Obama/Biden vs. Bush/Cheney on weapons grade nuclear proliferation

"In December 2010, NNSA removed 50 kilograms (111 pounds) of highly enriched uranium (HEU) fresh fuel from three sites in Ukraine. The shipments were completed in a joint effort with counterparts in Ukraine and are an important step in implementing President Yanukovych's commitment at the April 2010 Nuclear Security Summit to remove all of Ukraine’s HEU by 2012, with a substantial portion removed by the end of 2010."

“So today I am announcing a new international effort to secure all vulnerable nuclear material around the world within four years. We will set new standards, expand our cooperation with Russia, pursue new partnerships to lock down these sensitive materials.”

REMARKS BY PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA Hradcany Square Prague, Czech Republic April 5, 2009

That’s one of the things the Obama Administration is doing to help secure the world against a nuclear terrorist attack; on the other hand:

Dick Cheney trashed the CIA’s effort to secure scientists with the knowledge of how to build nuclear weapons, In the process Cheney's actions  led to the likely assassination of CIA operatives world wide and jeopardized all future CIA efforts at gaining the cooperation of people who have information concerning nuclear materials or for that matter any CIA operation. Their reasoning would be; "the Bush/Cheney outed their own CIA NOC why would the CIA protect a foreigner like me"?

My only conclusion is that Cheney/Bush didn’t give a crap if Al-Qaeda, Iran or North Korea got their hands on weapons grade nuclear material, politics was their top priority.

I think Cheney’s actions were clearly treasonous. I don’t know if the people in the CIA that track scientists with the know how to build a nuclear bomb have recovered from Traitor Dick Cheney’s actions yet.

On a side note: Do you think the stuff would have been hijacked by terrorists if a piece of crap so called “News” organization like Fox had the information that MSNBC had and outed the entire operation so that Fox "News" could make a scoop?

Maddow made the analogy that this mission is like something out of a spy novel, and hearing it, it’s tough to disagree – except this, of course, was real, it was important, it was dangerous, and unlike so much of the material on shows of this sort this week, had nothing to do with years-old news about Michael Vick.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

"Property Rights and Responsibility"

Property Rights and Responsibility
 All private property rights are completely dependent on the community. We maintain a right to our land only because we can record a deed at the county courthouse, which is supported by the community. We enforce our property rights through a legal system supported by the community. Our property would be worthless without roads and electric and telephone lines built by the community. We are safe and secure in our homes because of police and fire departments organized by the community.
 Just as the community makes it possible for us to enjoy our property, each community has the right – the obligation, in fact- to ensure private property is used in ways that will benefit the long –term public interest.
 Save Our Land Save Our Towns by Thomas Hylton
 I very highly recommend reading: “Save Our Land Save Our Towns” by Thomas Hylton. It’s in all our Libraries. There is also a videocassette “Saving Pennsylvania, Save our Lands Save our Towns” in our libraries. "Saving Pennsylvania, Save our Lands Save our Towns" was a PBS Television special program. 
Also see:
“Save Our Land, Save Our Towns was founded by Tom Hylton to facilitate change — change in private attitudes, change in public policy. Through education and advocacy, the non-profit champions the use of:
• regional planning 
• growth boundaries 

• traditional town design 
to protect rural areas and encourage the redevelopment of cities and towns that house people of all ages, races and incomes.”

 Also keep in mind that virtually all land use law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania  is decided locally by municipalities and school boards. What is left over are State Parks and State Forests and National Parks and Forests; State and Federal roadways and Defense Department Property. That comes to about 4,000 different government organizations deciding all land use in Pennsylvania. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The next target of WikiLeaks is “Ponzi Bank of America” and its subsidiary, that company with a business model based on fraud, Country Wide Mortgage. I think that “Ponzi Bank of America” is at least partially behind the demonizing of WikiLeaks.  I think that “Money is Talking” to the public officials that were involved in the alleged theft of that “Money” and those public officials are talking to journalists. The biggest crime of all may be that the extremely rapid foreclosures on homes going on nationwide is really nothing more than an attempt to destroy the records of fraudulent activity by mortgage companies.

tuesDAY, DEC 28, 2010 05:29 ET
“What an astounding feat to train a nation's journalist class to despise above all else those who shine a light on what the most powerful factions do in the dark and who expose their corruption and deceit, and to have journalists -- of all people -- lead the way in calling for the head of anyone who exposes the secrets of the powerful.   Most ruling classes -- from all eras and all cultures -- could only fantasize about having a journalist class that thinks that way, but most political leaders would have to dismiss that fantasy as too extreme, too implausible, to pursue.  After all, how could you ever get journalists -- of all people -- to loathe those who bring about transparency and disclosure of secrets?  But, with a few noble exceptions, that's exactly the journalist class we have.”

Sunday, December 26, 2010

“Recollections of Coatesville”

Great Story; One of my friends had a strong man mallet game. My brother had the coveted “Red Rider BB gun”, you know; the kind “you’ll shoot out your eye “with, in the movie “A Christmas Story”. It’s exactly like the Coatesville that I remember.
Recollections of Coatesville
Saturday, December 25, 2010
By CARMIN VANCE GARNETT, Special to the Local News
It’s my understanding that here in Coatesville we received two “Christmas presents” the Marriot Courtyard Hotel and the National Velodrome.

Friday, December 24, 2010

High Flying Reindeer

“Reindeer pee Glögg" anyone?
In case there still is anyone out there that thinks drug addiction can be cured by prisons here are; hallucinogenic mushroom eating reindeer, drunken songbirds, inebriated goats, opium poppy addict water buffalo, cocaine addict llamas and so on. It appears that we learned about the plants from them.

Merry Christmas and don’t over imbibe.

Is the NRA the primary reason AK-47 Assault Rifles are fired in Coatesville?

We woke up to gunfire from a 357 and 9mm early in the morning of May 22, 2006 when Odell Cannon and Omega Peoples survived a shootout near 7 and Diamond Streets in Coatesville.  They were both wearing vests. I’ve been told that many of the civilians that you see on the corners of Coatesville are wearing vests under their clothing even on the hottest days of summer. Just ask at local Laundromats. 

I wonder what the Vietnam veterans in Coatesville were thinking when their sleep was interrupted by fully automatic fire from an AK-47 on May 18, 2007.

I wonder what the Coatesville Police thought when they found empty casings from AK-47s and later when five AK-47 rifle magazines, several boxes of 7.62-mm ammunition possibly used in that rifle were seized in a raid in East Fallowfield.

One thing about the AK-47 cartridge is that it goes right through anything but combat ceramic plate style body armor. An ordinary vest regularly worn by police does not protect from assault rifle ammunition.

Two West Memphis, Ark., police officers met a father-son team of “sovereign citizens “Jerry and Joe Kane, during a routine morning traffic stop.  Joe Kane suddenly gunned down the two officers with fully automatic fire from his AK-47. The officer’s vests didn’t protect them.

When I was a boy I read “American Rifleman” for tips on marksmanship. One thing I remember learning was how to use a rifle sling for a forearm support. The sling fully supports the rifle and you can lean your elbow on something and let your forearm go limp; making for a steady shot. Now it’s about vest piercing machine guns and armor piercing sniper rifles; just the thing for serious drug traffickers and the occasional wing nut to use against police.

The extreme profitability of drug trafficking leaves millions of dollars on the table that is used to influence public officials.  I think the National Rifle Association is an anti-police pro gunrunner lobbyist organization that is heavily influenced by organized crime drug traffickers masquerading as a gun rights protection group. I don’t buy their “we protect gun rights” 2nd Amendment crap.

I think that drug and arms traffickers can thank “their” NRA lobbyists for this one too:

Expanding the “Castle Doctrine” to apply to anywhere a gun owner is, including gun owning “cornerboys” is being brought to states all over the nation by the National Rifle Association; possibly making events like the Cannon vs. Peoples shootout perfectly legal.

Governor Rendell vetoed the expanded "Castle Doctrine" bill but it will be reintroduced and is expected to be signed by our newbie Governor Corbett.

“Kathy McDonnell has a colorful way of describing what could happen if the Castle Doctrine's expanded.

"What this bill does is basically create what I call the Dr. Seuss defense," said McDonnell, "You can shoot 'em in your car, you can shoot 'em on your roof, you can shoot 'em on the porch, you can shoot 'em just about anywhere, if you have a legal right to be there."
McDonnell is with the Philadelphia District Attorney's office, and is a Legislative liaison for the Pennsylvania District Attorney's Association, which represents all the DA's across the state.  She said even a case like a drug dealer who shoots a rival could end up getting thrown out under the expanded law.” 

Will drug traffickers be sending “Thank You” notes to the American Rifle Association for the “Expanded Castle Doctrine”?
November 17, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dry Drunk Yale Frat Boy Braggart to Statesman

Rachel Maddow:
We went from a dry drunk Yale frat boy braggart to a statesman and it’s hard for people to adjust.
Maybe if President Obama made a US Navy aircraft carrier with a “Mission Accomplished” banner do circles offshore and then landed on it wearing a dress up flight jacket people would have gotten it.  

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


After a child learns to walk there is a period of maybe two weeks before that child starts to run and then
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It’s wheels.
That is one reason that I think the National Velodrome will be extremely popular with the youth of Coatesville.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Daily Local News and Katrina Dix got this news piece right “Wheels & Deals (video)”

I also think the Chester County Economic Development Council got their economic forecast for Chester County right.

A mixed economic forecast for Chester County

Here in Chester County we had a tiny Ponzi bank mortgage derivates fraud bubble and when it did burst it didn’t make much of a mess. We have some new industry here that makes things you can touch such as Sikorsky and several Pennsylvania based manufacturing companies that will compete in the zero fossil fuel economy of the near future.
And, the National Velodrome is almost recession proof. It’s not entirely dependent on the local economy and it will attract customers internationally. A commercial system could develop around the National Velodrome and attract other commercial and office development. And financing does not seem to be a problem for the National Velodrome.
I once lived near the Valley Preferred Cycling Center in Trexlertown and I know the National Velodrome would provide a fitness and athletic facility that attracts more local children and adults than anything ever seen in Chester County.
I know that kids here think about basketball a lot, but I think the prospects of being an NBA player are slimmer than winning the Power Ball lottery.
We also have a lot of interest in track and field sports in Coatesville. Velodrome racing is sort of track and field racing on wheels at about 40 mph.
With the National Velodrome here a lot of kids will focus on cycling. After all, the Velodrome in Lehigh County produced 18 Olympians. The proposed National Velodrome is a much bigger and year-round facility. I’m looking forward to an Olympic Gold Medalist in cycling from Coatesville High School. 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Can metal detectors be put into Magisterial District Courts?

I think the answer is maybe.
Kathleen Brady Shea’s article in the Inquirer brought security in our Magisterial District Courts to my attention again.
I’ve sat in Magisterial District Courts and saw people that I know have a permit to carry a weapon and wondered if they had the weapon on their person in court.
Magisterial District Courts are usually the first place that people are brought to after an incident of some kind and I believe the potential for violence is high.
I don’t know of a Magisterial Court in Chester County that has a metal detector such as the Justice Center has. I think that gap in security makes Magisterial District Courts a dangerous place. If the Magisterial District Courts were under the supervision of Chester County it might be relatively easy to install metal detectors. But the Magisterial District Courts in Chester County are under the supervision of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. However the President Judge of Common Pleas Court can administer some of the operations of Magisterial District Courts and might be able to order the placement of metal detectors in Magisterial District Courts. But requiring the State Constables that serve as Magisterial District Court security to operate the metal detectors is an altogether different situation. 
Higher security in Magisterial District Courts in the form of metal detectors might be feasible under existing law but it might take legislative action to make it happen, 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The 7th Annual Smart Growth Symposium: Smart Growth & Sustainability in Challenging Economic Times

Delaware Valley Smart Growth Alliance


Present the 7th Annual Smart Growth Symposium:

Thursday, January 20, 2011 8:30-11:00am

PECO Building, 2301 Market Street, Philadelphia (Energy Hall – Lower Level)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


November 22, 2010

Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania League of Cities and Municipalities (PLCM) Board of Directors is pleased to announce the release of the much awaited Core Communities in Crisis Task Force Report and Call to Action.  The Report provides a vision with detailed recommendations for needed change and reform in three key areas of crisis:  Isolation of Core Communities
Within Their Regions; Mandated Costs, Policies and Procedures; and Inability of Municipalities to Fund and Provide for the Health, Safety and Welfare of Citizens.
PLCM Board members approved the Task Force Report during a meeting held earlier today and announced its release at a press briefing held immediately following the formal gathering.
In an effort to increase awareness and address the serious and immediate crisis facing our urban centers, the League formed the Core Communities in Crisis Task Force earlier this summer, charging it with identifying the problems confronting core communities, determining viable solutions to those problems, and providing recommendations to present to the new Governor and General Assembly in 2011.
Archaic codes, an inflexible local taxing structure, mandated personnel benefits, and explosive personnel and service costs are placing severe financial hardship on our core communities.  In October 2010, the twentieth community sought help under the Commonwealth’s Act 47 Distressed Municipality Program.
More at:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ferlin Charles, medical foster home coordinator, for the Veterans Administration Hospital of Coatesville at the Coatesville City Council Meeting December 13, 2010

Veterans Adm Foster Home Ms Ferlin Charles.mp3

Ms. Charles made a presentation to the Coatesville City Council and to the public.
“It’s a relatively new program… Nationally it’s been around for about 2 years. And I wanted to reach out to Coatesville residents as I search for homes for care givers who are willing to open their homes for veterans…Basically our veterans will be World War II Veterans, Vietnam Veterans and across the country we have… Iraq Veterans.  Part of my job is to find caregivers in the community pool to provide 24 hour care with physician support.
Veterans out of his or her pocket will reimburse the care giver…The compensation can be $1,500 a month to $2,500 a month depending upon the level of care.
One of the things that we prefer is that the bedroom is on the first floor. If you have a bedroom on the second floor you have to have a sprinkler system… I’ve met some caregivers who are willing to convert a living room or dining room on the first floor for that veteran."
Councilperson Jarrell Brazzle asked, “How many veterans can you have in a house?”
Ms. Charles replied, “Each home cannot have any more than 3 veterans. I would like to have 2 or 3 veterans in each home rather than by his or her self unless they absolutely insist…
We have a home based primary medical team that goes into the home and provides services and I’m also in the home as an assistant on a regular basis."
Coatesville City Council President Ed Simpson asked, “Now the veterans that need assisted living to have medications given, would they be in the homes?”
Ms. Charles, “Yes.”
Mr. Simpson, “And somebody, a nurse would come out every day?
Ms. Charles, “Absolutely not, “The nurse would provide the support. The caregiver would be the one that would provide the medication…
The caregiver is trained to administer these medications and then the nurse obviously is there for support."
Mr. Brazzle, “Does the caregiver have to live in the house with the veteran?”
Ms. Charles, “Absolutely; the VA has a program where the caregivers don’t have to live in the home. That’s not this program. This program is a little bit more personal than the other program. And also that program that is not within a home can have more than 3 residents…”
It covers the entire Coatesville area to about 30 miles out from the Veteran’s Hospital in Coatesville.
Ms. Charles, “There is a very strict application process. Every applicant has to go through an FBI background check, medical clearances, they have to be 21 years or older. They have to have some kind of experience taking care others; if you say I’ve been taking care of my dad, that’s enough.
If you are accepted into the program you might not get a veteran right away because the matching process also takes a while.”
The veterans in the Foster Care Program tend to be elderly veterans.
Ms. Charles, “It’s a process but the end result is well worth it.”
There is much more on the recording.
If you are interested in the Medical Foster Home Care Program, please contact Ferlin Charles, medical foster home coordinator, at 610-466-2273.
Daily Local News:
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Recognition of Officer Rodger H. Ollis Community Policing Officer of the City of Coatesville

Coatesville City Council President Ed Simpson:
“Councilman Jarrell Brazzle recently had the occasion to witness Police Officer Rodger Ollis interacting with the children and would like to recognize him for his dedication to his job as Community Policing Officer for our Police Department. A resolution has been prepared for this purpose and will be presented for Council’s approval by Councilman Brazzle.”
Mr. Brazzle was using crutches because of a knee injury and passed the honor of presenting the declaration to Coatesville City Council President Ed Simpson.
Recognition of Police Officer Rodger Ollis
“Whereas the City of Coatesville received a Federal Weed and Seed Grant for the creation of a Community Policing Officer, whose responsibilities include interacting with the citizens of the community being a liaison between the Police Department and the community.
And whereas Officer Rodger Ollis was designated to the position of Community Policing Officer and has become well known and respected in the Coatesville community through his dedication to the position and through interacting with many citizens and especially the youth of Coatesville demonstrating his true caring for Coatesville’s people and desire to be of assistance in any way possible to help everyone to be part of the community.
And whereas Officer Ollis was caught doing something right by Councilman Jarrell Brazzle on Tuesday December 7th when he witnessed Officer Ollis interacting with several youths through exchanges of discussions and activities in which the youth seemed truly engrossed with the Officer and having fun, which demonstrated Officer Ollis’ character and understanding of the importance of his position as Community Policing Officer.
Now therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Coatesville that it does extend its appreciation to Community Policing Officer Rodger Ollis for his dedication to his position, to the community, to the citizens and particularly the youth of Coatesville through his continued interaction and activities to put the Police Department and City Government in the best light with those he comes in contact.
Approved this Thirteenth Day of December Two Thousand and Ten.”
City Councilman Karl Marking added that Officer Ollis was very helpful at the Halloween Parade.
City Councilperson Jarrell Brazzle had a few words to say:
“Let me explain what he actually did. I was driving past Scott Middle School and I just glanced over real quick and I see this officer out interacting with the kids. The kids were helping him pick up trash and put in the trash can. And he was actually racing with the kids and the kids were just laughing and having a great time.
And so I actually came back around right back around to Scott and actually got out and actually spoke to him and it was just amazing to see that interaction with the community and officer. As long as I have been here, I’ve not seen that often…That’s why I wanted to honor him.”

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The $137 million settlement from Bank of America to DASD seems like a good deal, right?

Wrong, the SEC and the USDoJ probably can’t use evidence in their fraud lawsuit in a criminal prosecution. I think Bank of America won.

Richard Cordray, Former Ohio AG:
Every foreclosure done with falsified affidavits was improper.
The fact it happened repeatedly makes it worse.
Ally (GMAC), Bank of America, and JPMorgan Chase admitted to this practice.
Cordray: Apparently they had "fraud as a business model."
CNBC October 15, 2010
Presentation to the Federal Housing Finance Agency Supervision Summit, Washington, D.C.
Janet Tavakoli, President, Tavakoli Structured Finance, Inc.
December 8, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Gunshot Location Detection System

It’s difficult to establish what location a gunshot came from even if people do call 911 about hearing gunshots. I think a “Gunshot Location Detection System” would be very helpful in Coatesville for sending first responders to a location where a gunshot was fired and also aid in investigations. It can be used to instantly turn surveillance cameras to the shots location. It can be used with geographic information systems to bring up police reports in the shots fired area.

This is part of a Wikipedia post about “Gunshot Location Detection System
“Public safety
In public safety and law enforcement, gunshot location systems are often used in high crime areas for rapid awareness into the communications and dispatch center where the alerts are used to direct first responders to the scene of the gunfire, thus increasing arrests rates and improving officer safety, as well as in the long run deterring gun crimes, shootings and especially "celebratory gunfire" (the practice of shooting weapons in the air for fun). Gunshot location systems based upon wide-area acoustic surveillance coupled with persistent incident data storage transcends dispatch-only uses because reporting of urban gunfire (via calls to 9-1-1) can be as low as 20%, which means that law enforcement agencies and their crime analysts have incomplete data regarding true activity levels and patterns. With a wide-area acoustic surveillance based approach combined with a persistent repository of gunfire activity (i.e., a database), agencies have closer to 100% activity data that can be analyzed for patterns and trends to drive directed patrols and intelligence-led policing. Additional benefits include aiding investigators to find more forensic evidence to solve crimes and provide to prosecutors to strengthen court cases resulting in a higher conviction rate. With the accuracy of a gunshot location system and the ability to geo-reference to a specific street address, versus a dearth of information that typically is the case when citizens report gunfire incidents to 9-1-1, agencies can also infer shooters by comparing with known criminal locations, including those on parole and probation; investigators can also at times infer intended victims and hence predict and prevent reprisals.
Gunshot location systems have been used domestically in urban areas since the mid 1990’s by a growing list of cities and municipalities that are embracing gunshot location systems as a mission-essential tool in their arsenal for fighting violent crime. Federal and homeland security agencies too have embraced gunshot location systems and their benefits; notably the FBI successfully used a ShotSpotter GLS during the 2003-2004 Ohio highway sniper attacks, in conjunction with the Franklin County Sheriff.”

With just some brief research is appears as though ShotSpotter is the preferred technology for most police departments.
ShotSpotter also has information concerning funding sources for police departments. 

BROCK PARKER - The York Dispatch
Article Last Updated: 09/11/2008 10:50:36 AM
Signal Scape - Official Blog of the AFCEA
By Henry Kenyon
February 25, 2010 

Lost Application

It seems that Barry Cassidy applied for the City Manager Position in Coatesville months ago but his application  allegedly never showed up in City of Coatesville records. 

"I'd like to be the city manager of Coatesville,' Cassidy said" from:

Published: Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Republicans are at total war with the Obama Administration and incidentally at total war with Constitution.

They will refuse to govern until a Republican President is in office. The Republicans have made it abundantly clear that they will deliberately let the USA go to hell until they have total control. Why that’s not perfectly clear to everyone is astounding.
By surrendering to the Republicans President Obama has marred his pledge to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States"; because right now I believe the Republican Party is an enemy of the Constitution. Keep in mind that the Constitution begins with “We the People” it’s not “We the Billionaires”, We the Wall Street Bankers", "We the Multi-National Energy Corporations" or “We the Terrorists Who Love that the SALT Treaty is Null and Void".
Check out these two columns by Nobel Prize Winner Paul Krugman:

December 7, 1941 and “America First Committee”

I’ve heard stories about “The Kaiser” in Coatesville and people of German decent in Bucks and Montgomery County’s open praise of Hitler before and even during WWII.
Before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor many Americans, nearly all of them Republicans wanted the USA to abstain from the war in Europe. Some in the anti-war “American First Committee” were openly anti-Semitic and praised Hitler’s actions against Jews. American heroes like Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford were openly pro Hitler. Almost all of that changed on December 7, 1941.
The problem we have here in Chester County and all across the nation is that those anti-Semitic and pro-Hitler beliefs are still alive and well.  I think that people with those hard core right wing extremist beliefs are at the core of the “Teabagger” extremist takeover of the Republican Party.
I believe this is one example of the twisted reasoning of right wing Republicans:
The achievements of that organization are monumental. By keeping America out of World War II until Hitler attacked Stalin in June of 1941, Soviet Russia, not America, bore the brunt of the fighting, bleeding and dying to defeat Nazi Germany. Thanks to America First, no nation suffered less in the world's worst war. Pat Buchanan
I believe that there is no circumstance that a former Coatesville resident that I know will say something bad about Hitler. His email name was America1ster.
“America First” is still around in the form of the “America First Party” founded by white supremacist Edward Fields.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do Republican Judges throw away Constitutions at will and make up law on the spot?

When elections are decided and appointments are made (like a certain “Senior Magistrate Judge”) it looks like Chester County Courts are not the only courts that allegedly overwrite constitutions. 

I think that making up law on the spot for purely partisan political reasons is not just political fun and games, the consequences to ordinary citizens can be deadly. 
The Supreme Court's granting Bush the victory looks even worse today than it did 10 years ago, says Eric Alterman—even if historians weren't debating whether George W. Bush was the worst president ever or just since Grant.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


"Calling all cyclists: Support the proposed Coatesville Velodrome by participating in the Coatesville Christmas Parade

Saturday, December 4, 2010

When: Staging begins at 8:30 AM
*100 baseball caps embroidered with the Velodrome logo to be given away"


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

About John Pawlowski and Graffiti

From Graffitii

A few years ago John Pawlowski made all of us aware of the graffiti in Coatesville and surrounding communities. I think he did us a much bigger service than most people realize.
When Chief Matthews took over and Coatesville Police began to leave and it came down to one officer on duty for the entire City at any given time, the word got around that “business is good again” in Coatesville. I believe that gangs like MS-13 and Latin Kings and "Crips"took notice of the money making opportunities in Coatesville. I believe divergent gangs like the “Crips” and SUR-13 were trying to build a presence in Coatesville. The graffiti was escalating from local kids to national gangs.

From Graffitii

The East Fallowfield Police arrested 3 people with SUR-13 identifiers on January 5, 2008. SUR-13/Surenos is a Mexican derived gang. MS-13 is a much bloodier Salvadoran derived gang. MS-13 and SUR-13/Surenos are now linked and both can be considered MS-13. The SUR-13 gang members arrested by East Fallowfield Police may have been associated with the Maryland gangs.
More signs of MS-13 gang found

Daily Local News January 7, 2008

From Graffitii

The ATF has an extensive investigation into gang members in Maryland that led to arrests:

By Kathleen Brady Shea
Inquirer Staff Writer

City celebrates John Pawlowski Day

Published: Thursday, November 25, 2010