Thursday, June 21, 2018

Trump, Sessions & Miller’s ICE are doing what Hitler’s SS did in 1933. It took 9 years for the Nazis to get to the “Final Solution” at the Wannsee Conference in 1942.

In the film “Conspiracy” Adolf Eichmann, Reinhard Heydrich & others worked out their “final solution” in secret in suburban Berlin at a villa in Wannsee. 

Will Trump’s immigration policy lead to an updated version of Hitler’s “final solution?”

I always thought it was coordinated from the very beginning. But it wasn’t. It was very haphazard, really until this meeting.” - Stanley Tucci

"The only discernible difference between what Donald Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants on our southern border and what the Nazis did all over Europe to Jews is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump’s Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border. 

That’s it. Practically everything else is the same. The actions Trump’s Border Enforcement agents are taking when they separate immigrant children at processing centers from their parents have nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents inside the gates of Buchenwald and Auschwitz and Dachau. Trump’s agents on the border are carrying out a policy promulgated by his administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out the policy of rounding up political opponents, “undesirables,” and Jews, and incarcerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra-legal. You didn’t have to be convicted of a crime to be incarcerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes. 

The “crime”  in Hitler’s Germany and occupied countries was being Jewish. The “crime” committed by the children being rounded up and caged along our southern border is being brown and undocumented."

It’s long past time to compare Donald Trump and the Nazis

Egged-on by the weasle, Stephen Miller, Trump is putting kids into camps on the border, and it has got to stop

Saturday, June 9, 2018

In 2016 the murder rate in the City of Coatesville, PA was 60.8 per 100,000. In Philadelphia it was 17.4 per 100,000.

Very little has changed in Coatesville since 2004.

The Revitalization of Coatesville that everyone was talking about in 2004 would have meant the end of the drug business in Coatesville and would have destroyed the easy in and out supply depot that Coatesville is in Chester County. The trickledown effect from the loss of drug business would affect hairdressers, car dealers, furniture stores, churches, restaurants and other local business; but most importantly it would affect the pay off income of corrupt public officials. 

Organized crime could feel their drug business in Chester County ending.  And the USDoJ was pushing as hard as it could for Revitalization. 

When Paul Janssen said the first thing we have to do is make the streets safe he hit a bull’s eye. Paul Janssen’s problem was that the drug dealers and their corrupt public official enablers put that bull’s eye on his back and began a multifaceted program to get him out and stop the revitalization. 


Sunday, June 26, 2011

The revitalization of Coatesville still depends on getting our streets safe.

If you hear plans to reduce the size of the Coatesville PD again, something that can only help the drug business, keep these numbers in mind: