Monday, September 24, 2018

Christine Ford was correct. Kavanaugh would have killed her. Not out of lust. Out of hate. Kavanaugh is or was an Incel. It’s a perfect fit.

It’s a perfect fit. He’s not a virgin now, but you can tell from his actions he hates women.

"According to the New York Times and CNN, one of Kavanaugh’s defenses against the accusations will be that in high school, he was a virgin. 
It’s a questionable defense because, for starters, neither of his accusers have said intercourse occurred during their interactions with him, so that doesn’t absolve him of anything at all. Many people noted this point on Twitter.
Also, many young men who haven’t had sex are associated with groups that are extremely disrespectful toward women.
 While Kavanaugh did not come of age during the internet, many other young men who were virgins did, and they built and maintain a toxic online community rife with misogyny that has occasionally spilled over into violence. It’s all centered around the fact that they aren’t having sex.
There’s a whole word for it: Incels, short for involuntarily celibate. The incel community is exactly the kind of community you don’t want to ally yourself with when you are being criticized for your behavior toward women.
 But following the news of Kavanaugh’s latest defense, many on Twitter pointed out that calling attention to his being a virgin will unintentionally align him with self-identifying incels who use their virginity as an excuse to demonize and promote violence toward women.
Incels widely believe that women owe men sex and have extremely retrograde views on consent. The group is notorious for their hatred of women, and one of their most famous self-identified members, Elliot Rodgers, went on a killing spree after being rejected by a woman. The behavior of incels on Reddit was so noxious that their forum was permanently banned.
 Kavanaugh isn’t saying he holds these views, but the claim that he was a virgin is a weird way to convince the world at large that he has a healthy relationship with sex and women. Kavanaugh, who infamously was extremely interested in graphic details of Bill Clinton’s sex life during his perjury investigation, just might not.
 The Daily Dot
Kavanaugh’s ‘I was a virgin’ defense is already getting ripped apart

David Covucci— Sept 24 at 1:45PM | Last updated Sept 24 at 2:28PM

Since Brett Kavanaugh's penis adventures have been made public, It looks like a huge Democratic wave is coming. There is a rightwing push to purge eligible voters.

"In June last year, Luis, a resident of Virginia, was astonished to discover that his name and personal details, including home address, had been posted on the internet by a group known as the Public Interest Legal Foundation (Pilf).

Luis’s data had been released by the group, along with hundreds of other names, as an appendix to Pilf’s two-part report called “Alien Invasion”. The front cover showed a UFO hovering ominously over a billboard on which the famous tourism slogan “Virginia is for lovers” had been photoshopped to read: “Virginia is for aliens”.

“Voter intimidation looks different today – nobody needs to wear white hoods or burn crosses,” said Allison Riggs from the Southern Coalition for Social Justice who is lead counsel on the case. “Instead, you accuse people of crimes when they’ve done nothing wrong and put their names out there for the rabid masses to fixate on: that’s insidious modern-day intimidation.”


Thousands at risk from rightwing push to purge eligible voters from US rolls

Conservative groups such as Pilf publish voters’ details online in what experts say amounts to ‘insidious modern-day intimidation’

"White House Deputy Cheif of Staff for Communications Bill Shine coached Kavanaugh for his Senate testimony." 
Shine was available to go work in the White House since he was forced to resign in disgrace last year from his job as co-president of Fox News because he’d been named in too many lawsuits as an abettor of the multiple, large-scale sexual harassment allegations at the company." 

Republicans just don’t take sexual assault seriously as a problem 
Just look at Bill Shine and Donald Trump. 
Matthew Yglesias  
Sep 24, 2018, 11:40am EDT

Now that the Republican Party has nearly eliminated the possibility of a woman voting Republican, election fraud is their only chance to win in 2018. AND there is a big push for election fraud. 

Will Putin help out his kompromat President in the Whitehouse?

The Russian attacks on our democratic government is better understood if you know how the Russian Army views cyber warfare:

The Russian military doesn't use the term cyber or cyberwarfare. Instead, they conceptualize cyber operations within the broader framework of information warfare, a holistic concept that includes computer network operations, electronic warfare, psychological operations, and information operations.

"Less than two months before Election Day, 52% of registered voters said they would prefer Democrats to control Congress, while 40% preferred Republican control. That 12-point lead expanded from an 8-point Democratic edge in August. 
“Republicans have had a series of weak surveys; this is beyond weak,” said Bill McInturff, the GOP pollster who conducted the survey with Democrat Fred Yang. “This is a survey that says the Republican coalition at the moment is unhinged and not connected.”
The poll found that Democrats are benefiting from a strong showing of support among women. By 3 percentage points, men want Republicans rather than Democrats to control Congress, 47% to 44%. Women, by contrast, favor Democratic control by 25 percentage points—58% to 33%.
Among white voters, the gender disparity was the largest since 2008.
The poll was taken Sept. 16-19, after an accusation of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh became public and turned the spotlight on the politics of gender."
 More Voters Want Democrats to Control Congress, New Poll Shows
Support grows among women, suburbanites for change in direction from Trump ahead of midterm election
Janet Hook Updated Sept. 23, 2018 4:47 p.m. ET

The specific results:

The Kaiser Family Foundation showed Democrats leading Republicans 49 percent to 37 percent, up from an 8-point 46-38 lead in April.

  • Quinnipiac had Democrats leading 51 percent to 39 percent over Republicans, up from a 9-point lead in late June.
  • As Vox reported on Tuesday, with a little more than three months left until Election Day, Democrats seem to be strengthening their position to win control of the House.

Three other recent pieces of evidence add to the case:

  • On Tuesday, the University of Virginia’s Crystal Ball, one of the nation’s premier election forecasters, changed its ratings for 17 House districts — and all of them moved in favor of Democrats.
  • Democrats’ lead in the generic ballot, if you go by the RealClearPolitics polling average, has quietly doubled (and then some) since the beginning of June, from a mere 3.2 percentage points to a healthy 7.8 points.



2 new polls give Democrats a double-digit lead in the 2018 generic ballot 

A pair of surveys from top pollsters give Democrats a 12-point advantage in the 2018 election’s generic ballot. 

Dylan Scott 

Jul 25, 2018, 2:20pm 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Republican Party is coping with Brett the Prep School Brat's penis adventures.

"When he came to, he was back in his apartment, still dressed in the clothes he wore at the bar. “I started to panic, terrified of what I could have done during the blackout,” Judge wrote. “I could have done anything and not know it — I could have murdered somebody.”

This passage from Judge’s long-forgotten memoir is newly relevant in light of the accusation that Judge was in the room when Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh assaulted Christine Blasey Ford in 1982, when she was 15 years old. Kavanaugh and Judge were about 17 years old at the time, classmates at the all-boys Georgetown Preparatory School. Ford, now a professor in clinical psychology in California, has accused Kavanaugh of drunkenly locking her in a room at a house party and trying to tear off her clothes while holding his hand over her mouth as she screamed in protest. According to Ford, a drunken Judge was also in the room, watching and laughing. Kavanaugh has denied the accusation, and so has Judge, who stated in a letter that “I have no memory of the alleged incident. … I never saw Brett act in the manner Dr. Ford describes.”

But the wedding scene in Judge’s 1997 book, titled “Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk,” amounts to a clear acknowledgement from Judge that he engaged in drunken acts he could not remember afterward, and that those acts involved aggression toward women, if not outright violence. The wedding scene is not the only one of its sort in his book, which is out of print and extremely hard to find.

Judge also wrote that about a week before the wedding, he went to his favorite bar, ordered a shot and a beer, and struck up a conversation with a woman who was there. “We bought each other several rounds of drinks, and when I looked at the clock it was after midnight,” he wrote. “Then, in what seemed like an instant, it was suddenly the next morning. … I couldn’t remember a thing after I had looked at the clock. I had blacked out.”

When he came to, he was back in his apartment, still dressed in the clothes he wore at the bar. “I started to panic, terrified of what I could have done during the blackout,” Judge wrote. “I could have done anything and not know it — I could have murdered somebody.”

Mark Judge’s Memoir About Brett Kavanaugh’s High School Portrays a Culture of Aggression and Excessive Drinking

Kavanaugh’s mother was a Montgomery County prosecutor at the time of the alleged assault. 

Ford has not filed any reports with the local police, according to the Montgomery County Police Department, and she told the Washington Post that she didn’t tell anyone at the time what happened to her, including her parents." 

Maryland Governor Rebuffs Call for Criminal Investigation Into Brett Kavanaugh Attempted Rape Allegations

"Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, urged evangelical activists at the Values Voter conference in Washington to “keep the faith”.

“In the very near future, Judge Kavanaugh will be on the United States supreme court,” he predicted, promising that the Senate would “plow right through”.


Kavanaugh sexual assault accusation has both parties 'on a knife's edge'

Testimony from Christine Blasey Ford could shape public perception and political fallout

Vice President Mike Pence will address this year’s Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, an event put on annually by Religious Right group Family Research Council. 
Last year, President Donald Trump was the first sitting president to address the group. Trump was invited to speak at the conference again this year, but at the time of publication, his attendance was unconfirmed. 
The Values Voters Summit is hosted annually by the Family Research Council, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has listed in its index of hate groups. FRC president Tony Perkins and his employees have actively lobbied against marriage equality and transgender rights for decades—an agenda that Perkins told radio listeners he once discussed with former White House adviser Steve Bannon. Last year, Bannon and other White House officials recruited FRC in their war against the Republican establishment that they believe to be too moderate. 
As made abundantly clear last year, Perkins and his ilk have retooled their “family values” message from years past to include unwavering support of the Trump administration and its allies. Since last year’s conference, FRC has provided cover for failed Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore after he was accused of sexual misconduct with teenage girls while he was in his 30s, announced that evangelicals were giving Trump a “mulligan” for his alleged affair with Stephanie “Stormy Daniels” Clifford as long as he continues to fulfill their agenda, and called for prayersto protect Trump from “left-wing news media.” Coincidentally, Perkins has also received an appointment to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Mike Pence To Address Event Hosted By Anti-LGBT Hate Group
By Jared Holt September 19, 2018 5:05 pm

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

For some reason the sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are of interest in France.

On my blog more people in France are interested in Kavanaugh then here in the United States.

You can smell fear in fox hunting country. Les Moonves & Harvey Weinstein are not of the elite. They can’t be, they’re Jews. Kavanaugh is of the elite.

If he can be brought down, they all can be. Fear is in the air among the elite. Senators are circling the wagons. 

I know some of the stories here in Chester County that people don't want to talk about. I knew two people that watched Zack Walker burning just outside of Coatesville in 1911. One man's face was red from anger and in a rage when he told me someone that I knew pushed Zack Walker back into the fire. He carried that rage a very long time. Memory can keep forgiveness at bay.  

People can do terrible things. I can sort of identify.  I can relate to "True Detective".  

The sordid stories, the things we do to each other cut across social, ethnic and financial groups.  

The graceful beauty of horses, riders wearing red suits across rolling green fields make a pretty picture, but there can be something ugly hidden from view. 

There is ugly and beauty, darkness and light within all of us. In True Detective,  Matthew McConaughey’s character, Rust Cohe says;  “The world needs bad men. We keep other bad men from the door.”  

Is Chester County, "TRUE DETECTIVE" Louisiana With Fox Hunters? Cuyler Walker is part of that world. 
Monday, October 27,

Monday, September 17, 2018

Republicans have been undermining democracy since the 1990s. In 2014 Putin bolstered GOP anti-democracy with military grade cyber warfare on Americans now in progress.

I believe the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh, his misogyny and commitment to pardon Trump or anyone convicted by Robert Mueller are part of Putin’s plan to disrupt the democratic government of the United States by turning Americans against Americans.

I know most people don’t see it that way. But most people are not cognizant of Russia’s and Putin’s war on democratic governments and what I believe is President Trump's assistance in that war on democratic governments. 

“The Kremlin’s interference in the 2016 presidential election should have served as a wake-up call for Americans that something we took for granted—democracy—is vulnerable to attack by foreign adversaries in new and powerful ways. Instead, we’re mired in debate about whether the interference even occurred, and whether it mattered. Yet Moscow continues to exploit systemic societal vulnerabilities, including the erosion of public faith in democratic institutions, growing political polarization, and the failure to fully grasp the power of new technological tools, to mount an offensive on democratic institutions and civic debate. 

Day in and day out, Russian-oriented networks use social media to inject and amplify stories that anger and provoke. Exploiting events from Charlottesville, to the Seth Rich conspiracy, to the NFL “take a knee” controversy, to terror attacks, and even natural disasters, the Kremlin’s agenda is clear—sow chaos and dissent on all sides. Fear and uncertainty are Americans’ greatest weaknesses. A distracted, inward-looking America afraid of its own shadow will allow Russia to achieve its near-term strategic goals.” 

Shredding the Putin Playbook 
Six crucial steps we must take on cyber-security—before it’s too late. 
from Winter 2018, No. 47 – 26 MIN READ 
By Laura Rosenberger Jamie Fly


"It didn’t take much of a leap of imagination to form a “Heart of Texas” group that appeared to be based in Houston, but was actually operating near Red Square. They promoted a rally called “Stop Islamization of Texas,” as if there were much Islamization to worry about. Then in a masterful stroke, the Russians created an opposing group, “United Muslims of America,” which scheduled a counter-rally, under the banner of “Save Islamic Knowledge.” The idea was to motivate actual Americans -who had joined each of the Facebook groups - to face off against each other and prompt a lot of name-calling and, perhaps, some violence." 

"No one was more amazed than the young Russians in Saint Petersburg, who, as their own emails later showed, could not believe their targets were so gullible."


The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage, and Fear in the Cyber Age 


Here are excerpts from two books that I believe are paramount to understanding today's politics:

What Happened

September 12, 2017

The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage, and Fear in the Cyber Age June 19, 2018

by David E. Sanger  (Author) 

Trump and his cronies do so many despicable things that it can be hard to keep track. I think that may be the point—to confound us, so it’s harder to keep our eye on the ball. The ball, of course, is protecting American democracy. As citizens, that’s our most important charge. And right now, our democracy is in crisis. 

I don’t use the word crisis lightly. There are no tanks in the streets. The administration’s malevolence may be constrained on some fronts—for now—by its incompetence. But our democratic institutions and traditions are under siege. We need to do everything we can to fight back. There’s not a moment to lose.

How did we get here? 

Trump may be uniquely hostile to the rule of law, ethics in public service, and a free press. But the assault on our democracy didn’t start with his election. He is as much a symptom as a cause of what ails us. Think of our body politic like a human body, with our constitutional checks and balances, democratic norms and institutions, and well-informed citizenry all acting as an immune system protecting us from the disease of authoritarianism. Over many years, our defenses were worn down by a small group of right-wing billionaires—people like the Mercer family and Charles and David Koch—who spent a lot of time and money building an alternative reality where science is denied, lies masquerade as truth, and paranoia flourishes. By undermining the common factual framework that allows a free people to deliberate together and make the important decisions of self-governance, they opened the way for the infection of Russian propaganda and Trumpian lies to take hold. They've used their money and influence to capture our political system, impose a right-wing agenda, and disenfranchise millions of Americans. 

Meanwhile, hyperpolarization now extends beyond politics into nearly every part of our culture. One recent study found that in 1960, just 5 percent of Republicans and 4 percent of Democrats said they’d be displeased if their son or daughter married a member of the other political party. In 2010, 49 percent of Republicans and 33 percent of Democrats said they’d be upset by that. The strength of partisan identity—and animosity—helps explain why so many Republicans continue to back a president so manifestly unfit for office and antithetical to many of the values and policies they once held dear. When you start seeing politics as a zero-sum game and view members of the other party as traitors, criminals, or otherwise illegitimate, then the normal give-and-take of politics turns into a blood sport.
Hillary Clinton


“Pennsylvania, notably, had almost no paper backup for it’s voting machines. Even if a post-election audit of the vote were conducted, there was no viable way to confirm that votes were reported the way they had actually been cast. Other states had similar vulnerabilities.”



A main area of reform should be improving and protecting our elections. The Senate Intelligence Committee has made a series of bipartisan recommendations for how to better secure America’s voting systems, including paper ballot backups, vote audits, and better coordination among federal, state, and local authorities on cybersecurity. That’s a good start. Congress should also repair the damage the Supreme Court did to the Voting Rights Act by restoring the full protections that voters need and deserve, as well as the voting rights of Americans who have served time in prison and paid their debt to society. We need early voting and voting by mail in every state in America, and automatic, universal voter registration so every citizen who is eligible to vote is able to vote. We need to overturn Citizens United and get secret money out of our politics. And you won’t be surprised to hear that I passionately believe it’s time to abolish the Electoral College.

Hillary Clinton



Friday, September 7, 2018

It ain't Russia right now. Now the largest number of page views of my blog come from the UAE.

I can understand Russia's interest in local Pennsylvania politics. Local politics is the breeding ground for future political leaders. Russia wants an integral part of the future of US politics. 

Why is the United Arab Emerates interested in local PA politics?

I can only guess:

Was it this post?

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Trump Administration is tapping into domestic terrorism so that mining and drilling companies can gain access to public lands. WHAT COULD GO WRONG!

This one?

Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday, August 20, 2018

This one?

Thursday, August 9, 2018

ICE The GOP Gestapo: "Immigration and Customs Enforcement has demanded that North Carolina provide over 18 million voter records from the past eight years."

"Immigration and Customs Enforcement has demanded that North Carolina provide over 18 million voter records from the past eight years. The subpoena is outside the Department of Homeland Security authority and goes against testimony by DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who told Congress this year that DHS’s role is limited to voluntary requests for assistance from the states. Nielsen also wrote, in records obtained through an EPIC FOIA request, that associating the DHS with voter data collection “could disrupt critical efforts” to work with state officials on election cybersecurity. EPIC has long fought to ensure voter privacy and recently forced the defunct Presidential Election Commission to delete millions of state voter records unlawfully obtained."

September 6, 2018|