Sunday, February 25, 2018

Pandemonium at Coatesville PA City Council - Marie Lawson AND Kathy Hopton RESIGN.

Shortly after Coatesville City Council’s reorganization meeting in January, Marie Lawson, who had won the election for Coatesville City Council 2nd Ward seat, resigned on Facebook.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Two residents of Coatesville’s Second Ward replied to city council's request for a replacement for Marie Lawson:
Delores Ann Williams and Jarrell Brazzle.

Statutes of Pennsylvania – Consolidated Statutes - Title 8 - CHAPTER 11-  POWERS, DUTIES AND RIGHTS OF APPOINTED OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES - § 1104. Appointments and incompatible offices. -  
(g) Majority vote required.—All appointments to be made by the council shall be made by a majority of the members of council unless a different vote is required by statute.

3 votes for Delores Ann Williams - 3 votes for Jarrell Brazzle, Coatesville City Council voted 2 times.

Coatesville City Council was deadlocked 2 times.

A judge will decide who replaces Marie Lawson’s 2nd Ward seat on Coatesville City Council.


Kathy Hopton won a seat as ‘At Large’ Coatesville City Council member.

Kathy Hopton resigned last week. Allegedly she can’t handle the “stress.” 

I think the “stress” is Lavender, Green & Bookman. 

Linda Lavender Norris seems to believe she’s the “Queen of Coatesville” & tries to micro-manage city government.

A few months ago city employees allegedly told Coatesville City Manager Mike Trio they would resign en masse unless he did something to keep Linda Lavender Norris out of their daily work routine. 

So far this is the only minutes of Coatesville City Council Meetings available for 2018:

Saturday, February 24, 2018

There’s a big wave coming. Marco Rubio was wiped out by it.  Some Democrats including Mayor Josh Maxwell of Downingtown PA are riding it.

2010 mavericks competition

If you lived or worked in Allentown Pennsylvania during the 1980s you would sooner or later meet Mayor Joe Daddona. Joe was Mayor of Allentown nearly 30 years. If Allentown was a football team, its residents the players, Joe Daddona was the coach. Joe was a dependable champion for Allentown. 

Downingtown Mayor Josh Maxwell has the same friendly, helpful, dependable, personality as Joe Daddona. 

Josh is about the age of my children. The last US generation to get an affordable college education. 

Now. in 2018, most public school students that want a college degree have two choices, go into extreme debt or enlist in the military.  That’s as long as an "active-shooter" doesn’t cut short their possibility of a college education. 

I think our newest voters know Republicans, mostly Republicans, are denying them the possibility of a good life or life itself and they’re mad as hell. 

I think Josh Maxwell can be a champion for our newest voters. 

The events of the last few days have taken the world by surprise

February 22, 2018 11:15 am

We should have seen it coming. Maybe some teachers did. 

I started school in 1949. We had the threat from nuclear bombs. In first grade we had air raid drills. But there were no bombings. Nobody back then worried about school shootings. 

A generation is growing up with the constant threat of being shot while at school. Can you think of a book or movie or period in history where the threat of being shot is a standard part of a child's education? This is something brand new. 

The threats on the lives of the newest generation continue if they go to college.

There are some country club, Eisenhower Republican politicians, the kind we had in the 1950s, but they seem to be dying off. The energy in the Republican Party is coming from the Alt-Right Nazis. 

"Nikolas Cruz is not alone in transforming his embrace of Donald Trump into real-world violence. The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that since 2014, at least 43 people have been killed, and more than 100 injured, by the so-called "alt-right" movement, with 2017 by far the most lethal year. 

Donald Trump has unleashed a flood of white supremacist and other right-wing violence in the United States. This is a function of a larger sociopolitical dynamic. His right-wing movement -- and that of today's post-civil rights era Republican Party, more generally -- draws its strength from the racist lie that white people, especially white men, are the true victims of oppression in America. Trump has given his supporters permission to be violent: This is the most primitive form of social dominance behavior. 

Trumpism is also a reminder that racism, on a fundamental level, is interpersonal and structural violence." 

Trump and Parkland: Vicious racism as permission for violence 
The killer wore a MAGA hat and expressed the same views as Trump’s worst supporters. Think that’s a coincidence?
02.22.20184:59 AM
2018 elections ride on a tsunami wave of young people fed up with the constant threat of being shot at school. The undercurrent of the tsunami wave is, Atomwaffen and the SIEGE parallax: how one neo-Nazi’s life’s work is fueling a younger generation

The Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee are watching from their million dollar beach parties.  It’s a wild ride in 2018.

The 2018 surf is like never before. Some people will catch the wave. Josh is already standing up. 

Daily Local News
By: Staff Report
POSTED: Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018 - 4:35 p.m. 

There is so much I can’t write and some things I can’t even say about Coatesville. Niccolò Machiavelli could have written his books about Coatesville.

Friday, February 23, 2018

My co-worker in Hanover PA in 1965 was a former Eastern Front Artillery man in Hitler’s Army. "Student threatened shooting at South Western school

Hanover had white street gangs in 1965. A rougher place than York PA. 

I don’t know what Hanover is like now. 

Back then the York area was racist, John Birch Society, Hitler had his good points, territory.

Several former German Wehrmacht men settled in Pennsylvania.  Hanover is a good German name. The former Wehrmacht guys were nice friendly people. But they do say stuff like Hitler created jobs and probably were racist and anti-Semitic.

In 65 York PA had a mentally ill racist Mayor. The York PD told white street gangs where they could find a lone black kid or two to beat up. 

"An 18-year-old South Western School District student allegedly talked to his fellow classmates about shooting up the school, according to police. 

Penn Township Police say Ethan Michael Wilson also made comments about putting explosives in the lobby to block it, and that he was making explosives in his basement. 

Wilson, of the 800 block of Alvin Street, is charged with terroristic threats." 



Police: Student threatened shooting at South Western school 

Christopher Dornblaser

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Alexander & Costello. Gwenne Alexander is as near to Nazi as a PA politician can get. How much of Alexander’s philosophy does PA Congressman Ryan Costello like?

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas 2015 PA Leadership Conference Luncheon Speaker 

Tue 10 Mar, 2015 

"(Harrisburg, PA) – His undercover investigation into ACORN led to the group’s collapse; he caused a Planned Parenthood vice president to be fired; prompted firings at National Public Radio, exposed the unsecured nature of the U.S. Mexico border by crossing into the U.S. dressed as Osama Bin Laden without being stopped, and currently has a video revealing Al Sharpton’s exploitation of recent tragedies. 
He is James O’Keefe of Project Veritas and he will be the featured luncheon speaker at the 2015 Pennsylvania Leadership Conferenceon Saturday, April 18th.  This year’s Pennsylvania Leadership Conferencewill be held April 17th and 18th at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill (Harrisburg), Pennsylvania."
"Trust But Verify: Keeping Campaign Promises with moderator David Madeira host of The David Madeira Show on 94.3FM The Talker in Scranton and panelists Beth Ann Mumford of Americans for Prosperity-PA, Leo Knepperfrom the Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania and Gwenne Alexander from ACTION of PA."

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas 2015 PA Leadership Conference Luncheon Speaker
The woman standing next to Costello in this video is Gwenne Alexander. 

"Operation Hypo apparently ran alongside James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas’ own undercover operation to expose far-left plans for Inauguration Day. It remains uncertain if the two groups ran a joint effort or merely ran parallel operations, but it’s clear that the Oath Keepers are seeking further collaboration with O’Keefe, a onetime protĂ©gĂ© of Andrew Breitbart. 

“We have also offered to provide Project Veritas with volunteer security and personnel protection assistance, as our way of supporting their mission,” Rhodes says. 

A video that appears to be from a hidden body camera worn by a Project Veritas member was released by the group days ago, where the operative allegedly sits down with members of a far-left group and records them talking about compromising the ventilation system at the Deploraball with butyric acid or setting off the smoke alarm and sprinkler system. Rhodes, through Operation Hypo, says his organization can verify a number of Project Veritas’ claims." 


Oath Keepers On Guard at Inauguration of President Donald Trump

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Went to the Chester County Democratic Party Nominating Convention last night. Huge turnout. Maybe it’s me but the most impressive candidate there was John Fetterman

Huge turnout at CCDC Nominating Convention 2018
All our candidates are great. Hat’s off to anyone who wants to jump into the running for office meat grinder.

It’s just that I think if John Fetterman had another ten minutes to speak everyone would be on their feet applauding. 

John said when he was mayor, Braddock went 5 years without a murder. Something that I think hasn’t happened in Coatesville in maybe 60 years. He got me right there.

This is one of John Fetterman's ads:

I made a series of post about the new wave of politics that I believe will make huge piles of cash spent on political campaigns a historic blip. And professional campaign consultants a liability. 

The john Fedderman ad is in part 3 of a 3 part series:

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

To Coatesville City Council: Richie’s dead. Bitsy’s a film maker. The business ain’t gonna be “good again” in Coatesville.

I’ve seen police brutality. I lived and worked in Philly when “Hizzhonor” was commissioner & mayor. 

Maybe two blocks from my apartment at 22nd. & Green I was taking a photo of sneakers strung over a line with my Nikon F. Today it’s a $5,000 camera. Back then it was about a month’s salary. 

A skinny Puerto Rican guy showed up saying “Nice camera.” A second later he looked up and started running. 

A bigger Puerto Rican guy ran by me, cord dangling from a radio. A one eyed Black man was chasing him. One eye man stopped just in front of me and said “I got a gun.” About five guys in plain clothes showing badges and another ten in uniform just appeared. The Puerto Rican guys most likely got a “rough ride” to the Roundhouse. I went home shook up. 

A movie plays in my head as I write this. It ain’t pretty:

I got to know a Philly plain clothes cop, local drug dealers, Philly gangster’s sons, A former friend of Frank Rizzo, a guy with a luncheonette in Bridesburg who had mob hit men customers, lots of time on the street in Center City, Germantown, North Philly and so on. A well rounded street education. 

I rowed and ran along the Schuylkill. I could run fast and keep running. The street gangs carried knives back then. In 2018 you can’t outrun a bullet. 

I have a message to Coatesville residents complaining about our police. Coatesville Police are like pre-school teachers compared to the brutality I saw under “Hizzoner’s” reign in Philadelphia. 

Coatesville City Council, it’s like this:

Richard is dead. His extensive protection for drug business entrepreneurs in Chester County, PA died with him. 

You’re Wile E. Coyote walking on air. 

Detective Thompson is working on those 13 unsolved murders. If you try firing him along with Chief Jack Laufer the AG of Pennsylvania will be up your ass.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

2018 elections are like the Battle of Agincourt - Part 3 Examples of 21 Century political ads and how they are made.

"Meet the progressive team making campaign ads great again 

The hot take in politics right now is traditional political advertising doesn't work. Ads haven't really changed all that much in 40 years, and the old way of doing things — carefully scripting a candidate with talking points and having them read a script into a camera — makes politicians look phony.  

 Bill Hyers and Matt McLaughlin are a team of strategists who make political ads for progressive candidates. They say they've cracked the code on how to make politicians sound like actual human beings.  

 VICE News followed the team as they made a launch video for John Fetterman, a progressive candidate for Lt. Gov. of Pennsylvania."

WIN creates strategic, video-centric campaigns that engage audiences, drive action and create change.


An iPhone, or any smartphone and free editing software is all you need to make a political ad. For distribution Twitter or Facebook. 

Technical quality is a plus, but a compelling story honestly told makes a winning ad.

A winning political campaign no longer depends on the staggering amounts of money now spent on advertising. Enormous funds spent to promote a candidate and professional campaign managers it attracts can even be a losing proposition. 

Expensive equipment like the heavy armor French Army used at the Battle of Agincourt worked against the French. The cheap wooden longbows used by English archers trained at low marginal cost won the battle. 


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday, February 19, 2018

2018 elections are like the Battle of Agincourt Part 2. Smartphone, free editing software & free distribution is all you need to make a political ad.

Plenty of amateur films have been shot using iPhones, but by all reports, this is the first movie at the Sundance Film Festival to be shot almost entirely on an Apple device. It was a decision that indie writer and director Sean Baker made to accommodate the film’s small budget. But you’d never guess the camera, to look at it: Tangerine was shot in a widescreen, 2:35:1 aspect ratio, and its camera zooms through the streets of LA with a fluidity you’d never expect from a handheld device. And yet despite his camera of choice, Baker says the iPhone made for a good partner. "It was surprisingly easy," Baker says. "We never lost any footage.” 

How one of the best films at Sundance was shot using an iPhone 5S 

Casey Newton

Edited using DAVINCI RESOLVE 14 (Free version)

In film or video technically good helps, but a compelling story is paramount. 

The video below was done with the same recording equipment and edited with iMovie:


Once you pay for the hardware the marginal cost is zero.
Distribution costs on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or other application is zero. 

“Zero Marginal Cost” 

The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy

The end result is, a winning political campaign no longer depends on enormous amounts of money. Enormous funds spent to promote a candidate and professional campaign managers it attracts can even be a losing proposition. 


Expensive equipment like the heavy armor French Army used at the Battle of Agincourt worked against the French. The cheap wooden longbows used by English archers trained at low marginal cost won the battle. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

2018 elections are like the Battle of Agincourt. Democrats with accurate powerful long bows vs. Republicans in costly heavy armor dying on their corporate mud field. Part 1

"Whereas the people of our realm, rich and poor alike, were accustomed formerly in their games to practise archery – whence by God's help, it is well known that high honour and profit came to our realm, and no small advantage to ourselves in our warlike enterprises... that every man in the same country, if he be able-bodied, shall, upon holidays, make use, in his games, of bows and arrows... and so learn and practise archery. [25]"
In 1415, England had “zero marginal cost” ordinary folks trained in longbow archery. Those trained archers allowed England to mostly dominate warfare in Europe until guns replaced archers. 

In 2018 ordinary folks, some of them highly skilled communicators, use smartphones. The “zero marginal cost” way that elections will be won in 2018.

"Lissa Lucas, a first-time Democratic candidate for the statehouse in West Virginia’s District 7, was outraged that the legislature was considering expanding the rights of gas drillers at the expense of property owners. 

So she drove 100 miles to the state capitol and read off the list of fossil fuel donors to lawmakers at a public hearing. The presiding official, Republican Delegate John Shott, equated this recitation of public information as a personal attack and promptly expelled her from the chamber. 

In an interview with The Intercept two days after being thrown out of the legislature, Lucas wondered if Shott had overplayed his hand by having her expelled. “He brought so much more attention to it by having me thrown out,” she noted. 

It has certainly helped her fundraising. 'As of this writing, her campaign has raised more than $50,000. Lucas told The Intercept that this is a nearly elevenfold increase from the $4,000 she had raised prior to her address at the legislature. 'I’m blown away,' she said. 

The significance of this amount cannot be overstated. The website Ballotpedia tracks the total campaign contributions in District 7 for every campaign cycle going back to 2000. Lucas’s sum raised so far is more than twice the $17,498 raised by all three candidates in 2016. It is larger than the total funds raised during any cycle in the district in the 21st century. (The second-highest fundraising was $23,994, raised by four candidates in 2006). The current amount raised by the incumbent, Republican Jason Harshbarger, is not yet publicly available, but he raised just $9,300 in 2016. 

Lucas is doing all of this without attending the high-dollar fossil fuel fundraisers she has criticized many in the legislature for patronizing — including Harshbarger. In December, he was hosted at a fundraising event by a phalanx of fossil fuel lobbyists brought together by the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association. 

'All these legislators — if they were really working for us — they’d be working to get the influence of money out of politics, too,” said Lucas. “They’d be saying like, ‘I don’t want to spend 50 percent of my time making calls to see if this or that rich person will give me some money.’” 


Candidate Thrown Out of West Virginia Legislature for Reading Off Fossil Fuel Donors Raises Historic Sum of Campaign Money 


February 13 2018, 5:23 p.m.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Coatesville Revitalization moving along: “Dinniman: Investments in Coatesville support train station progress


State Sen. Andy Dinniman, D-19, said Tuesday that state and county investments in Coatesville's transportation infrastructure will support the continued progress on the Third Avenue Streetscape project, the new Coatesville Train Station, and other projects in the city.

The governor recently announced a nearly $1.3 million grant to DEPG Coatesville Associates, LP for intersection improvements to Route 82 (First Avenue) and multimodal enhancements to Route 82/3070 (E. Lincoln Highway) and E. Diamond Street to improve traffic flow, efficiency, and safety.

'Improvements to Coatesville's roads and intersections go hand-in-hand with our efforts to complete the Third Avenue Streetscape project and eventually break ground on the new Coatesville Train Station,' Dinniman, who serves on the Senate Transportation Committee, said. 'With support from both the state and county, upgrades to Coatesville's transportation infrastructure will drive economic revitalization and job growth.”