Sunday, July 24, 2022

The guys in the Planning Commission told me to lay off the cross lighters along the Perkiomen. I thought, I know Klansmen, I can handle them. After reading “Bring The War Home” I learned how dangerous it was.

The klansmen I knew were old men from the 2nd. Klan. The Klan from the 1930-40s. The new Klan were Vietnam vets. 

At the time I was a planning commission member of Lower Frederick Township PA and lived a few blocks outside of the Schwenksville line. Planning commission members warned me it was dangerous to mess with the skinhead/nazi/KKK in the area. 

The skinhead/nazis/KKK terrorized a woman and her 2 children living next door. She came to me for help. I don’t know how she knew I was fighting against the skinhead/nazis. 

I spoke to the mayor of Schwenksville and we got the skinhead/nazis evicted.

The woman terrorized by the skinheads next door didn't go to police or any other public official. The police where she lived would have been PA State Troopers. 

At the time I was aware of a State Trooper who raped Perkiomen Valley Middle School girls on the hood of his patrol car from our own local police. My daughter was too old for him. The entire State Police Limerick Barracks was under investigation.  - SEE MontCo Ex Trooper below:

People coming to me for help became a pattern. They are afraid to speak to police, not knowing which side police would take. 


Saturday, August 1, 2020

Violent extremist right groups are BRAND NEW to WAP POLITICAL REPORTERS. I dealt with them in the late 1990s when I helped remove 3 skinhead/nazi/KKK from a row house in Schwenksville PA

Some people from the “South Street Renaissance” who moved out because of the proposed cross town expressway came to Limerick, Lower Frederick area. They used their profits from growing and selling hemp to buy property and build their Bucky Fuller & modern style homes. Many were peaceniks. A few were vets who brought the war home.  

The Klan in Northwestern Montgomery County were 3rd klansmen that came out of the Vietnam War. Former grunts who experienced combat. I think that one man at the  Planning Commission new them. I think they were neighbors. 

I didn’t know how dangerous it was.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Is the Republican Party “Young Guns" backing Guy Ciarrocchi named after the violent, drug-dealing street gang in Coatesville, or the peyote using cowboy gang in the film? He’s running against Democrat Chrissy Houlahan in the PA 6th Congressional District.

 I guess it’s natural for a historically criminal organization like the Republican Party to name a group within it after another criminal organization. 

“A former member of the Young Guns, a violent, drug-dealing street gang in Coatesville, was convicted Saturday A Chester County Court jury found that Odell "Zelly" Q. Cannon, 32, of Coatesville, had played a role in the death of Brian Keith Brown, 29, also of Coatesville; however, the panel acquitted Cannon of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit first-degree murder.

Deputy District Attorney Ronald Yen contended that Cannon had ordered Brown shot in retaliation for the shooting that night of Cannon's older brother, Jonas L. Suber. - Kathleen Brady Shea”


Philadelphia Inquirer 

Ex-gang member guilty in 2006 Coatesville killing

"Guy Ciarrocchi, who previously served as president and CEO of the Chester County Chamber of Commerce and was a top official in former Gov. Tom Corbett’s administration, is competing against second-term for the seat in the fall election. The district covers all of Chester and parts of southern Berks County, including Reading.

Guess he's prematurely grey.
Ciarrocchi said he was honored to be part of the program and humbled to receive an endorsement from McCarthy. He said he looks forward to serving alongside him.

‘My top priority is restoring the Republican majority in Congress, and that’s why I’m proud to endorse Guy Ciarrocchi for Congress,’ House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in a statement. ‘Pennsylvania’s 6th District is one of the top races that we need to flip, and Guy has the right professional and life experience to serve in Congress and help get our country back on track.’

The Young Guns program aims to help candidates across the country with the tools and resources they need to run winning campaigns. To qualify for the program, candidates have to reach certain benchmarks in fundraising and messaging to prove their viability.”



Republicans name Guy Ciarrocchi to Young Guns program

The Chester County Republican is running to represent the 6th Congressional District.

Karen Shuey July 20, 2022 at 1:52 p.m.

For most of my 70 plus years I thought of the Chester County Republican Committee was part of the Philly Mob. 

They morphed into Christian nationalist batshit insane QAnon White Power Paramilitary but I guess the core criminality of the Chester County Republican Committee is still there. 

Theodore “Teddy” Rubino was Chester County Commissioner and Republican Party Chair he ran Chester County as Angelo Bruno ran the Delaware Valley. Business owners would put a “tribute” into Rubino’s desk drawer when he left the room. If a business owner did not pay “insurance” to Rubino his business could be in trouble. 

"Then, in 1977, Mr. Rubino pleaded guilty to having extorted $6,400 from architects who were awarded a $130,000 contract to convert a former West Chester hospital into a county government annex…. 

As part of Mr. Rubino’s plea agreement, prosecutors read into the record statements that the FBI had taken from businessmen and politicians who had dealt with Mr. Rubino. They indicated that he had established set prices for those doing business with the county, ranging from milk supplies to the leases on court offices. Some of the money went to the county GOP.”


Friday, November 1, 2019

Even after his imprisonment for extortion former Chester County Commissioner & CCRC Chair Theodore Rubino is highly revered among Republicans.

The "Guns" in the National Republican Congressional Committee Young Guns name brings it up to present day shoot-em-up Republican candidate political advertising:

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

FASCISM RISING IN PENNSYLVANIA “We are going to build a coalition of Christian nationalists, of Christians, of Christian candidates at the state, local, and federal levels, and we’re gonna take this country back for the glory of God, [Mastriano] is our guy"

I see more than a superficial resemblance between
Mastriano & Mussolini. They share a political ideology & movement.

We have a fascism problem. Solving it requires that we correctly identify this problem and the dangers it creates.

"(WHTM) – While Democrat John Fetterman holds a strong lead over Mehmet Oz in the Pennsylvania Senate race, the Pennsylvania Governor race is much closer in the early days of the race.

Attorney General Josh Shapiro, the Democratic nominee, holds only a 4-point lead over his far-right Republican rival, state Sen. Doug Mastriano, with just under 13 percent of voters remaining undecided in the race in the newest USA Today Network/Suffolk University poll.

That puts Shapiro’s advantage over Mastriano within the poll’s 4.4% margin of error."



"Since its founding, Gab has
been a haven for antisemites, white nationalists, and other bigots who have been kicked off of Twitter and other mainstream social media platforms, creating a cesspool so toxic that even MAGA cultist Bill Mitchell abandoned the platform after growing tired of dealing with its “large white supremacist, bigotry community.”

Mastriano, by contrast, has no such qualms about courting that community; he spent $5,000 promoting his campaign on the platform and has even been interviewed by Torba himself. For his part, Torba has been a vocal supporter of Mastriano, penning a column last week in which he declared that “Christians need to be supporting Doug Mastriano.”

On Friday, Democrat Josh Shapiro, who is running against Mastriano for governor in Pennsylvania, appeared on MSNBC to discuss Mastriano’s ties to Gab, which prompted Torba to hold a livestream response in which he repeatedly made his Christian nationalism explicitly clear.

“We are going to build a coalition of Christian nationalists, of Christians, of Christian candidates at the state, local, and federal levels, and we’re gonna take this country back for the glory of God,” Torba declared. “[Mastriano] is our guy, and this is Pennsylvania’s guy, and he’s going to turn this state around for the glory of God. And that is the mission here, folks.”

“Now that the media is attacking Christian nationalism, they’re attacking Jesus Christ, and that is a very bad move,” Torba warned. “We are going to take back this country for the glory of God. This is an explicitly Christian movement because this is an explicitly Christian country. From its founding, throughout its entire history, it has been an explicitly Christian country, and people are starting to remember that, and that needs to be the focal point of this movement.”

“That is how we are going to win,” Torba proclaimed. “The entire platform is centered around God’s word, is centered around putting Jesus Christ first again, in our schools, in our culture, in our homes, in our media, in our entertainment, in our news, everything.”"



‘This Is an Explicitly Christian Movement Because This Is an Explicitly Christian Country’: Andrew Torba Makes a Case for Doug Mastriano

By Kyle Mantyla | July 18, 2022 12:17 pm

"What does abortion criminalization have to do with voter suppression or with denying election defeats (and only defeats)? What does resistance to COVID mitigation have to do with attacking educators’ ability to teach about the history of racism in the U.S.? What does targeting LGBTQ & especially trans folks have to do with laws allowing motorists to run over protesters? On their surface, these issues seem totally unrelated, but each reflects a suppressionist and eliminationist logic that is the defining feature of fascism. They are also each central policy positions of today’s Republican Party. 

Indeed, whether it’s the extremist Court that just overturned the basis for all of its twentieth century civil rights rulings, the 1/6 Insurrection orchestrated by the Republican Party, or the various state-level laws restricting the right to vote, teach, protest, terminate pregnancies, and exist as a queer person, it has become increasingly clear that something is deeply wrong with the Republican Party. That something is fascism…

As fascist dictator Benito Mussolini explained in his 1932 essay, “The Doctrine of Fascism,” the defining feature of fascism is “it[s] will to power, its will to live, its attitude toward violence, and its value.” Fascism first and foremost, in Mussolini’s thinking, is concerned with seizing and exercising power, with exercising unilateral, eliminationist violence against its opponents. “Anti-individualistic,” he explained, “the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State.” In Mussolini’s framework, there is no room for personal preferences, beliefs, or convictions. Under fascism, the state requires total subordination.

Let’s pause and consider Mussolini’s point by examining two issues less commonly associated with fascism in our public discourse: sex and gender. While we rightly consider race and ethnicity as central to fascist projects, policing sex and gender norms are no less crucial. While Hitler initially welcomed openly gay Ernst Röhm as his closest advisor, for example, he had Röhm and others rounded up and killed shortly after he was elected chancellor. That’s both an illustration of power—Hitler needed Röhm to organize the brownshirts (until he didn’t)—and of the relationship between fascism and patriarchal mythology. As Jason Stanley argues exhaustively in the first chapter of How Fascism Works, fascist mythologies tie the imagined greatness of the past to rigid patriarchal power and gender roles. So when, for instance, we see Republicans calling Democrats a “Party of Groomers” (not linking) for supporting LGBTQ rights, what we are seeing is not some weird sexual fixation but a tactic of scapegoating and myth-making used by fascists for a century.

The Republican Party’s recent assaults on LGBTQ rights and reproductive autonomy for women and gender nonconforming folks with uteruses are often framed as a commitment to old time religion—to fundamentalist and austere Christian norms and practices. These claims too—that it’s not fascism if it’s religion—hide the ways that fascists have long used religion to produce a fascist national mythology and as a weapon to exclude, suppress, or eliminate those seeking freedom of thought and action. Mussolini explains this tactic:

The Fascist State is not indifferent to religious phenomena in general nor does it maintain an attitude of indifference to Roman Catholicism, the special, positive religion of Italians. The State has not got a theology but it has a moral code. The Fascist State sees in religion one of the deepest of spiritual manifestations and for this reason it not only respects religion but defends and protects it. 

As the Italian fascist dictator makes clear, religious devotion is not only compatible with the suppressionist vision of the fascist state, but can actually help accelerate it. Note his reference to “the special, positive religion of the Italians.” Here Mussolini invokes the idea of a national religion—Roman Catholicism—that gives life to the nostalgic mythologies around national character and greatness created to serve the regime and suppress outsiders. Mussolini’s argument is echoed almost verbatim in the logic of Samuel Alito’s insistence in Dobbs that rights only exist which are “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition.” In the United States, that argument limits our rights to those recognized in our country’s deeply racist and patriarchal history.…

So what does all this mean for us?

First, it means that we need to understand that, both structurally and ideologically, the protofascism of the Jim Crow era never left us. Rather, it has become the centerpiece of Republican ideology to such an extent that the 2022 Senate GOP election platform repeats fascist ideas and mythologies nearly verbatim. It is an alarming text and indicates the dire situation we now face.

Second, it is absolutely crucial that we understand the way these seemingly-unrelated laws and tactics are part of a totalizing program. If we fail to do so, we not only miss the scope of the fascist project but also Republicans’ substantial progress in bringing it to fruition. Since 2020, Republicans have worked overtime to limit the protections of the state to those who adhere to racist, sexist, classist, and fundamentalist hierarchies of the “great again” fascist nostalgia. A vast network of suppressionist laws, structures, and tactics, then, is already in place.

Third, we must use the state to destroy this fascist movement before it’s too late. That means, for example, prosecuting immediately the Republicans who planned and helped carry out the January 6th Insurrection. It means removing from Congress those who continue to promote the Big Lie and taking steps to prevent fascist propaganda networks from spreading lies and conspiracy theories. Failing to take these steps against the brazen fascism of the Republican Party means allowing them to continue plotting coup attempts and working towards a single-party state, plotting that led directly to a century of explicitly white supremacist rule in the wake of Reconstruction.

Going forward, I will use this space to engage 1) important antifascist thinkers from W.E.B. Du Bois, Aimé Césaire, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Simone Weil to Angela Davis, James Boggs, and Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture), 2) the history and growing threat of fascist organizing in the U.S. and 3) ways we can circumvent or make inoperable the systems of exploitation that Republican fascists hope to control and build towards survival, liberation, and empowerment. While the situation we confront is indeed dire, I believe that we can sabotage fascist systems of power and, in solidarity with one another, seize for ourselves and our communities a more just and livable future.


Why I Use The F Word (And You Should Too)

We have a fascism problem. Solving it requires that we correctly identify this problem and the dangers it creates.

Dr. William Horne Jul 15"

Friday, July 15, 2022

I believe the election of the “Bloc of Four” Coatesville PA City Council members hand picked by John Birch Society Leader Pat Sellers was part of “The White Power Paramilitary Movement.” We slept with fire extinguishers & dug bullets from walls.


Voter intimidation worked at Coatesville’s Ward 4-2. When some voters saw Pat Sellers’ cohort Bob Saucier at the door they turned around & home. 

"Larry Pratt stands at the intersection of guns and Jesus, lobbying for absolutely unrestricted distribution of firearms while advocating a theocratic society based upon Old Testament civil and religious laws."

“Sellers, an electrical worker who trails his opponent in the race, has also come under fire for seeking the support of Larry Pratt, a former aide to presidential candidate Pat Buchannan. 

Many of us realize that after the arsonist is captured the bullets will still fly in Coatesville. John Pawlowski does not talk about it much but a bullet went through his garage door. RDA Chair Joseph Discullio has dug bullets from his home and business in Coatesville’s West End. A teller in a bank that I frequent told me her husband’s vehicle was totaled by bullet holes when a man was shot in front of her home. AK47 shell casings were found in the streets. There are hundreds of stories like this in Coatesville. 

Because of what might be called a “gag order” on Coatesville Police by City Manager Harry Walker, lesser reported crimes like armed robbery and muggings require reporters to dig through Magisterial Court Records. Many crimes go unreported in the news. 


Sunday, February 1, 2009


“Sellers, an electrical worker who trails his opponent in the race, has also come under fire for seeking the support of Larry Pratt, a former aide to presidential candidate Pat Buchannan.

Pratt is the executive director of Gun Owners of America. He left the Buchanan Campaign after the media reported on his ties to the Ku Kulx Klan and the white supremacist group Aryan Nation. 

Pratt has endorsed Sellers and will be the keynote speaker at a fund-raising dinner for Sellers next week.

Sellers said the allegations against Pratt are untrue and that he sought Pratt’s support because of his expertise on gun issues."


Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

Lancaster, PA Thursday April 11, 1996

"Larry Pratt stands at the intersection of guns and Jesus, lobbying for absolutely unrestricted distribution of firearms while advocating a theocratic society based upon Old Testament civil and religious laws. A pivotal figure in the rise of right-wing militia, or “Patriot,” groups, he spoke at the notorious 1992 “Gathering of Christian Men” in Estes Park, Colo., where 160 neo-Nazis, Klan members, anti-Semitic Christian Identity adherents and others arguably laid the groundwork for the militia movement that would explode in 1994. He believes that white Christians must arm themselves for self-protection in the inevitable social implosions and riots that are soon to come.

In His Own Words
 “We are looking at a major assault on the right to keep and bear arms, and it is kind of reminiscent of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, where they used doctors as part of their torture routines and got people sent to the camps for improvement of their mental health."
—"Talk to Solomon Show," 2013 

‘While the United States has forgotten its success in this area, other countries have rediscovered them. It is time that the United States return to reliance on an armed people. There is no acceptable alternative."
—Armed People Victorious (comparing militias during the American revolution to death squads in Guatemala), 1990

"The right to keep and bear arms is just as important today as when the Bill of Rights was drafted. The right to keep and bear arms will be important until Christ comes again, because until then, people will be sinful. Crooks will steal, and murderers will kill, and government officials will tyrannize. The common thread is man presuming to make himself into a God."
—"Tools of Biblical Resistance," 1983"


Southern Poverty Law Center

Larry Pratt

Larry Pratt is a gun rights extremist who also advocates a theocratic society based on Old Testament civil and religious laws, and a pivotal figure in the militia movement.

Monday, July 11, 2022

The New York Times articles concerning Croydon New Hampshire & Coatesville PA. The Croydon New Hampshire article was entirely about politics. The Coatesville PA articles were about arson but ignored larger story of politics and corruption leading to arson.

Why does something that happened 13 years ago matter? Many of the politicians now active today’s insurrectionist QAnon Republican Party in Pennsylvania have roots in Chester County PA.

The corrupt racist extremist Republican Party takeover of the City of Coatesville a few years ago concluded in apocalyptic fire. I think what happened in the City of Coatesville is a precursor of what could happen if Doug Mastriano & Dr. Oz win in November. 

“In the middle of the night, Pennsylvania’s legislators pushed through an amendment to the state Constitution removing any protection for abortion and women’s health services — along with a number of anti-democratic measures that could make it harder for minorities to vote.

There are massive issues with morality and democracy here, but the fact of the matter is that women — here in Chester County — will die if this reaches final passage and abortion is ultimately banned by the state legislature. And for that, Reps. Tim Hennessey (R-26) and John Lawrence (R-13) need to be held responsible. I’ll note Craig Williams (R-160) voted against the measure, as did every Democratic state legislator in the county.

Their votes could lead to the death of a woman you know — or maybe even love. Mothers, daughters, sisters and wives are being put at risk. If this passes, women will die. Assume that the legislature will again pass a total ban on abortion — and if elected — a Governor Doug Mastriano would sign it.”


Lawrence, Hennessey choosing extreme politics over Chester County women’s lives

Jul 10th, 2022 · 0 Comment

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa

I once called Tim Hennessey's Coatesville Office "City Hall East" because former Coatesville City Council President Patsy Ray spent every weekday afternoon at Tim Hennessey's Coatesville Office:

Croydon New Hampshire, libertarian Ian Underwood proposed eliminating one man department. But that was only an opining salvo.

Underwood proposed and got Croydon to cut the school budged in half. The students, teachers & parents brought the community together against the libertarian invasion.

Coatesville PA libertarian John Birch Society Chapter Leader Pat Sellers hand picked city council members who hired a Chief Mathews who cut the PD in 1/2. The result was one officer on duty per 12 hour shift in a town known as a place to buy drugs with a high murder rate. Arsonists took notice of the lack of police. 

“CROYDON, N.H. — The tiny New Hampshire town of Croydon fits the New England of the imagination, with its cozy general store, one-room schoolhouse and local museum open by appointment. The only thing missing is supposed to be missing: a stoplight.

But it’s not just the Rockwellian setting that makes this community of 800 seem quintessentially American. People here have just experienced a fractious come-to-Jefferson moment that has left many with a renewed appreciation for something they had taken for granted: democracy.

“Showing up. That’s the big lesson,” said Chris Prost, 37, a Croydon resident who runs a small brewery from a barn at the back of his house. “And not just showing up, but also knowing what’s going on.”

Hope Damon, 65, a dietitian who is pursuing a new career as a result of her town’s recent crisis, agreed. What happened here, she said, “could happen most anywhere.”

To understand what happened — and is happening — in Croydon, you should remember the New Hampshire motto: “Live Free or Die.” This is, after all, the only state that does not require adults to wear seatbelts.

You also should know that New Hampshire’s individual-rights vibe, along with its small population (1.38 million) and large legislature (400 representatives and 24 senators), has drawn libertarians like colonists to a tea party.

Croydon (population: 800) has, along with other parts of New Hampshire, attracted adherents of the Free State movement.John Tully for The New York Times

Croydon, incorporated in 1763, is among the New Hampshire towns with a free-state vein running through its granite hills. This was hinted at in 2020, when Ian Underwood, a town selectman aligned with the Free State, proposed eliminating the police department as a way to fire its sole employee, the longtime and somewhat controversial chief.

The three-member select board adopted the approach and instructed the chief to return his badge and gear. He promptly handed over his uniform, which he happened to be wearing, and then, in hat, boots and underwear, walked out into a February snowstorm. His wife collected him down past the general store.

This includes the Free State Project, a movement that for years has promoted a mass migration of “liberty activists” to the state so as to seed a kind of limited-government Shangri-La. The group espouses “radical personal responsibility,” “constitutional federalism” and “peaceful resistance to shine the light on the force that is the state,” its website says.

Croydon life continued, with yard sales at the museum, Halloween celebrations at the fire station and generally low turnouts at the annual town meetings — a direct-democracy tradition common in New England, when residents gather to approve, deny or amend proposed municipal budgets.

On a snowy Saturday this past March, the 2022 meeting began in the two-century-old town hall, where the walls are adorned with an 1876 American flag made by the “women of Croydon” and instructions to reset the furnace to 53 degrees before leaving.

Residents approved the town budget in the morning. Then they turned in the afternoon to the proposed $1.7 million school budget, which covers the colonial-era schoolhouse (kindergarten to fourth grade) and the cost of sending older students to nearby schools of their choice, public or private.

This is when Mr. Underwood, 60, stood up and threw a sucker punch to the body politic.

Calling the proposed budget a “ransom,” he moved to cut it by more than half — to $800,000. He argued that taxes for education had climbed while student achievement had not, and that based in part on the much lower tuition for some local private schools, about $10,000 for each of the town’s 80 or so students was sufficient — though well short of, say, the nearly $18,000 that public schools in nearby Newport charged for pupils from Croydon. 

For what happened next go to:

New York Times

One Small Step for Democracy in a ‘Live Free or Die’ Town

A cautionary tale from Croydon, N.H., where one man tried to foist a change so drastic it jolted a community out of political indifference.

By Dan Barry

July 10, 2022, 3:00 a.m. ET

The result of libertarian John Birch Society interference in the City of Coatesville PA? 

Bloods & Crips brought trunk loads of free guns for teens, bullets, AK-47 gunfire & murders. 

“Business is good again” was the message to drug dealers from Coatesville who fled to Philly.

Drug dealers took over Coatesville, which because a Richard Legree Chair of Area 14 of the Chester County Republican Committee and State Constable in Coatesville had a reputation as a drug dealer, might have been an intended result of cutting our PD. 

One not foreseen but possibly welcome since Pat Sellers is a raging racist on American Renaissance forums was the free for all for arsonists that plagued Coatesville residents. 

Governor Rendell woke Coatesville City Manager Harry Walker on a Sunday morning demanding he declare an emergency and allow the Pennsylvania Fire Marshal to take over Coatesville’s fire departments. 

Before he was installed by the “Bloc of Four” Harry Walker & Coatesville Solicitor to be Andrew Lehr met with high level representatives from Florida Power & Light about a gas fired electric generation station to be built on land known as “The Flats” the Coatesville Redevelopment Authority planned for commercial, residential use.” But “Commercial, Residential” is a zoning overlay. The land could be used by FPL if Walker, Lehr & Sellers could con Coatesville City Council to abolish the RDA. I think the plan Walker, Lehr & Sellers would be on the board of the public-private Coatesville Power Authority that would be needed to sell FPL electricity on PECO lines. 

In other words they brought crime & arson to Coatesville for residual income from electric power. Fortunately the citizens of Coatesville came to gather and stopped them. 

In 2006-07-08 we had Crips and Bloods and SUR-13 trying to get control of the action in Coatesville. 

The fires saved us.

Coatesville was flooded with undercover ATF and undercover State Troopers to catch arsonists and the the Crips, Bloods and SUR-13 moved out. 

I saw the graffiti, first the Crips on a barn on South Caln Road, Caln Township and in a few months Crips, Bloods and SUR-13 all over Coatesville & Valley Township.

The Coatesville PD "chief" who was a retired Baltimore Housing Authority cop was seemingly unaware of a gang problem in Coatesville. "Chief" Matthews proposed laying off 6 Coatesville officers one of them turned out to be  a lieutenant, Matt Gordon:

Coatesville City Council February 22, 2007 Two hundred police officers and police officials attended that meeting. 

Joe was responding to Coatesville City Councilperson Kurt Schenk. Joe Carroll is a very easy going person. Joe’s hands were shaking as he said this. I have never before or since seen Chester County Joe Carroll as angry as he was that evening:

District Attorney Joe Carroll, "I need Matt Gordon back!”

"King’s expected appearance would mark the first time a former federal lawmaker has addressed an American Renaissance gathering since Jared Taylor, the organization’s longtime leader and a prominent ideologue on the racist right, began hosting conferences in 1994.

In 1996, Taylor invited Frank Borzellieri, who was elected to the District 24 School Board in Queens, New York, in 1993. Among Borzellieri’s campaign promises was a vow to “end taxpayer funding of anti-American multicultural books and materials in our schools and libraries,” according to a January 1996 article on American Renaissance’s website. (Queens, the borough of New York that Borzellieri represented, has been called one of the “most diverse places on Earth.”)"


Southern Poverty Law Center

July 06, 2022 

White Nationalist Conference Lists Former Congressman and Current GOP Congressional Candidate as Speakers

Former Lancaster/ChesCo John Birch Society Chapter Leader Pat Sellers and racist extremist Jared Taylor

American Renaissance Magazine 

Vol 11, No. 7 July 2000 


"Sir — Jared Taylor missed the mark completely in his article on Elian Gonzalez in the June issue. One would think that since the liberal Washington Establishment was going against one of its usual constituencies (the Cuban community), Mr. Taylor would realize that racial consciousness had little if anything to do with what is happening. By narrowly focusing on what is at most a side issue, he fails to see the big picture. 

The globalists in Washington don’t give a hoot about Elian, and are probably delighted that conservatives like Mr. Taylor focus on the race issue...  

Mr. Taylor also fails to realize the dangers in letting Reno and company get away with the enormous abuse of federal power their early-morning raid represents. Just because it was a Cuban household the feds smashed their way into does not make it any more acceptable to true constitutionalists."

Pat Sellers, Coatesville, Pa. 


 American Renaissance archives

American Renaissance magazine 

Vol 11, No. 7   July 2000- The War on White Heritage

The New York Times also did several articles about the City of Coatesville. 

The New York Times wrote about the arson fires that happed after the Cheif selected by the City Council cut the PD in half. 

New York Times

Fire Thought to Be Arson Damages 15 Homes in Philadelphia Suburb

By The Associated Press

Jan. 25, 2009

New York Times

A City Adds a String of Arsons to Its List of Troubles

Jan. 28, 2009

Coatesville Journal

By Ian Urbina

New York Times

Another Arson Fire Set

By The Associated Press

Feb. 7, 2009