted back-and-forth 30 times that day then called Dorworth twice in the hours before the evening revelry.“B.G., another attendee at that party, confirmed A.B.’s testimony under penalty of perjury,” defense lawyers wrote.

This marks the first time that sworn testimony has been referenced in public court filings alleging that the congressman attended one of the long-rumored parties tied to an alleged underage sex scandal. Previous reports have revealed details of ex-politician and Gaetz friend Joel Greenberg’s confession letter that was never made public, which described how Gaetz would allegedly pay him to arrange several sexual encounters with young women—including a 17-year-old girl. Greenberg is serving an 11-year prison sentence for a list of charges including fraud and sex trafficking with a child.



New Court Filings Place Matt Gaetz at a Party at the Center of the Sex Trafficking Scandal

This is the first public filing that cites sworn testimony alleging that Gaetz attended one of the long-rumored parties with a teenage girl.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

With a lot less words the New York Times could have said many Teamster racist misogynist White men don’t like Kamala Harris. That Teamster President Sean O’Brian is a misogynist racist who likes Trump the mobster wannabe convict

And Trump will take away Teamster’s pension if he can put it in his pocket. 

The New York Times

Teamsters Won’t Endorse a Candidate for President in 2024

The Teamsters president, Sean O’Brien, has shown an openness to former President Donald J. Trump, dividing the powerful union. Neither candidate will be the beneficiary of its considerable organizing muscle.

By Jonathan Weisman

Sept. 18, 2024


Nixon & Republicans were in tight brothers with the Mafia. When Nixon was president the Mafia controlled local Republican committees in SE Pennsylvania. 

The son of a mob-connected Philly area builder told me his dad had Frank Rizzo and Angelo Bruno in his kitchen for mussels & spaghetti. Then instantly got an I shouldn't have said that look on his face. Don’t know if Rizzo & Bruno allegedly were in his kitchen at the same time. He was a nice guy. Not a mob guy.

Republican anti-crime Philly DA Arlin Spector never uttered the words Angelo Bruno. After Bruno was killed ricotta cheese that wasn’t Maggio was in supermarkets. Maggio was Bruno’s brother in law. Bruno controlled supermarkets. 

Theodore “Teddy” Rubino was Chester County Commissioner and Republican Party Chair he ran Chester County as Angelo Bruno ran the Delaware Valley. Business owners would put a “tribute” into Rubino’s desk drawer when he left the room. If a business owner did not pay “insurance” to Rubino his business could be in trouble. 

"Then, in 1977, Mr. Rubino pleaded guilty to having extorted $6,400 from architects who were awarded a $130,000 contract to convert a former West Chester hospital into a county government annex…. 

As part of Mr. Rubino’s plea agreement, prosecutors read into the record statements that the FBI had taken from businessmen and politicians who had dealt with Mr. Rubino. They indicated that he had established set prices for those doing business with the county, ranging from milk supplies to the leases on court offices. Some of the money went to the county GOP.”

Friday, November 1, 2019

Even after his imprisonment for extortion former Chester County Commissioner & CCRC Chair Theodore Rubino is highly revered among Republicans.


Maybe watch “The Irishman” again. 

The Irishman | Final Trailer | Netflix


“The leadership of the 1.3-million-member International Brotherhood of Teamsters said in a statement Wednesday it would not back a presidential candidate, a blow to Vice President Kamala Harris, who has the endorsement of the country’s other powerful labor unions.

The decision by the Teamsters board, while short of an endorsement for former President Donald J. Trump, vindicated Mr. Trump’s strategy of wooing the union’s president, Sean O’Brien, a leader who has repeatedly signaled his willingness to chart his own path. The board’s vote was 14 for not endorsing and three for Ms. Harris. No board member backed Mr. Trump…

Mr. O’Brien’s equivalence between the two candidates could be seen as a boost for Mr. Trump, especially considering the same statement noted that Ms. Harris backed pro-organizing legislation, known as the PRO Act, while Mr. Trump refused to commit to vetoing so-called right-to-work legislation, which would prohibit mandatory union dues payments from workers who opt out of a unionized workplace.

But the former president worked hard to curry Mr. O’Brien’s favor, inviting him to his private club and residence, Mar-a-Lago, this summer and then granting him his wish for a prime-time speaking slot at the Republican National Convention in July. The Democratic convention rebuffed him.

Mr. O’Brien’s openness to Mr. Trump — who angered other unions by appointing anti-labor members to the National Labor Relations Board and praising Elon Musk recently for a willingness to fire striking workers — has badly divided the union.

The Teamsters’ National Black Caucus, more than a half-dozen Teamsters locals, and members of the union’s national leadership have endorsed Ms. Harris over Mr. O’Brien’s objections. Opponents of the former president have organized a Teamsters Against Trump effort that has undermined Mr. O’Brien two years into his first term as president. After the national union declined to endorse on Wednesday, two Teamsters joint governing councils in the West, which cover 300,000 workers including those in the swing state of Nevada, announced they would back Ms. Harris. A number of other locals followed suit, including union locals in Michigan and Wisconsin.

The union endorsed President Biden in 2020, as well as the Democrats Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.

“I’m very disappointed that our international leadership has chosen not to stand up to a bully and an anti-union candidate,” James Curbeam, chairman of the Teamsters’ National Black Caucus, said in an interview Wednesday…

And the Harris campaign took an unexpected swipe at Teamsters leaders after the decision.

“As the vice president told the Teamsters on Monday, when she is elected president, she will look out for the Teamsters rank-and-file no matter what,” Lauren Hitt, a Harris campaign spokeswoman, said, leaving out the top brass.

Ahead of the decision, the Harris campaign tried to mitigate the blow, noting that of the 10 largest unions in the country, only the Teamsters had not backed her, and that the umbrella labor organization, the A.F.L.-C.I.O., represents about 10 times the number of workers in the Teamsters and is working hard on Ms. Harris’s behalf…

The decision not to endorse reflected the divisions within the union’s rank-and-file. Leaders who backed Ms. Harris noted that the Biden administration had done much to like. Mr. Biden’s Covid relief bill, the American Rescue Plan, included the one measure that Teamsters leaders wanted the most — a huge bailout of pension plans that will restore retirement accounts at the union for three decades.

“When we were all worried about what was going to happen with our pensions, I remember watching Kamala Harris cast that vote, and there was nothing but applause all around,” said Michelle Espinoza, 51, a member of Teamsters Local 135 in Indianapolis who drives a semi-truck cross country with her husband every week. (Ms. Harris broke the tie on the American Rescue Plan.)

The $1 trillion infrastructure bill, the $280 billion measure to rekindle a domestic semiconductor industry and the Inflation Reduction Act and its $370 billion for clean energy to combat climate change all had pro-union provisions, including measures that mandated union-scale wages and tilted toward union apprenticeship and training programs.

But working-class voters, especially white men, have favored Mr. Trump, a point Ms. Harris conceded on Monday when she told Teamsters leaders that she understood the union’s rank-and-file was looking at issues beyond labor, such as immigration. She implored Teamsters officials to tell members that she had backed a bipartisan border security bill that was negotiated in the Senate and then killed at the behest of Mr. Trump.


The New York Times

Teamsters Won’t Endorse a Candidate for President in 2024

The Teamsters president, Sean O’Brien, has shown an openness to former President Donald J. Trump, dividing the powerful union. Neither candidate will be the beneficiary of its considerable organizing muscle.

By Jonathan Weisman

Sept. 18, 2024

I knew United Steel Workers Union members who voted for the extreme anti-union President Reagan because Reagan was racist & supported the National Rifle Association. 


"President Reagan's proposal on fund withdrawal is expected to set off a major fight in Congress. Contrasting Arguments

Labor unions, consumer groups and some organizations representing elderly people say that pension plans would be weakened by any change permitting employers to withdraw money for their own purposes."


Feb. 3, 1987


The New York Times Archives

Wednesday, September 18, 2024





Election officials across the country are taking unprecedented security measures to protect workers and ensure the safety of voting and ballot-counting processes. These measures include panic buttons, bulletproof glass, increased law enforcement presence, and enhanced training. The focus on security comes after a rise in threats of political violence and harassment targeting election officials, particularly following the 2020 presidential election.


 “Have Trump and Vance crossed the line into Federal Hate Crimes by using their campaign rhetoric to violently target the legal Haitian community in Springfield Ohio? Michael Popok examines and recommends that the DOJ warn the Proud Boys and other violent extremists that if they touch a hair on the Haitian community, they will be prosecuted.”

What the Washington Post left out was that Trump spewed HATE AND FEAR AT HIS POLITICAL RALLIES.

“He had built his political brand by entertaining massive crowds, appearing at outdoor rallies, UFC fights and college football games, often wading through throngs of adoring fans.”

“Events have taken far longer to plan because of limited resources. Bulletproof glass now boxes him in at outdoor events. Campaign officials have been warned by the government about the possibility of poisoning threats that could target the former president. His team has gotten nervous about drones targeting him at golf courses and at outdoor venues after hearing briefings from the Secret Service. He has been warned of the perils of playing golf, with some of his courses now off limits.”


The Washington Post

How the Trump campaign has been forced to adapt to assassination threats

The situation has caused a grim mood on the campaign, as the once freewheeling candidate is hemmed in by new constraints.

Michael Scherer

September 18, 2024 at 5:00 a.m. EDT


Just like Trump, Joseph Goebbels exaggerated:

In the Sportpalast.

"When the British Air Force drops two or three or four thousand kilograms of bombs, then we will in one night drop 150, 230, 300 or 400,000 kilograms. When they declare they will increase their attacks on our cities, then we will raze their cities to the ground. We will stop the handiwork of those night air pirates, so help us God! The hour will come when one of us will break and it will not be National Socialist Germany!"[34][35][36][37]



No fewer than 42 assassination plots against Adolf Hitler have been uncovered by historians:

Assassination attempts on Adolf Hitler

Assassination attempt number 41 VALKYRIE A dramatization of the July 20, 1944 assassination and political coup plot by desperate renegade German Army officers against Adolf Hitler during World War II.




Election officials across the country are taking unprecedented security measures to protect workers and ensure the safety of voting and ballot-counting processes. These measures include panic buttons, bulletproof glass, increased law enforcement presence, and enhanced training. The focus on security comes after a rise in threats of political violence and harassment targeting election officials, particularly following the 2020 presidential election.


Updated 5:31 PM EDT, September 17, 2024

MARIETTA, Ga. (AP) — The election director in Cobb County, an Atlanta suburb where votes will be fiercely contested in this year’s presidential race, recently organized a five-hour training session. The focus wasn’t solely on the nuts and bolts of running this year’s election. Instead, it brought together election staff and law enforcement to strategize on how to keep workers safe and the process of voting and ballot-counting secure.

Having a local sheriff’s deputy at early voting locations and panic buttons that connect poll managers to a local 911 dispatcher are among the added security steps the office is taking this year.

Tate Fall, Cobb County’s election director, said she was motivated to act after hearing one of her poll workers describe being confronted during the state’s presidential primary in March by an agitated voter who the worker noticed was carrying a gun. The situation ended peacefully, but the poll worker was shaken.

“That made it really real for me — that it’s so easy for something to go sideways in life, period, let alone the environment of Georgia and elections,” Fall said. “I just can’t have someone being harmed on my conscience.”

Across the country, local election directors are beefing up their security in advance of Election Day on Nov. 5 to keep their workers and polling places safe while also ensuring that ballots and voting procedures won’t be tampered with. Their concern isn’t just theoretical. Election offices and those who run them have been targets of harassment and even death threats since the 2020 presidential election, primarily by people acting on former President Donald Trump’s lies that the election was stolen from him through widespread fraud or rigged voting machines.

The focus on security comes as threats of political violence have been on the rise. Trump was the target of a potential assassination attempt over the weekend, just nine weeks after another threat on his life. Federal agents last year fatally shot a Trump supporter who threatened to assassinate President Joe Biden, and the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was severely injured in a hammer attack by a man promoting right-wing conspiracy theories.

In just the last year, a gun was fired at a window of the Cuyahoga County, Ohio, election office, bogus 911 calls were made to the homes of top state election officials in Georgia, Maine, Michigan and Missouri in a potentially dangerous situation known as swatting, and election offices in multiple states were sent letters filled with a white powder that in some cases tested positive for the powerful opioid fentanyl. On Tuesday, the FBI and U.S. Postal Service said they were investigating suspicious packages received by election officials in at least a dozen states, although there was no indication any of them contained hazardous substances.

“This is one of the things that I have to say is just crazy, outrageous to me — the election threats to workers of both parties and their families, the bullying, the harassment,” Jen Easterly, director of the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency, said during a recent agency-sponsored online event. “These folks, they are not doing it for pay. They’re not doing it for glory. They’re doing it because they believe it’s the right thing to do to defend our democracy.”

Her agency has completed more than 1,000 voluntary physical security assessments for election offices since the start of 2023. Election officials have been using that help to identify gaps and request money from their local governments to make upgrades.



Election officials prepare for threats with panic buttons, bulletproof glass


The Guardian

Political violence and fearmongering bigotry have become too normalized | Robert Reich


The article discusses the alarming rise of political violence and fearmongering bigotry in the United States. The article highlights two recent assassination attempts on former President Donald Trump and the dangerous consequences of baseless claims made by Trump and his allies, such as the false accusation of Haitian immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio.