Thursday, December 31, 2020

So is Josh Hawley the Republican Party Immanuel/Q?

In just a few years the Republican Party went from the slow Reaganism death of one thousand cuts of government by the people and for the people to a Political Party embracing terrorist extremism.

“My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” — Grover Norquist

Sometime between 2004 & 2008  Republican's even some local Chester County Republicans, like former Sheriff Bunny Welsh’s began to embrace the philosophical stance of anti-government bombers like Timothy McVeigh

Two facts precipitated the Republican Party’s rapid shift to terrorist extremism. 

The election of a Black president, Barack Obama and the realization among ordinary people that:

The US white majority will soon disappear forever.

Trump’s former campaign manager Steve Bannon leads the world in a war against immigrants: 

Trump’s feeble mind understands the extreme shift of the Republican Party into a terrorist insurrection party. 

Republicans understand the GOP's shift from Reaganism to extremism. Democrats are mostly clueless. 

And corporate media chose to ignore it:

"Donald Trump isn’t the destruction of the Republican Party; he is the fulfillment of everything the party has been saying and doing for decades. He is just saying it louder and more plainly than his predecessors and intra-party rivals...

Donald Trump isn’t the destruction of the Republican Party; he is the fulfillment of everything the party has been saying and doing for decades. He is just saying it louder and more plainly than his predecessors and intra-party rivals."


Blowing the Biggest Political Story of the Last 50 Years

The shocking story isn't the rise of Donald Trump but how the GOP slowly morphed into a party of hate and obstruction.

Trump is an idiot who like the idiot “Chauncey Gardiner” in “Being There” Peter Sellers film) understands the power of TV/cable media. 

Trump's blundering, scattershot presidency exposed the cracks in U.S. democratic government that allow an unscrupulous man to become dictator of the United States. 


Trump’s last stand is his call for armed insurrection at Biden’s inaugural

Oath Keepers’ Stewart Rhodes Repeats Demand That Trump Declare Martial Law to Avoid Militia-Led Civil War


Hawley understands the extreme shift of the Republican Party from incremental destruction of government, “drown in a bathtub” to the Republican embrace of violent anti-government extremism.

Republican evangelical christian voters believe Trump is "The Last Emperor."

"The Last World Emperor originates in the apocalyptic sermon known as “Pseudo-Methodius,” written in Syriac between 685 and 690 after the Arab conquest of the Middle East. The prophecy speaks of a Byzantine or Roman king who would lead a successful war against the forces of Islam and establish a new era of peace. That calm would hold for a decade, at which point the forces of “Gog and Magog” would attack. Instead of resisting them, the king would travel to Mount Golgotha to lay down his crown, fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel and setting the stage for the Second Coming and a final apocalyptic battle between good and evil. The Last World Emperor and Daniel differ most notably in that the former demands a flawed secular hero as the champion. It therefore offers a model that allows the religious to cast secular political leaders as apocalyptic heroes, regardless of their personal failings."


The apocalyptic myth that helps explain evangelical support for Trump

Like President Trump Senator Josh Hawley understands the extreme shift of the Republican Party base from Reagan to Alt Right/Fascist-Evangelist-Apocalypse/QAnon. 

Hawley also understands how to manipulate media. He is not an insane idiot like Trump. 

Can Hawley lead the GOP from a Mad Max apocalypse Party to something survivable?

On Dec. 18, Hawley went to the Senate floor to press for a bill providing for $1,200 checks, forcing a colleague to block him from passing it by unanimous consent. What ensued was a clash of the competing strains of contemporary Republican thought.

Hawley preached unadulterated American populism: “If we are going to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on bailing out this, that and the other, surely — surely — we could start with reasonable, modest relief to the working people in need in this nation.”

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), a product of the tea party revolution — a plastics manufacturer who rode discontent with federal spending and regulation to election in 2010 — countered: “We all have compassion. We all want to fulfill those needs. We just don’t talk in numbers very often,” he said, before objecting to Hawley’s bill. “We are mortgaging our children’s future, and I think we need to be very careful about mortgaging it further.”

In the end, Hawley and Sanders won out: The checks — worth an estimated $166 billion — made the cut.

Sam Hammond, director of poverty and welfare policy at the center-right Niskanen Center and a former aide to Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, said Hawley’s success could hearken the possible return of the “New Deal Republicanism” that went out with Richard M. Nixon.

Hawley’s facility with the grievance politics of the right, he said, has given him a special ability to appeal to a Republican base that, under Trump, appears to be growing less affluent, more diverse and certainly less interested in the dogma of Milton Friedman and Ludwig von Mises.

“You can use the cultural animus foil to hide a lot of plutocratic policy,” said Hammond, who has advised Hawley’s office. “But . . . it leaves you vulnerable to someone like Hawley who comes along and talks the talk just as well about the cultural elites and big tech, who stokes the culture war flames just as well but then channels that energy some other place.”

Sanders declined to comment on Hawley’s influence on the direction of the Republican Party.

“I will simply say that I appreciated the effort that Sen. Hawley made in working with me to do everything we could to get a $1,200 direct payment to working families in this country,” he said.

Hawley — who is widely seen as having presidential ambitions and has already started lobbing attacks at the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden — explained his interest in building a more cohesive framework for GOP populism in terms that would not sound out of place at a Sanders rally.

“My state, we are a working-class state in every sense. I see what I’m doing as trying to represent them and trying to articulate their values and their viewpoints and try to fight for policies and programs that actually benefit them,” he said.

“We’re rural, we’re urban, we’re multiracial. But you look at the working people across those different divides, they’ve got a lot of common interests. So I see it in that way. And, you know, I hope that there’ll be lots of people who will have a similar viewpoint. But we’ll see.”


Josh Hawley led the GOP push for stimulus checks. Where else will he take his party?

Mike DeBonis

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

🎼It’s pocket veto time 🎶It’s pocket veto time 🎶 AN-N-D: , 🎼Oh when the tanks 🎶 Oh when the tanks 🎶 Oh when the tanks roll on DC 🎶

"The video landed like a sonic boom in Washington. His own aides were stunned. Congressional aides were stunned. And the implications for what happens next could be severe. If he refuses to sign the bill, the government will shut down on Dec. 29. The $900 billion in emergency economic aid will be frozen, and the race for the two Senate seats in Georgia could also be upended."

Trump calls on Congress to approve $2,000 stimulus checks, hinting he might not sign relief bill without changes

A pocket veto occurs when a bill fails to become law because the president does not sign the bill and cannot return the bill to Congress within a 10-day period because Congress is not in session. ... 


Pocket veto - Wikipedia



Did I mention that Trump ain't no loyal Republican? The Republican base is loyal to Trump but Trump has no love for the GOP. 

The senate special election in Georgia is January 5th. 


Maybe change the name from Whitehouse to Pandemonium House:

President Trump, in his final days, is turning bitterly on virtually every person around him, griping about anyone who refuses to indulge conspiracy theories or hopeless bids to overturn the election, several top officials tell Axios.

The latest: Targets of his outrage include Vice President Pence, chief of staff Mark Meadows, White House counsel Pat Cipollone, Secretary of State Pompeo and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Why it matters: Trump thinks everyone around him is weak, stupid or disloyal — and increasingly seeks comfort only in people who egg him on to overturn the election results. We cannot stress enough how unnerved Trump officials are by the conversations unfolding inside the White House.

Top officials are trying to stay away from the West Wing right now.”


Trump turns on everyone


Tanks rolling on DC part:

New Yorker

Trump Floats Coup Plan That’s So Wild Even Rudy Giuliani Is Terrified

By Jonathan Chait

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Remember “Mr. Ed” the talking horse? Pennsylvania has Mr. Pat the smooth talking snake senator.

 “Sen. Pat Toomey said Tuesday that it’s ‘completely unacceptable’ for President Donald Trump to pressure state lawmakers to overturn Pennsylvania’s election result, a rare rebuke from a Republican elected official as Trump continues his effort to subvert the will of the voters…

His comments came a day after it emerged that Trump called the Republican state House Speaker to seek help in undoing the outcome.

Toomey, one of fewer than 30 congressional Republicans to openly acknowledge the election results, said he spoke with President-elect Joe Biden by phone late last week, congratulated him on his victory, and discussed some of the few areas where they might be able to cooperate, such as on international trade.

‘We had a very pleasant conversation,’ Toomey said.”


Republican Sen. Pat Toomey calls Trump’s campaign to overturn Pennsylvania election ‘completely unacceptable’

By Jonathan Tamari

Tribune News Service |

Dec 08, 2020

From the Washington Post:

“Toomey, a conservative lawmaker on the Senate’s banking committee, has demanded provisions be included in the covid relief package that would curb the ability of the Fed to restart emergency lending programs for localities and small businesses.”

Seems like near treason is now a requirement for Republican Party officials.

Pat Toomey our smooth talking snake senator is willing to destroy the economy of the United States by insuring that Joe Biden & Democrats cannot boost the economy. 

Do Republicans meet secretly in the sewers of Washington DC & take a candlelight pledge to burn the USA to the ground to hurt Democrats?

More from the Washington Post:

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told Senate Republicans on a private call Saturday afternoon that the party should stick by Toomey’s plan, according to two people who requested anonymity to share details of the call.

But senior Democrats have balked at agreeing to what they see as a nakedly political attempt to limit the economic tools available to the Biden administration. Throughout Friday and Saturday, a chorus of Senate Democrats emerged urging party leadership not to budge on the issue. Democrats have already agreed to drop aid to state and local governments from the relief package, and some lawmakers have hoped the central bank could serve as a backstop for assisting ailing municipalities.

The Toomey proposal would amount to one of the most significant intrusions into the central bank’s autonomy in years. Former Federal Reserve Chair Ben S. Bernanke weighed in on the dispute in an unusual public statement on Saturday, saying that the central bank’s emergency lending authorities should be at a minimum as robust as they were before passage of the Cares Act in March. Bernanke said that it was “vital” that the central bank’s ability to “respond promptly to damaging disruptions in credit markets not be circumscribed.”

“It’s no surprise that Republicans are drawing a line in the sand over their ability to sabotage the economy, and tie the Biden administration’s hands,’ Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, the ranking Democrat on the finance committee, said in a statement.”

Read much more on the secret negations leaked on occasion to the press so that we're preconditioned to the screw over and don't choke on our coffee when the news we were screwed again comes out. 

It's all journalistic best guesses. The only sure thing is we will be fucked again:

From The Washington Post

Lawmakers reach compromise over GOP proposal to rein in Fed’s powers, clearing path for a stimulus package deal

Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.) had proposed curbing the central bank’s ability to offer emergency loans. With the issue now resolved, a deal on the nearly $1 trillion legislation could be near.

Rachel Siegel

Friday, December 18, 2020

WTF! In the City of Coatesville PA Martin Luther King Jr. Street (formerly Harmony St) between 1st. Ave. & 3rd. Ave. has been mostly dug up since 2006!!! 14 YEARS!!! What’s with the water company?


December 18, 2020  10:58:05 AM

I remember Patsy Ray commenting on the water company tearing up the street for months at a time when she was a Coatesville City Council member.

Is there a geologic problem? 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Since the 70s when Commissioner/CCRC Chair Teddy Rubino ran Chester County like a mob boss Republicans here adored authoritarian strongmen. Rubino got the mafia style strongman politician right but not Trump's ability to lock up media focus on himself.

Sante Piscoglio the elder who came to Coatesville from Sicily had a business selling high quality Scotch whisky to the wealthy of Chester County PA including Commonwealth Judges. 

Mr. Piscoglio lived up the street from me in a beautiful 1920s style stone home with hardwood paneled walls. 

I believe that home is the most desirable home in the city limits of Coatesville. Actually what you could call the family room on the west side is in the Coatesville city limits. The rest of the property is in Caln Township.

My introduction to politics as a boy included Sante & the Republican Judges that bought his whiskey during Prohibition. Sante is part of how I came to know Democrats as steelworkers and Republicans as doctors or gangsters. 

Theodore “Teddy” Rubino is revered in Chester County Republican Party politics not despite his conviction for extortion but because he defied the law. Rubino almost got away with it. 

Even after his imprisonment for extortion former Chester County Commissioner & CCRC Chair Theodore Rubino is highly revered among Republicans.

Rubino Park, our newest recreation area, has 15,000 square feet of play area with a Gazebo entrance. It has been a wonderful addition to the corner of Broad Street and Old Lincoln Highway. The area is fenced in for child safety and provides a great place for picnics and small children play.

Theodore S. A. Rubino Memorial Park  

The Republican Party attitude to white collar criminality is the same as in the illegal drugs business, doing prison time is just down time. It’s part of the game.

Teddy Rubino fulfilled the strong man who laughed at the law branch of the Republican Party. 

Rubino only had support from wealthy old money and corporate interests in Chester County and Pennsylvania. Most ordinary people never heard of Rubino. 

Everyone knows Donald Trump. 

Republicans are dearly holding on to Trump’s dress for his comeback in 2024. Donald Trump might be just getting started. 

As Donald Trump came out of TV media. Silvio Berlusconi, prime minister of Italy for 9 years came out of TV media to run Italy as a strongman. 

"Silvio Berlusconi was the first person to assume the premiership without having held any prior government or administrative offices. He is known for his populist political style and brash personality. In his long tenure, he was often accused of being an authoritarian leader and a strongman.[13][14][15] Berlusconi still remains a controversial figure who divides public opinion and political analysts. Supporters emphasize his leadership skills and charismatic power, his fiscal policy based on tax reduction, and his ability to maintain strong and close foreign relations with both the United States and Russia.[16][17][18] In general, critics address his performance as a politician, and the ethics of his government practices in relation to his business holdings. Issues with the former include accusations of having mismanaged the state budget and of increasing the Italian government debt. The second criticism concerns his vigorous pursuit of his personal interests while in office, including benefitting from his own companies' growth due to policies promoted by his governments, having vast conflicts of interest due to ownership of a media empire with which he has restricted freedom of information and finally, being blackmailed as leader because of his turbulent private life.[19][20][21][22]"


Silvio Berlusconi


"The global spread of democracy, a Western gift to the world, was meant to result in the election of liberal, pro-Western leaders. Instead, a wave of strongmen rulers has been elected, many of whom have clear non-Western identities. This list includes Shinzo Abe of Japan, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, Narendra Modi of India and, looking back further, Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. China’s Xi Jinping can be added to this list, emerging as he did from a fiercely competitive political process within the 80 million-member Communist Party of China."


New York Times 

How Strongmen Co-opted Democracy

Saturday, December 12, 2020

THE FEAR IS BACK! If you live here you know of someone who got it. All assemblies of more than 4 unrelated persons prohibited - CITY OF COATESVILLE DECLARATION OF STATE OF EMERGENCY

I check the daily Coronavirus numbers in Chester County PA on the Weather Channel every day. The numbers are rocketing up:

Mostly I see people on the street without masks outside of the City of Coatesville. 


I drive through the City of Coatesville several times a day. Up until Thanksgiving Day everyone I saw wore a mask. 

I think Thanksgiving family dinners were a break in the fear of COVID-19 infection. I know several Coatesville area families that had large gatherings on Thanksgiving. 

On about December 17, three weeks after Thanksgiving, I expect a huge jump in deaths.

Everyone here knows someone who got it. The fear is back:

 Declaration of State of Emergency City of Coatesville PA