Monday, December 16, 2019

I saw the Chester County Republican Committee changing to a racist anti-government extremist group in 2004

I tried to warn the Chester County Democratic Committee about Pat Sellers and the Saha Farm thing in Coatesville. 

Friday, July 7, 2017

Back in 2004 I couldn’t imagine that Donald Trump would explosively move the growing white supremacy antisemitism & anti-government extremism i could see in our local Chester County Republican Committee to mainstream state and national Republican Party policies. 

This Washington Post opinion article below is about the domestic politics side of the growth of fascist/racist ideology in the Republican Party.

There is also a multi-nation growth of fascist/racist ideology in Europe, India & Southeast Asia. That's for another post.

“Certain questions haunt many of us who care about the nature and future of the Republican Party. Is the GOP as it currently appears — defined by white identity and excited by cruelty and exclusion — really the way it has always been? Does Trumpism represent a hostile takeover of Republicanism or its natural outworking?”

Mason, Wronski and Kane found that support for the Democratic Party is associated with warmer feelings toward African Americans, Hispanics, Muslims and LGBT people. This type of “in-group love” is what you’d expect. “Put simply,” said the authors, “when you like the people who make up the party, you like the party.” 

The results concerning the GOP were more mixed, but similar. Warmer opinions about whites and Christians in 2011 predicted later support for the GOP — the Republican version of “in-group love.” 
But hostility toward African Americans and Hispanics did not drive future Republican support (though negative feelings toward Muslims and LGBT people did have limited predictive value). 

Support for Trump, in contrast, was strongly associated with “out-group hatred” of African Americans, Hispanics, Muslims and LGBT people. “In every case, the people who felt hostile towards Democratic groups in 2011 are most likely to be Trump supporters today. The same cannot be said of Republican partisans.” 

What to make of these distinctions? “In-group love” of whites and Christians for other whites and Christians is hardly a noble political motivation. “Love your white neighbor as yourself” doesn’t have quite the same moral ring to it.” 


Which is worse, bigotry or cowardice in the face of bigotry? 

Michael Gerson

Saturday, December 14, 2019

I saw a guy wearing a yarmulke shaking hands in front of the Clock Tower Building in Coatesville, PA. I thought NO you idiot, this is Chester County PA. A yarmulke is a target here.

On the same day I watched this video from the New York Times:

“So artificial intelligence is a study of how to make machines behave intelligently, which means acting in a way that will achieve the objectives that they’ve been given. 

And recently, I’ve become concerned about the use of A.I. to kill people.” Stuart Russell. He was an early pioneer in artificial intelligence. He’s also been warning people about its potential danger for years. 

“So a killer robot is something that locates, selects and attacks human targets.” 

Stuart says we’re not as far from something like this bee-sized drone. He imagined one, and made a movie that he hopes will freak you out. 

In Stuart’s movie, we see swarms of them armed with explosives set loose on their targets. “The main issue is you’re creating a class of weapons of mass destruction, which can kill millions of people, just like a nuclear weapon. 

But in fact, it’s much easier to build, much cheaper, much more scalable, in that you can use 1 or 10 or 100 or 1,000 or 10,000. Whereas with a nuclear weapon, it’s sort of all or nothing. It doesn’t destroy the city and the country that you’re attacking. It just kills all the people you want to kill, all males between 12 and 60 or all males wearing a yarmulke in Israel.” 


Friday, December 6, 2019

Trump is a mirror reflecting “Jews will not replace us”

If Clinton won, Anders Breivik & Robert Bowers would have killed. Nazis would blossom in Russia, Europe, America & India. 

The GOP to Nazi pendulum would strike harder, ring louder with a President Hillary. 

Friday, June 26, 2015 
Will Republicans stop pandering to White Supremacists and risk losing to Tea Party candidates? 

Republicans were caught wallowing with the same people as Charleston shooter Dylann Storm Roof. 
57 top Republicans donated to group that inspired Dylann Roof's Manifesto of killing black people:
I'm astounded that the worldwide seismic shift to Nazi style fascist government remains unnoticed in the corporate press. 

Stephen Miller is the main event in the Trump Administration. Miller will not resign:  
Stephen Miller linked immigration to violence in emails to Breitbart News – writing of crimes committed by nonwhites that “each one [is] more disturbing than the next.”

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Donna Brazile on Roger Stone, "Well he's gonna be sentenced February 6th. I hope he roasts in Hell. That son of a bitch worked with Wikileaks to destroy not just Democrats but to destroy our democracy,"

I don't always like Bill Maher's show. Some of the natural bigotry of the super wealthy rubs off on Bill Maher. This time his show got it right.

Bill Maher, "Will President Trump pardon Roger Stone? Not before the election, would be my guess.

Donna Brazile, "Well he's gonna be sentenced February 6th. I hope he roasts in Hell. That son of a bitch worked with Wikileaks to destroy not just Democrats but to destroy our democracy. So I hope he roasts in Hell. And I wish I'm at the sentencing hearing. I'm going to wear the best looking red dress I could and say, Go to Hell! Not jail!

Anyone who sits down and tries to work with a foreign government that is trying to destroy our country, destroy our candidate, yes they worked to destroy Hillary Clinton. They worked to so discord between Hillary and Bernie. Yes they took our emails, took our personal information and then they turned against us and threatened our lives and harassed us. Go to fucking jail. Go to jail. Go to jail. I've never been so proud of a jury. Thank God I wasn't on that damn jury. You done woke me up..."

Frank Bruni, "Paul Manafort has had his moment of reckoning, same with Michael Cohn. Now Roger Stone. When does Donald Trump's moment of reckoning come?"

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Nazi Berlin, this time with AI cameras coming to your town courtesy of Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump & the GOP.



“At first the Moscow authorities said it was strictly about public safety – finding lost children, catching dangerous criminals. That sort of thing.” says Sarkis Darbinyan, a Moscow lawyer and an activist at RosKomSvoboda, an organisation dedicated to defending Russians’ rights in cyberspace. “But now they’re not even hiding what it’s all about – they want to use it to track and identify protestors.”
In the last few months, authorities have announced new facial recognition-based measures that would counteract the sort of large-scale protests that sprung up around this summer’s Moscow municipal elections.  

In September, at the height of the protests, the Moscow city government placed a $4 million order for a portable system of facial recognition cameras, designed to be deployed at large public events, including demonstrations. According to Sergei Chemezov, head of Rostec, VisionLabs’ parent company, by 2020 these cameras will be backed up by Augmented Reality facial-recognition glasses, issued to Moscow policemen. Many believe that these new technologies will be used to track and identify future protestors  
However, officially approved use of the technology is only part of the problem; misuse is also a concern. As recently as 2017, Mikhail Pashkin, head the Moscow police officers’ union, admitted that two city policemen had been sacked for abusing their access to the facial recognition database.. 


Russia is building one of the world’s largest facial recognition networks 

According to some projections, it may even be bigger than China’s 200 million camera system 

Felix Light - 8 November, 2019
What would Nazi Germany be like with AI cameras? It’s happening in Russia. Putin sees democratic government as a weak system easily replaced by his mob ruled fascism. Republicans are eager to accommodate Putin. 

President Donald Trump Says He Might Attend Russia Victory Day Events:

Friday, November 1, 2019

Even after his imprisonment for extortion former Chester County Commissioner & CCRC Chair Theodore Rubino is highly revered among Republicans.

Theodore “Teddy” Rubino was Chester County Commissioner and Republican Party Chair he ran Chester County as Angelo Bruno ran the Delaware Valley. Business owners would put a “tribute” into Rubino’s desk drawer when he left the room. If a business owner did not pay “insurance” to Rubino his business could be in trouble. 

"Then, in 1977, Mr. Rubino pleaded guilty to having extorted $6,400 from architects who were awarded a $130,000 contract to convert a former West Chester hospital into a county government annex…. 
As part of Mr. Rubino’s plea agreement, prosecutors read into the record statements that the FBI had taken from businessmen and politicians who had dealt with Mr. Rubino. They indicated that he had established set prices for those doing business with the county, ranging from milk supplies to the leases on court offices. Some of the money went to the county GOP."

It’s easy for Putin to fit his gangster model for government into the CCRC’s existing gangster government. 

Voters have a chance to remove gangster government in Chester County on November 5th

Theodore S.A. Rubino Memorial Park Rubino Park, our newest recreation area, has 15,000 square feet of play area with a Gazebo entrance

We had moderate Republicans here in the 1950 and into the 1980s. Moderate Republicans and moderate Mafia style Teddy Rubino Republicans. Rubino was the CCRC Chair and Chester County Commissioner

Saturday, October 25, 2014

S.a. Rubino, Long A Power In Chesco

March 12, 1989|By Rich Henson, Inquirer Staff Writer Staff writer Mark Fazlollah

Theodore S. A. Rubino, 77, a self-made millionaire and the predominant power broker in Chester County Republican politics for two decades until he was convicted of extortion in 1977, died yesterday at Bryn Mawr Hospital. He had lived in Malvern.
Mr. Rubino, who entered politics as a Malvern Borough councilman in 1955, was chairman of the Chester County Republican Party for 12 years and chairman of the county commissioners for seven.
He rose to prominence at a time when county bosses could wield considerable power, said William Lamb, the current head of the county’s GOP…..
Although Mr. Rubino had held no official position in the county GOP since 1977, his tight reins on the county’s political patronage system can still be felt.
“You need only look around the courthouse today to see how many people’s careers Ted helped,” Lamb said, adding that for the last decade Mr. Rubino ”had been a friend and an adviser.” The county GOP considered him to be the party’s chairman emeritus, Lamb said.
Senior U.S. District Judge John B. Hannum, whom Mr. Rubino succeeded as county GOP chairman in 1964, said: “He was an exceptional man and a great friend. He had been sick a long time, though, and maybe this is a blessing.”….
The son of an Italian immigrant quarry worker, origins that helped him maintain an easy rapport with the county’s rank-and-file voters, Mr. Rubino considered himself an anomaly among the fox-hunting gentry who controlled the county before him.
“This is real WASP country,” he once said. “Somehow, I just never belonged.”
Despite never being fully accepted by the county’s Republican traditionalists, he did acquire power and wealth.
And controversy frequently followed him.
Through real estate speculation, his ownership of the Knickerbocker Landfill near Malvern and his association with a Paoli insurance firm, Mr. Rubino, a lifelong bachelor, was a millionaire by the early 1970s…..Mr. Rubino’s first public troubles began in 1970, when state officials reported that hazardous wastes had been dumped, apparently illegally, at the landfill he owned with his brother. Knickerbocker was closed for a week in 1971 but was not shut down permanently until 1979, despite efforts by local environmental groups to have it closed sooner…..
Public controversy also swirled over the state’s $1 million purchase of part of his landfill for a stretch of the Route 202 bypass.
Though the legal division of the state Department of Transportation cleared Mr. Rubino of any wrongdoing in the case, public outcry caused enough pressure that he decided not to seek re-election to his county commission post in 1975.
Still, he was re-elected that same year as party chairman without opposition.
Then, in 1977, Mr. Rubino pleaded guilty to having extorted $6,400 from architects who were awarded a $130,000 contract to convert a former West Chester hospital into a county government annex….
As part of Mr. Rubino’s plea agreement, prosecutors read into the record statements that the FBI had taken from businessmen and politicians who had dealt with Mr. Rubino. They indicated that he had established set prices for those doing business with the county, ranging from milk supplies to the leases on court offices. Some of the money went to the county GOP.
As vice president of the Huggler Insurance Agency of Paoli, Mr. Rubino also received commissions from county contracts that he personally directed to the agency.


in the shadow of paoli hospital

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Terrance Farrell tried to stop Lincoln University students voting for Barack Obama. If Democrats stay home Election Day Farrell will continue as Chester County Commissioner

Terrance Farrell said an elderly White woman was to terrified of young Black students at Lincoln University campus to vote at Lincoln U. Since Farrell lives in Lower Oxford he was able to petition the court to change the polling place from Lincoln U to a tiny building between a busy highway and an active rail line. 

The result was long lines of voters and the Lower Oxford Polling Place open to after 11:00 pm on Election Day 2008.

Friday, February 19, 2016

As a Chester County Commissioner, Kathi Cozzone has worked hard to protect voter's rights--just ask the Lincoln University students and residents assigned to the Lower Oxford East Precinct. Cozzone, one of three Chester County Commissioners and the lone Democrat, voted her conscience in September 2008 when the Board of Elections considered a petition signed by both local Democrats and Republicans to relocate the polling place from a smaller, inadequate facility to a previously used site in a gymnasium on the nearby Lincoln University campus. Listening to the concerns of her constituents, she voted in favor of the move because the proposed location was safer, more accessible, and overall better equipped to accommodate the 1,000+ voters who were expected to turn out in November. Cozzone explained her decision to the Daily Local:"I think that moving it to Lincoln University gives us the opportunity to provide a safe environment for the voters, to provide a timely environment for the voters and to get all the voters to vote." 
However, Republican Commissioners Carol Aichele (now PA's current Secretary of the Commonwealth) and Terence Farrell both voted against the move for partisan reasons but cited flimsy excuses and exaggerated "concerns" about the relocation plan to justify denial of the petition.  There were 1,556 ballots cast at the Lower Oxford East polling place on Election Night 2008 --- over 500 more than initially projected. Wait times were from six to eight hours because there were only six voting booths, one ballot scanner and one restroom. In April 2009, there was a similar proposal and the Republican Commissioners collectively chose to ignore the legitimate concerns of the people while, once again, Commissioner Cozzone was the only dissenter. Subsequently, the County was sued (see English, et al. v. Chester County) because of the extremely long wait times and hazardous conditions at the polling place, and was settled in favor of the Plaintiffs, wasting thousands of tax dollars on a lawsuit that could have easily been prevented.
In an August 2010 Daily Local ArticleCommissioner Cozzone remarked on the outcome of the case: "When all was said and done, the right resolution to the issue of Lower Oxford East's polling place was reached. The recent settlement will allow all the precinct's residents to vote in a location with good parking, plenty of space and a safe place to wait in line. While I am pleased with the settlement, I would be remiss if I did not point out that this outcome was available to the County before legal action was taken, and taxpayer money was spent."


PA State 44th Senatorial District Race: Voter Protector vs. Voter Suppressor


Thursday, October 3, 2019

Chester County Sheriff Welsh is a Leadership member of CSPOA. What happens here in Chester County PA if Trump is removed and militia groups retaliate?

"Trump also suggested that his impeachment would produce a second American Civil War. This language is a dog whistle to the deranged."  - Judge Andrew Napolitano FOX NEWS.

This truck was at Rt. 30 & Rt 100 about 1000 feet from the Walmart in Exton PA 24 HOURS AFTER THE EL PASO WALMART SHOOTING. 
Gadsden, US flag & a black-and-white American flag blue line across the center flew from the back of the pickup. The B & W flag with blue line was used by Nazis at  Charlottesville. A Hillary Clinton dummy seemed to be holding the flags.

"The core philosophy of the Three Percenter movement, whose adherents have engaged in violence, is that citizens would be justified in taking up arms to violently overthrow the government if the government enacted stronger gun regulations," Media Matters recently noted." 

Fox News, GOP media now warn of bloodshed if Democrats win in 2020
 Eric Boehlert for Daily Kos

Liberty RiderMichael Maresco, is crossing the country by bike and handing out Oath Keeper dvd's along with Sheriff Mack's book and other materials to folks across the country. 

The Oath Keepers say they’re busy forming armed ‘preparedness teams.’ But what they’re preparing for is pure, dystopian fantasy.


"Trump has also admitted to accusing the as-yet publicly unnamed whistleblower of treason, and suggesting that the whistleblower and those who have helped him are spies and ought to be treated as spies were in "the old days" (Trump’s phrase) – that is, by hanging. 
The president’s allusions to violence are palpably dangerous. They will give cover to crazies who crave violence, as other intemperate words of his have done. His words have already produced offers of "bounties" in return for outing and finding the whistleblower. 
Trump also suggested that his impeachment would produce a second American Civil War. This language is a dog whistle to the deranged." 

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump’s call with Ukraine president manifests criminal and impeachable behavior

Sarah Silbiger/The New York Times
The woman in uniform standing next to AG William Barr is Chester County Sheriff "Bunny Welsh

"Privately, the president had often talked about fortifying a border wall with a water-filled trench, stocked with snakes or alligators, prompting aides to seek a cost estimate. He wanted the wall electrified, with spikes on top that could pierce human flesh. After publicly suggesting that soldiers shoot migrants if they threw rocks, the president backed off when his staff told him that was illegal. But later in a meeting, aides recalled, he suggested that they shoot migrants in the legs to slow them down. That’s not allowed either, they told him."
Shoot Migrants’ Legs, Build Alligator Moat: Behind Trump’s Ideas for Border 
By Michael D. Shear and Julie Hirschfeld Davis 
Updated Oct. 2, 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019

I got his plate # Pennsylvania ZFD-9734. The Nazi? guy in Black Chevy pickup at Rt. 30 & Rt.100 Exton PA day after El Paso

I got his plate. 

Pennsylvania ZFD-9734. 

My iPhone fired off 10 photos of the Nazi? guy in Black Chevy pickup with Nazi flags (flags appropriated by Nazis) & Hillary Clinton dummy at Rt 30 & Rt 100 the day after the El Paso shooting at Walmart. I didn't notice until today that one photo has his plates, Pennsylvania ZFD-9734

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Liberty RiderMichael Maresco, is crossing the country by bike and handing out Oath Keeper dvd's along with Sheriff Mack's book and other materials to folks across the country. 

Just below is a link to a copy of an invitation to register for the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers National Convention, Las Vegas, NA January 29 to 31 2012. Chester County Sheriff Welsh's name appears on the Board of Directors list on the last page:

Diplomats are National Security‘s first responders to threats to our nation from abroad. Our military is back up. Trump is gutting what Benjamin Franklin so courageously began.

A friend and co-worker’s brother was a career State Department officer. His wife and two boys followed him around the world. 

On one overseas post he bought a home he lived with his wife & 2 boys in Kuala Lumpur. They lived there several years. The moment they returned home to Philadelphia they went to a deli and bought hogies.

He was in Beirut walking on the street with security. There was a traffic jam. A man behind a stopped car brandished a pistol and said move out of the way. The man in front produced an AK-47 & fired into the air. My friends brother, his last name is Cawley, was thrown to the ground by his security. 

He got the best marshal arts trainer he could find to educate his sons. In many countries where they lived his entire family was under constant threat. 

“Democrats and Republicans in Congress must act to protect the State Department and the Foreign Service from Mr. Trump’s overt attacks and implicit disregard. The House in its impeachment inquiry should reaffirm the need for the State Department to be in charge of our relations with foreign countries. It should also examine how private citizens like Mr. Giuliani may have encroached on or usurped those responsibilities. For its part, the Senate should demand that the president send for ambassadorial confirmation a substantially higher number of career officers. 

Congress should also begin work on a bill to reauthorize the Foreign Service in its central mission, structure and responsibilities, which was last done in 1980. Given the changes in the global economy, technology and global balance of power — and in light of this president’s antagonistic relationship with the State Department — reaffirming and strengthening the role and mission of our career diplomats is a necessity. 

The State Department is in crisis. Mr. Trump has done enormous harm to its mission and self-confidence. Republicans and Democrats in Congress must take steps to rescue an American institution that with proper support and presidential leadership, could help make America a great and respected global power once again.”

American Diplomats Are Being Persecuted by Their Own President
By Nicholas Burns

Oct. 2, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019

Pelosi responds exclusively to her donors. Her donors want Trump/Ukraine. Looks like Pelosi’s donors don’t want Trump’s businesses investigated. Why? UPDATE

Tump/Ukraine is a tiny piece of Trump’s criminal career. Trump has associated with Mafia & Vor V Zakine (Russian thief who is above the law) since he was 14. 

Pelosi responds exclusively to her donors. Her donors want Trump/Ukraine. 

I think Pelosi’s donors might be swept up in an impeachment investigation of Trump’s businesses. 

Investigate “The Trump Organization.” All his criminality.

"The tale of two whistleblowers reflects the Democrats’ differing strategies, as well as the whistleblowers’ own approaches. 
The intelligence whistleblower brought the complaint to the Intelligence Community Inspector General, who told Congress about the report but didn’t hand it over because of objections from the White House. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, immediately brought the case to wide attention. 

One whistleblower is alleging problems with Trump’s Ukraine call and another is alleging problems with Trump’s tax audit. 

The tax whistleblower, meanwhile, went straight to Congress ― specifically to the House Ways and Means Committee, which had sued the Trump administration for refusing to provide copies of the president’s tax returns in response to a formal request. Democrats say they need Trump’s returns to make sure the IRS properly enforces tax laws against the president.  

But Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) is far less outspoken than Schiff, and his approach to the tax case has been cautious. He decided to stay focused on the lawsuit, using the whistleblower’s material to bolster that case."

Don’t forget the whistleblower alleging possible interference with the IRS audit of the president’s tax returns.